
Debate Info

Creepy Not creepy
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Not creepy (3)

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Balrog(65) pic

Is the Moslem clock Tower in Mecca creepy?


Side Score: 0

Not creepy

Side Score: 3
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1 point

Well it depends on the photo, but in plain day its actually a pretty good looking building .

Side: Not creepy
1 point

Nothing creepier than the symbol of Baal looming over a million Muslims as they bow to a rock they believe fell from Heaven as according to their prophet who claimed himself that he was demon possessed.

Baal being the prefix to Baalzebub, the Lord of the Demons.

Side: Not creepy
1 point

It's really going to depend on the photo. The one you have is a little creepy but it's not the clock tower that makes it so.

The one I posted looks beautiful

Side: Not creepy