
Debate Info

Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 YES (2)

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BenShapiro(218) pic

Is the left out of logical arguments? Is character assasination all they have?

The left no longer makes arguments about policies’ effectiveness. Their only argument is character assassination.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
1 point

Liberals are adults who have never matured mentally. Don't believe me? Look at how they behave, especially when they don't get their way, then compare it to how little children behave. There is no difference.

Side: YES
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

This applies to liberals in popular and mainstream media. But I'm sure you personally know liberals who are not full grown children.

The IDW has made a habit of making a "steel man" argument out of their opponents position so that they can proceed honestly, on the merits of their position rather than on the poor rhetoric of their opponents. I would like to see that kind of discourse here, but it is rare.

Side: YES
1 point

Of course they do. The right does the exact same thing. Any centrist who doesn't toe the party line in this country is being called both a Nazi and a Socialist by people who don't even know what either term actually mean. This is exacerbated by a dying cable media desperate for viewers in this age of the internet to the extent that they'll sacrifice their core purpose of news for that of entertainment. Unfortunately what sells is conflict- whether the latest mass shooting, or pitting political rivals against each other, or if that isn't available, report a ration of about 10% news and 90% people with polar opposite opinions bickering about it. This necessitates finding the loudest and most extreme opinions. It's usually also the loudest and most extreme opinions most willing to invest their time in being center stage on internet forums, hence, the split widens between both sides.

Side: YES
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