
Debate Info

They're molesters They're Chiiiiiiiild molesters
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 They're molesters (1)
 They're Chiiiiiiiild molesters (2)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Keep calm and ignore Liberals molesting people

Liberals molest others.... a lot...

They're molesters

Side Score: 2

They're Chiiiiiiiild molesters

Side Score: 5
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4 points

Let justice fall on anyone who was up to no good regardless of their political affiliations. And that goes all the way to the top.

Side: They're Chiiiiiiiild molesters

Yep, I think we can all put politics aside when it comes to this, it doesn't matter if you're a bible thumping rapist or a tranny bathroom seeking 5 million gender believing rapist, you still deserve to get rekt.

Side: They're Chiiiiiiiild molesters
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Where's the justice for those viable late term babies you support killing?

If the courts made it legal to rape women, as they made it legal to kill babies, would you so easily accept those laws? Are you that bankrupt in your humanity.

You lack the moral discernment to know when something is inhuman?

You prove the existence of God because you are the very people the Bible speaks to when describing mankind wthout God. They lose all sense of humanity and priorities.

The hypocrisy from the Left is clinical dsyfunction.

Side: They're molesters