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Debate Score:11
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 Liberals love babies unless they're disabled. Then it's kill and enslave. (6)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Liberals love babies unless they're disabled. Then it's kill and enslave.

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4 points

So when you were a liberal you wanted to kill and enslave babies? I'm sorry but that is beyond forgiven. You should be locked up.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

* forgiveness

2 points

What disabled babies have been enslaved?

2 points

Can't you, at least, tell a LIE that makes sense?? Only the really FAR right gang of madmen would even consider that statement to be coherent!

1 point


Well if a child is going to have a crippling disorder and im a parent and abortion is a viable option i think id be an idiot not to consider it. Do i really have the financial means to take care of the child? Whats the childs quality of life going to be anyways? These are valid questions.

If im going to have a kid whos is going to be perpetually in paid and agony for its entire short life then the humane thing, in my opinion, is to stop its suffering before it even begins. It wont even know the difference.

As for enslave i have no idea what that means

Liberals love anything and everyone... unless it or they don't vote Democrat. Then they must be silenced, beaten, and destroyed with lies, racist attacks, and bigotry.