
Debate Info

Explains today Sad
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:31
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 Explains today (6)
 Sad (12)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Lyndon B Johnson and the uppity negro

Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963-

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them n*ggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years."

("Inside the Whitehouse", Ronald Kessler)

Explains today

Side Score: 6


Side Score: 18
1 point

Hello bront:

It's true.. In his personal life, he was a racist SOB.. However, in his political life, he passed the most civil rights legislation since the Emancipation Proclamation..

In terms of importance to the country, does his personal racism matter more, or the civil rights laws he got passed??


Side: Explains today
2 points

It's true.. In his personal life, he was a racist SOB

That's odd. You told me on the other thread that all racists were Republicans.

Side: Sad
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello bront,

You got this timing thing all fucked up. Back then, as you’ve noted time and time again, the Democrats were the racists. But that was back then.

Dude. Now is now.


Side: Explains today
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Water Boy you have just explained that Progressives are Racist. You can't help how dumbed down the party has made you. LMMFAO

Side: Sad
3 points

It's sad the Bongo was encouraged to artificially rise above his station.

Every Bongo should know his a place, and be kept in his place.

Attempts at having the Bongo integrate with normal society doesn't work as their underlying psyche is one of violent confrontation and the destruction of the society in which they live.

Side: Sad