
Debate Info

That's good. That's bad.
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:18
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 That's good. (4)
 That's bad. (4)

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YeshuaBought(2848) pic

NATO forces "drill" roll across Europe towards Russia's border. What say you?

That's good.

Side Score: 8

That's bad.

Side Score: 6

This would not be happening if the Nazis had finished Russia. But anyway - we are past due for this. Europe is dead anyway!- islamified

Side: That's good.
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

This would not be happening if the Nazis had finished Russia

Hello Nazi:

Woulda, coulda, shoulda... That's what LOOSERS say.


Side: That's bad.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Should anyone at this point not understand your hang up on Nazis when that is what your party supports. You trying to defend it shows what a Progressive Minion you are.

Side: That's good.
Antrim(1287) Clarified
1 point

Encouraging and growing signs of the deinfestation of Islam in Europe are coming from Italy and Hungry.

The unelected loony left bureaucrats in Brussels have unwittingly signed their own political death warrant by promoting the intake of millions of Muslims.

At long last the back lash by the indigenous populations of the nations whose traditional cultures have been ruined by the invading hordes of Muslims has started.

Side: That's good.
2 points

No one wants war, especially with a belligerent and expansionist super power like Russia.

However, due to Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its Sabre rattling at the Ukraine it is absolutely vital the west demonstrates that, while it's pushing for peace, it is ready for war.

The quote attributed to George Santayana;- those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

The western powers turned a blind eye as Hitler's Nazi Germany built up the greatest war machine the world had ever seen and tried to appease the dictator's aggression by remaining passive when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia Poland.

Only fools, very dangerous fools would not recognize the game of intimidation Russia is playing and only GREATER FOOLS would realize that they represent a serious threat to the democracies of the free world and sit idly by.

Side: That's bad.
-1 points

This might lead to war........................................................................................

Side: That's bad.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points
1 point

Are you fucking serious? War is rarely justified.......................................................

Side: That's bad.