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 NBC News Concludes Trump Supporters Are Racist (23)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

NBC News Concludes Trump Supporters Are Racist

The Obama Media Group will grab any narrative available to push the Leftist Agenda. 
 NBC News has looked at the poll numbers and added them up to conclude only one thing: Trump supporters are big fat racists. 

Poll numbers for a presidential candidate make those supporters racist ?
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2 points

Well, that settles it for me. If NBC news says it, it must be true.

1 point

Poll numbers must make all supporters of any presidential candidate racist at this point. Wouldn't you think ?

1 point

Nggggeeeehhh. I'm not really sure about should kinda rethink that statement. Goodbye. poof.

2 points

You don't know me very well do you? It's possible I wasn't being entirely truthful.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You have no proof to dispute what has been said ? Links are provided for you there High Schooler from Australia

2 points

The left will identify you as racist if you don't support Obama. The left will identify you as racist if you want immigrants to get in line before entering our country. The left will identify you as racist of you understand the value of and support local police. The left will identify you as racist if you think all lives matter. The left will identify you as racist if you think voter ID's are a good thing.

Being called a racist has become an overused, empty condemnation equivalent to being called a capitalist. Which would only make you fell bad if your a socialist, progressive, communist bastard.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

The left will identify you as racist if you don't support Obama.

Really? I was a vocal opponent of his, why wasn't I ever called a racist?

The left will identify you as racist if you want immigrants to get in line before entering our country.

Really? I want that, and have had conversations with many Democratics who wanted that as well, including plenty of Latinos.

The left will identify you as racist of you understand the value of and support local police.

Really? Why are there so many police fundraising events attended by vocal supporters of our police here in the liberal bastion of Chicago? They certainly weren't being called racists.

The left will identify you as racist if you think all lives matter.

The Left thinks all lives matter as well. That remains one of the dumbest response to that protest movement ever.

The left will identify you as racist if you think voter ID's are a good thing.

Nah, the Left might call you a racist if you are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist with a method that disenfranchises certain ethnic groups, particularly when some very prominent supporters of it within government have been found making incredibly racist comments about it. Guilt by association is iffy, of course, but a bit stronger in a Representative form of government.

Being called a racist has become an overused, empty condemnation equivalent to being called a capitalist.

Or Communist, or Socialist, or Fascist, or almost any of the "ists" lately.

Which would only make you fell bad if your a socialist, progressive, communist bastard.

Should have dropped an inb4. Damn.

daver(1770) Clarified
1 point

Really? I was a vocal opponent of his, why wasn't I ever called a racist?

Really? Why are there so many police fundraising events attended by vocal supporters of our police here in the liberal bastion of Chicago? They certainly weren't being called racists.

Because because not everyone is on the left.

1 point

I'm black so I can tell if a person is racist when I look into their eyes. I see nothing, but scorn and aggression for colored people when I look at trump. The thing about racists, is that most of them have this ability too. That ability allows them to find others like them easily so that they can amass and develop their racist ideas and further their racist agenda.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
2 points

So I ask you........ after 40 years of the Democrat party playing the race card to get the Black vote, what on earth reason would Black people have to keep voting for Democrats at a rate of 95%, when their plight in life has gotten worse decade after decade. Does the phrase "fool me once, shame on you, fool me for 40 years, shame on me", mean anything to you.

Is welfare all the majority of African Americans want in life, or do they want real jobs? I have heard that over 70% of Black families are broken. Why on earth would they keep electing these same Democrats, and expect different results.

If I were a Black person, I would try something else and give the GOP a chance. If you actually believe the GOP is mostly racist, then Democrats and the Liberal media are doing great job brainwashing people.

1 point

So I ask you........ after 40 years of the Democrat party playing the race card to get the Black vote, what on earth reason would Black people have to keep voting for Democrats at a rate of 95%, when their plight in life has gotten worse decade after decade

Because the Republican Party has given them no evidence that they would be better. That says more about how horrible the Republican Party is when it comes to minority outreach than anything else. The Democratic Party is so bad when it comes to solving minority problems, yet the Republican Party still manages to disenfranchise them.

Is welfare all the majority of African Americans want in life, or do they want real jobs?

Most people on welfare have jobs. Why do you talk of them as if they are mutually exclusive?

If I were a Black person, I would try something else and give the GOP a chance. If you actually believe the GOP is mostly racist, then Democrats and the Liberal media are doing great job brainwashing people.

Why give a group a chance that often demonizes you, compares you to animals, calls you "moochers", "takers", etc. I truly think that African Americans aren't voting for the Democratic Party because of how much they have done for them, but because of how little the Republicans have done.

1 point

They concluded that all Donald's supporters are black! Whoever would have thought that? Well, you live and learn.

1 point

I'm sure many of them are, not ALL. The rest are just out of touch with reality.