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Debate Score:96
Total Votes:106
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Should Phil Robertson be kicked off of Duck Dynasty?

"'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson has been suspended indefinitely by A&E Networks following controversial remarks about homosexuality",0,6319736.story


Side Score: 34


Side Score: 62
3 points

If I were A&E;? Well, I'd monetize the hell out of the situation. Suspend the dude and get the interest of both the for and against crowd to drive traffic. wait a minute isn't that exactly what they did?

Side: Yes

Yes he should. It's simply a business decision. The network has decided it stands to lose money if it's seen to be supportive of his views by not taking action so buhbye.

Who cares really? Everything on TV these days is about ducks, trailer parks and swamps, so what's one less puke on one show that nobody with an IQ higher than the average houseplant gives a shit about?

Side: Yes
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
4 points

They should've thought about that before they started a show about an old Southern pastor.

Side: No

It is a business decision. A&E;has to realize that they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. If they don't, The gays are going to be pissed. But they are a small minority. If they do, they stand to piss off the religious right. And they are a larger number of people. All A&E;had to do was to state that the comments made by Phil does not represent the company's position. ;)

Side: Yes
2 points

Exactly. Besides, how many gay people would watch a show about a self-proclaimed redneck Bible-thumper and his family anyway?

Side: Yes
1 point

I don't really care... that's up to A&E;. I just want to ask one question: Am I the only person on the fucking planet that thinks this show is ignorant and not funny?

Side: Yes
1 point

I imagine there are a bunch of gays who now think it is ignorant and unfunny.

Side: Yes
1 point

Really? Why? His comments weren't unexpected as far as I can tell? I just don't understand what the big difference is?

Side: Yes
1 point

I think we should give him a second chance. But still what he said was not ok. It ok to think that. But you should not say it.

Side: Yes
1 point

yes, it is not a first amendment issue. If you went to your boss and called him a fat scumbag with ugly gay children, you would get fired in a second and the first amendment would not protect you

Side: Yes

Phil Robertson is a bigot and his hateful remarks have an effect on the whole cast. Duck Dynasty should be taken off the air.

Side: Yes
0 points

He should have been aware that the populace does not condone such things and if the public were to hear him utter what he has, then that would bring down the rating of the show and cause the network to lose some money. The decision to remove him from the show would be justified.

I think that the whole show should be kicked off the network. Even though it is a good example of how ignorant certain parts of our society still are.

Hopefully the U.S will expand towards, connect to and advance those parts, in the future.

A nice chunk U.S's defense is composed of people like them. I do not trust our country in their hands.

Side: Yes
3 points

I actually just finished reading an article about that. I think anyone who watches the show would have realized by now that Phil, being a redneck pastor, isn't going to have much respect for homosexuals. It would have been wise of him to keep his opinions to himself, but in the end that's all they are... his opinions.

Side: No

I've never seen the show but from what I've heard it's a "reality" show with some rednecks, so to expect Phil, who is a pastor and a redneck, to not be against homosexuality is ridiculous. I understand they put him on leave because they want to maintain a certain image, but they are the ones that made a show about a bunch or rednecks and now they are upset about them acting like rednecks. Seems pretty ridiculous to me.

Side: No
3 points

I once heard that Phil was going to leave the show because the producers kept having "Jesus" edited out of their meal time prayers that always occur at the end of the show. Who in the world is going to watch a show about a bunch of redneck Christians and get offended when they say "Jesus" during a prayer?

Side: No

They must have new people running the network now because they used to have the show Dog the Bounty Hunter on their network just last year and in every episode they would have a prayer starting with "Dear Jesus".

Side: No
3 points

No, he shouldn't be kicked for stating his own views about homosexuality. I find it now that you can't even voice your own opinions theses days if you are against homosexuality it seems. This is just the beginning of persecution coming to Christians in America.

Side: No
3 points

Honestly, I have to agree with Srom here... at least part of your post:

"No, he shouldn't be kicked for stating his own views about homosexuality. I find it now that you can't even voice your own opinions theses days..."

It seems everything is offensive to someone, especially when it's you stating you don't like something, regardless of what it is.

Everyone is crying about their rights being taken away, a lot of the times when they aren't, and it's really pissing me off that everyone is jumping on this "victim" train. No Srom, don't worry I'm not talking about you, I'm just adding on to the part of your post I agree with.

As for my actual reasoning why I don't think he should be kicked off:

He stated his beliefs in an interview, not only that, but he was specifically asked by the interviewer for those particular beliefs. He was not representing Duck Dynasty. And unfortunately, being famous, it seems nearly everything you do could be argued as representing what you are currently part of -- especially interviews. He should not be kicked off because they were his personal views and those views did not specifically interfere with his job on tv.

Yes, his views were bigoted and ignorant. But you can't claim "hate speech" at everything you don't like or is wrong.

People have the RIGHT to believe in racism, so long as it does not interfere with the legal rights of others. People have the right to believe the Holocaust was a lie/didn't exist, so long as it does not interfere with the legal rights of others. People have the right to believe Christians are assholes, so long as it doesn't interfere with the legal rights of others.

Shall I continue, people?

Side: No
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point


All presidents have been Christians.

Christians make up over 70 of all Americans.

Most politicians are Christian.

He wasn't fired for disagreeing with homosexuality, he was fired because of the things he said.

Also, you left in the middle of this debate: Does Godexist_16#arg519184

Side: No
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Obama isn't Christian.

He wasn't fired for disagreeing with homosexuality, he was fired because of the things he said.

Which is going against homosexuality if he spoke out against it and which he did. So much for freedom of speech and expression.

Side: Yes
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Christians make up over 70 of all Americans.

I am pretty sure that there is more than 70 Christians in America.

Side: Yes
mattkl94(19) Disputed
0 points

Lincoln wasn't religious. Get your damn facts right FOX NEWS

Side: Yes
1 point

You can voice your opinion all you want, but that doesn't mean there won't be repercussions for it. Just like if I go on some racist rant in front of a customer I shouldn't be shocked if my boss fires me. Although I think it was stupid for A&E to do what they did in this particular case, they had every right to do it. They own the network and they have every right to determine who and what is on it.

This so called "persecution" of Christians you are talking about is nothing more than people fighting back against Christianities persecution of gay people. Christians persecute people and when those people get fed up and decide to stand up for themselves Christians cry "they're persecuting us!"

Side: Yes
2 points

Oh come on now!

I Jumped at this because I wanted to hear someone saying things like " It should be illegal, and the should be arrested for life, they don't deserve rights" e.t.c.

No, if he is just saying that he prefers the P to the D, then really, it's his view. In fact, it's a majority view, hence homosexuals being a minority. He's an idiot yes, but there are bigger fish to worry about frying at the moment.

Side: No
1 point

You're watching a show about an old, Southern pastor. You think he's gonna be waving rainbow flags on his porch?

Side: No
1 point

He shouldn't be punished, but his comments were bad. What is really bad is that he is getting in trouble also for his comments on black people where all he did was give an observation that the black people he knew weren't upset at the white man.

Side: No

First off, I absolutley HATE the show and its stars. However, free speech doesnt apply only to those views that I accept. For example I hate Rush Limbaughs guts, but I acknowledge that he has the right to express his opinions as well as I do. Besides, hes a sourthern evangelical redneck, what else were they expecting?

Side: No
1 point

So is it safe to assume that you don't have an official Duck Dynasty towel, blanket, t-shirt, hat, sunglasses, piggy bank, bobble-head, duck call, cellphone cover, lunch box, bathing suit, seat cover, steering wheel cover, gun case, Christmas CD, sweet tea, books, calendar, strap-on beard, boots, posters, action figures, toy gun... and all of that other shit?

Side: No

You got me, I masterbate to it every night....... Duck calls give me orgasms

Side: No
1 point

Especially considering that he made these comments away from the show after being asked what his views were, it's ridiculous to suspend him going by the logic that A&E;will now be indirectly rendered as anti-gay. Besides, for a show that's deeply constituted in Christianity, A&E;had to be stupid to not see this, or an equivalent occurrence, coming.

Side: No

No. I don't even know what he said, but freedom of speech is a right.

Side: No

he is a bigoted piece of crap, but a bigoted piece of crap with rights. Censorship in this case is wrong. People need to grow up.

Side: No