
Debate Info

Yes, makes sense No, it doesn't make sense
Debate Score:39
Total Votes:40
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 Yes, makes sense (17)
 No, it doesn't make sense (16)

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addltd(5125) pic

Should the blind be allowed to carry concealed weapons?

Debate builds in Iowa over gun permits for the blind

Should blind people be allowed to carry concealed weapons?


Check out the debate over this issue here:


Yes, makes sense

Side Score: 18

No, it doesn't make sense

Side Score: 21
1 point

A law prohibiting Iowa from passing further gun regulations?

Makes perfect sense.

A blind man pointing a gun at an intruder is more safe than a blind man hoping to God that the intruder doesn't do anything. It doesn't matter if he even intends to use it when the time comes, it's that he has the option. Disarming the blind won't save lives, and a governing policy that has armed soldiers (aka police officers) hold disarming power over coerced citizens is definitely not desirable.

Side: Yes, makes sense
Depressed(355) Disputed
1 point

The problem is if the intruder has lost their voice.

Side: No, it doesn't make sense
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

I wasn't referring to the intruder being traceable. I meant the intruder just seeing a homeowner with a gun is sometimes enough to prevent a crime.

Side: Yes, makes sense
LeRoyJames(372) Clarified
1 point

The article wasn't complaining about blind people have guns at home, just carrying them out in public:

A majority of law enforcement officers across the state don’t have a problem with the visually impaired owning a gun to protect themselves within their own home, where they are familiar with the surroundings, according to Dunbar. Their concern is when someone who can’t see takes that weapon out into the community to try and protect themselves.

Side: Yes, makes sense
ThePyg(6706) Clarified
1 point

just carrying them out in public

My points stand regardless.

Side: Yes, makes sense
1 point

I think the key take away from the article is the last line "I can see no evidence that our law needs to be changed." Since the laws don't need to change, don't change them. I wouldn't be opposed to rules stating that more training be given to those who aren't fully capable, but not an outright ban just because. Fully capable people are shooting innocent people all the time.

The thing is, people who go to get a permit tend to be very conscious of how dangerous that idea is and are very responsible.

Side: Yes, makes sense

I am "pro gun" because you can protect yourself that way. If you carry a gun around and people can see it, they will complain then too!

Side: Yes, makes sense
DJDebate(29) Disputed
2 points

Obviously, no one should have the right to carry such a dangerous weapon in public. Especially not an AMERICAN!

Side: No, it doesn't make sense
1 point

Your joking? Right? Or, are you being SARCASIC? Huh? What now? Huh?

Side: Yes, makes sense
4 points

A Mugger appears!.

Mugger uses Thief.

Blind Man uses Struggle.

Mugger uses Headbutt

Blind Man Flinches.

Mugger uses Thief

Mugger steals a wallet!

Blind Man uses Screech.

It's not very effective...

Mugger flees...

Blind Man uses Gun.

Blind Man is Blind.

Pedestrian is killed

100 Exp earned.

Side: No, it doesn't make sense

Why would anyone hide a blind man's gun? That's so mean! What if someone trolled you? ;)

Side: No, it doesn't make sense

We are governed by fools

Just as how it has always been.

Side: No, it doesn't make sense
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

We are governed by fools

Then why give them the ability to disarm members of the populace?

Side: Yes, makes sense
Centifolia(1319) Disputed
1 point

Because the citizens gave them the power. We are just as foolish as our leaders, arent we?

Side: No, it doesn't make sense
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Yep, so foolish not to discriminate.

Side: Yes, makes sense
Centifolia(1319) Clarified
1 point

i dont get it?

Side: Yes, makes sense

Blindly shooting is hardly a good idea in mixed company.

I am all for letting them have guns AT HOME, but not concealed and on them in the midst of the public.

Side: No, it doesn't make sense
1 point

A blind person should not be able to drive or own a gun. In fact they shouldn't have kids. It just takes common sense to see that blind people should not own guns.

Side: No, it doesn't make sense
1 point

This law is incomprehensibly ridiculous. This is like the right for someone with no arms to drive. Would you feel safe then? This is why America is the laughing stock of the world.

Side: No, it doesn't make sense
1 point

i know and understand that most blind people have better senses(other than sight) than the rest of us, but i don't see why they should be allowed to use weapons.

they probably won't be sure when to use it. besides, they might use it when they just happen to be startled over something small. and might hurt others in the process.

they might even hurt themselves, which won't do them much good if the weapon is meant for protection, would it?

Side: No, it doesn't make sense

Im all for freedom of owning a fire arm, but this takes it a little too far......

Side: No, it doesn't make sense