
Debate Info

Yes. No.
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Yes. (4)
 No. (9)

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Stalkiplier(15) pic

Should there be more censorship to the internet?

Do you think there should be more censorship to the internet like dodgy websites, viruses, inappropriate images or porn?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 13
1 point

Yes I think there should be more censorship to the internet, because I have once caught my younger brother downloading a software worth £5000 for free. He also looked up inappropriate content he shouldn't be looking up for his age. I think it is best because we don't want kids to look up content that gives them ideas and tell their friends about it so suddenly, all the kids are acting inappropriately and misbehaving. Sometimes they might even have the thought of killing people. Also it would make life easier for parents as they cannot always be there, watching what their kids are doing. I think it is best.

Side: Yes.
LichPotato(362) Disputed
3 points

Is that not the responsibility of the parent, rather than the government and/or ISPs?

Side: No.
negligent(202) Disputed
1 point

Like Stalkiplier said earlier, "parents as they cannot always be there."

Side: Yes.
1 point

As the internet is beginning to grow more popular everyday, censorship should be increasing. I cannot tell you how many babies I've seen playing games on a phone. Parent's are also becoming lazier with limiting screen time for their children and they aren't always there to babysit their kid.

Side: Yes.
3 points

One obvious flaw here is who would be in charge of censoring the internet? Would the censorship be through a democratic process of choosing what specific sites should be censored? Or would some governing body just get to decide on a whim? The issue is once you start censoring sites you have given someone or some group the power to limit what we see. What is to stop this governing body to go full 1984 or North Korea and censor everything that is not government websites? The internet is one of the only places where an individual can access completely uncensored views and opinions. It is a place for free expression and meetings of like-minded individuals, be them Klu Klux Klan members or just random people who like to debate pointlessly. This freedom of ideas is one of mankind's greatest achievements. It should not be diminished through bureaucratic law.

Side: No.

So, it seems to me like you can't trust kids to be able to think properly.

It's basically just a slippery slope argument.

And £5000 is a high price for a software, don't you think? What would make a kid download such a thing? I find it hard to believe.

Side: No.
1 point

The day the censors get the upper hand on the internet will be the day authoritarianism becomes big brother to every person plugged in around the world.

The only thing the internet needs is better safety protections for dealing with theft and fraud.

Side: No.
1 point

This is a matter of where you are in the world. In America, it is common to believe there should be no censorship as this is a land that supports freedom of speech. However, in socialist or even communist countries censorship is seen as extremely necessary.

Side: No.
1 point

No there should not be more censorship because what is deemed censored is nothing but stress relief or a way to vent extremely toxic emotions.

Side: No.
1 point

No, because if you're a kid then it's your parent or guardian's responsibility to set parental controls. The Internet is not designed for children and very large parts of it are designed for adults.

If you censor porn, opinions etc., then it'll be driven "underground" to the dark web, where it'll become more hardcore or extreme and potentially be a lot more dangerous.

There is also the argument that censorship goes against freedom of information. An informed citizen is potentially a citizen who thinks for themselves, which is why censorship tends to be employed in places like China and North Korea.

Side: No.