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 The current political spectrum is outdated. We need a new wing. (21)

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Scrotumlord(49) pic

The current political spectrum is outdated. We need a new wing.

Tell me, where should I go?

To the right, where nothing is right...

Or to the left, where no hope is left?

I would rather create my own wing than join any of yours.
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1 point

Having so clearly expressed your dissatisfaction with the current established political institutions I would agree that the best route for you to take is to form your own party, formulate your political manifesto and present it to the electorate.

Good luck with that, and please let me know how you get on.

Scrotumlord(49) Disputed
1 point

oh ya, finger my spicy little panini

I want you to suck my clit like you mean it daddy

I agree. That’s why I’m a National Socialist! Even geniuses make mistakes. Hitler fucked up, but his policy of NS was the most successful and fast . Everyone was in depression - Germany was rolling big business

BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

I agree. That’s why I’m a National Socialist!

I wish you'd stop saying this. There's no such thing as a national socialist. Hitler literally invented this phrase in order to win votes from both the right and the left. Fascism -- which is what you mean when you say national socialism -- began in Italy after the far right used populist nationalism to revolt against socialism. Hitler outlawed socialism in Germany. He made it illegal.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

What do you call a government that allows private ownership of the means of production, but maintains the control of those means?

What do you call ownership without control?

Scrotumlord(49) Disputed
1 point

I wish you'd stop saying this. There's no such thing as a national socialist.

This guy literally believes that National Socialism is a mixed economy similar to social democracy, only a non-democratic and highly nationalistic version. I don't think he even realizes Hitler was a fascist based on what I've seen of him. That being said he does support something that could be called national socialism because he wrongly thinks that's what Nazism is, socialistic nationalism.

Well..., you can start creating one of these:

Top Wing

Bottom Wing

Center Wing

Periphery Wing

Inner Wing

Outer Wing

North Wing

East Wing

South Wing

West Wing

Hot Wing

Front Wing

Back Wing

I prefer the Back Wing. When people need to regroup, they can shout, "To the Back Wing!" ;)

joecavalry(40163) Clarified
1 point

I think it's a wing-wing situation ;)

1 point


Chicken wing

Duck wing

Buffalo wing


I like Buffalo wing ;)

Create more than one wing and call them:

The Wings of change ;)

Wu-Tang Wing is for ever ;)