
Debate Info

She’s gonna leave him She’ll stick no matter what
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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 She’ll stick no matter what (7)

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excon(18261) pic

The voters apparently don’t care about Trumps philandering. Does Melania?

She’s gonna leave him

Side Score: 0

She’ll stick no matter what

Side Score: 10
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2 points

Super Stupid when did Trump supposedly have sex with a Porn Star ? Come Dummy let us all know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: She’ll stick no matter what
2 points

Probably cares as much as you did over blow job Bills various trysts with anything that had a pulse ..... which ruled Hillary out , in fairness to blowjob Bill imagine having to come home after a good days embezzling , thieving , decieving and having to screw that hysterical shrew

Side: She’ll stick no matter what
1 point

As an Ex-convict, you (the creator of this debate) should understand that even thought your buddy is an amoral jacka##, you stick by him to the bitter end.

Don't hate her for her loyalty, that's just how it goes.

Side: She’ll stick no matter what
1 point

ROTFFLMMFAO ! Do you ever wonder Dummy why Hillary protected Bill when he left a Cum Stain on a Blue DRESS??????????????????

Side: She’ll stick no matter what
1 point

Nobody cares. The left has been unmasked. Take away our right to defend ourselves, flood the country with a subclass of migrants dependent on government, destroy free speech, and create a totalitarian state.

Side: She’ll stick no matter what

"Alleged" philandering. Liberals are just trying to stir crap up as usual. Im not even a hard conservative, but this Jerry Springer level nonsense the left has been pulling ever since not winning the election is embarrassing to America as a whole. Shunning people who meet with and support the President and trying to shut down everyone and everything that opposes their way of thinking. The far left liberal is ruled by emotion and not by thought, just like a child.

Side: She’ll stick no matter what
1 point

Hillary didn't care about Bill's philandering now did she Super Stupid ! She defended it!!!!!!!

Want a trip back in time Dummy ?

What you got to say Super Stupid

Side: She’ll stick no matter what