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 Trump is a Vaccine, WE NEED HIM! (9)

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shaash(434) pic

Trump is a Vaccine, WE NEED HIM!

Trump is a much needed vaccine.

Let’s elect a stupid president for the greater good of our country.

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2 points

Allow me to explain. The Founding Fathers made checks and balances to minimize the damage if we elected a tyrant. Over the course of our history, we elected a few really good presidents, and loosened up the checks on the executive branch, leaving the gate ajar for a tyrant with just the right know-how. Electing Donald Trump would be a wake-up call, and politicians who couldn’t give two shits about restraints on government power will suddenly scramble to figure out how to restore them.

A Trump presidency would be like a vaccine. A vaccine delivers a small dose of dead or disabled virus to the patient, so that the patient’s immune system knows how to counter the real deal. Some people have likened Trump to Hitler, but what they’re missing is that Trump is a weakened version of that virus that was Hitler. Hitler was brilliant, and Trump is fucking stupid. And I don’t think he’s playing dumb like Mrs. Clinton sometimes does. He’s genuinely idiotic. Trump is the harmless, disabled version of a tyrant that will boost our immunity to real tyrants.

In anticipation of a stupid president, Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) has introduced H. R. 6179, a bill that would take away the President’s ability to launch nuclear missiles without the approval of Congress, unless the US is attacked first. I think it goes without saying that this bill would be more likely to pass with a Trump presidency.

With a Trump presidency, we will be forced to have serious skepticism of executive orders. Congress didn’t like it when Obama abused his executive orders. Could you imagine what a shitstorm it would create if Trump acted the same way?

With a Trump presidency, Congress might reconsider the 1954 Bricker Amendment, which would have prohibited the President from signing international treaties that violate the Constitution, but failed by 1 vote.

With a Trump presidency, everyone, young and old, will be checking online daily about the latest happenings in our government. Grab a piece of paper and list all the things you know Obama has done or said in the last six months. Now do the same for Trump. Clearly, lunatics make us stay more up-to-date on current events, and if we had a lunatic president, people will be more involved in how they are governed than they have ever been.

With a Trump presidency, we might dramatically revisit the way we do democracy. The two candidates that came out on top this year are not there because people like them, but because the way our democracy is set up encourages voters to vote for their second least favorite candidate. Trump being in the White House might force us to replace our First-Past-the-Post voting system, in which whoever gets half-plus-one of the votes wins, with something like approval voting, where voters go down the list approving or disapproving of each candidate, and the candidate that the most people approve of wins, or STV, where voters rank the candidates in order of preference, where if your first choice doesn’t win, your second choice is counted, then your third choice, and so on, ensuring that your vote will matter no matter what.

Like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton would like to be a absolute monarch if possible, except she’s actually smart enough and Machiavellian enough to do so. Sure, she might know a thing or two about running a country, but she’s the one presidential candidate that has been able to set up a shell company of the DNC to pay mentally ill people to incite violence at Trump rallies, secretly obtain townhall questions in advance, work with her party’s National Convention to rig the primary against Sanders, and illegally dictate to PACs. Given she has the audacity to do all that, what other powers will she claim for herself?

With a Trump presidency, people will flock to mend to holes in the wall that protects the American people from the wishes of powerful individuals. Mrs. Clinton will only widen those holes so she can squeeze her policies through, which might be good policies; still, she leaves the gaps open for smarter versions of Trump to gain power in the future.

Electing a President is like playing Russian roulette. A lot is left up to chance. But if we elect Donald Trump, we will suddenly decide that it would be more prudent to play with foam bullets than lead ones.

Unless the United States ceases to have a President, we will inevitably get a horrible president somewhere down the line. By electing a “good” president, we’re delaying that inevitability by another four years. If we elect Donald Trump, it might be a rough four years, but it would give us the knowledge and experience to shield ourselves from future, worse incidents. So would you rather take a papercut now or a stab wound in 50 years?

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

The Founding Fathers also created the bloody imbecilic two party model which is the more significant cause of systemic dysfunction in a republic. A more regulated executive branch is not going to resolve that issue, and the odds that Trump being elected would lead to any significant restructuring of the two party machine is unlikely at best. Nor is confidence in the executive the cause for the consolidation of power; that's just the natural trajectory of any government model over time.

If Trump is elected it will be because the majority (or near majority, because let's acknowledge how messed up the electoral college also is) of engaged constituents will not regard anything Trump does as actually problematic or requiring more skepticism of executive authority. Congress will also be Republican dominated because gerrymandering has effectively ensured that Democrats will be incapable of holding a majority or roughly 30 years (which would make Clinton more or less a sitting duck president incapable of effecting too much substantive change to government). The Judiciary will also be Republican since the appointment will be Trump's. Talk about losing checks and balance.

Even if people did become skeptical, it's not like we have any real influence on executive powers at this point. Are people unhappy that they're having to settle for whomever they dislike least? Sure. Will a lot of people dislike a Trump presidency? Absolutely. Are people actually going to go the lengths required to dismantle an historically and financially entrenched two party model? Hardly. They still stand to lose too much, or they're not in a position to effect any substantive change.

No one gets to where Trump is if they are actually as stupid as Trump seems. Smarter seeming people have tied and failed remarkably, quite literally for centuries. That he has gradually and subtly adapted his campaign rhetoric and self presentation to the changing circumstances of the election is indicative that he is more intelligent than he seems, or at least capable of and receptive to taking nuanced direction to advisors (who are not themselves directly responsive to the electorate at all). Nor is his VP Pence an imbecile, and ignoring the power he would receive if the Trump ticket goes through is unobservant.

P.S. Why would HR 6179 be more likely to pass under Trump? That doesn't make any sense.

1 point

P.S. Why would HR 6179 be more likely to pass under Trump? That doesn't make any sense.

Which member of congress would actually think they should vote to allow Trump to keep the power to fire off nukes? Wouldn't congress be more likely to act against Trump who has shown signs of not knowing the horrors of nuclear war?

You say "we will inevitably get a horrible president somewhere down the line."

Are you kidding? Obama is a HORRIBLE President!

Hillary is a criminal and would be a horrible President!

Trump is what our nation has needed for decades. He is not tied to the Rich and powerful as is Hillary.

Trump is not a career politician who lives and breathes pandering to their voting blocks and getting elected, rather than fixing America's problems.

You actually think that just because Trump is not a politically correct trained lair when he speaks, that it makes him stupid and dangerous? No, it makes him someone who dares to say it like it is regardless what the biased media will say about it.

Dangerous is a corrupt criminal like Hillary who will use the Presidency for her own gain, create an even more corrupt DOJ, push her socialistic agendas, force her anti gun agendas, pick radical activist Justices, raise our debt to insane levels we will never recover from, and call those who do not agree deplorable and irredeemable.

It will be one scandal after the next and maybe nother Clinton impechment.

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

You actually think Trump represents anyone but his own interests? That's as naive as a liberal thinking Clinton represents theirs. Career politicians are hardly the only self serving people out there. Also, roflmao. You actually think Clinton is a socialist. You wouldn't know one if they bit you, would you.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Why do you keep playing the fool?


You mindess fool! Do you think Democrats would ever actually admit they are socialist as did Sanders?

They must contantly lie about their true politics until the electorate has been slowly conditioned after decades of bigger Sociaistic Government policies taking more control of our lives. Then one day when Government has taken control of the majority of our lives, they will simply admit we are now a socialist European like nation.

1 point

Are you an attractive woman? Because if you are then yes you stand a pretty good chance at getting a hot Trump injection.

KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

How much is media BS and politics inventing stories?

Its not like Hillary is a saint. Conspiracy may actually be her middle name.

I wouldnt believe a word she says! And Im sure she used the billions she stole from charities and put into her pocket to pay these people to do her conspiritous bidding.

They just have to file a case, does it need to be true to file a case?

Does it need to be true to announce something?

And locker room big talk by guys hasnt bothered me in 50 years. It certainly doesnt bother me today.

Wash his mouth out with soap and move on to REAL issuse, like not letting people like Obama sell out and enslave America!

Because our debt will eventually make us owned not free!


1 point

A weird thing, just saying. Not attaching meaning. But man, its interesting.

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946.

If you move ahead 70 years from that date, that brings you to June 14, 2016.

Moving forward another seven months brings you to Jan. 14, 2017.

And moving forward another seven days brings you to Jan. 21, 2017.

And if Donald Trump wins the election, Jan. 21 will be his first full day in office. Also note worthy a day in the Hebrew Calander goes evening to morning. Trump would be inaugurated on Jan. 20, but he would only be president for part of that day.

So that means that Donald Trump would be 70 years, seven months and seven days old on his first full day as president of the United States.

And this would happen during year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar.