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 Vicious Anti-Semite running for Manhattan City Council still welcomed by Democrats (25)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Vicious Anti-Semite running for Manhattan City Council still welcomed by Democrats

To the right of the screen meet Thomas Lopez - Pierre.
Manhattan City Council candidate running against New York Council member Mark Levine for the City Council’s District 7 seat is publicly displaying some of the most vitriolic and vicious anti-Semitic hatred  in recent memory and still being welcomed to Democratic Party organization events. Thomas Lopez-Pierre, 48, first tried for the Council seat in 2013, but even in 2012 he sent a series of emails calling Levine a “White/ Jewish candidate” and accusing him of trying “to sneak into office like a thief in the night.” By January 2013, Lopez-Pierre was emailing Brian Benjamin, a Democratic fundraiser who is black and supported Levine’s 2013 run.  Lopez-Pierre wrote that Benjamin was  an “uncle Tom bitch,” for supporting Levine, adding, “Harlem residents know that you are a weak, little short man who sucks White/ Jewish cock.”

The Tolerant Left just can't help exposing themselves as not be Tolerant ! 

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The more violent, angry, bitter, lazy, or "oppressed" you are, the more the left wants you on their team.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

So, why don't they want this guy?

3 points

Because he hates the wrong group. The left only wants you if you hate whites and men. White men don't rate high on the oppression olympics chart. Maybe if he claimed to be a Muslim or a tran.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Both of your links indicate that he isn't actually liked by Democrats. He can't get elected and he had been publicly denounced.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SouthPark whether he is liked or not he still is a Vicious Anti-Semite running for Manhattan City Council still welcomed by Democrats.

Can't deny the Reality of it SouthPark !

That's because the Jews did 9/11! Remember: With Jews we lose!

3 points

Nope. Those were from the same Saudi Arabia that owned the Clintons.