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 Vote for Obama because he is Black & now Hillary wants to play the first woman President? (40)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Vote for Obama because he is Black & now Hillary wants to play the first woman President?

Somewhere over the past 50 years, Democrats have becme a party of Politically correct Socialist ideologs. They no longer care for America, they care for their focus groups who tell them how to get the most votes. They elect a nobody politician whose experience was mainly political organizer, all because he was the first Black President and could get elected because of it? Now I willl admit he is the best at campaign fund raising. Most Presidents woud not have the cold heart to fly off to Las Vegas the day after terrorists killed our ambassador in Benghazi. But this did not stop Democrats from electing the most incompetent Liberal President in our history AGAIN!

Now we have Hillary Clinton who kept all her job related emails on her own personal server while she was secretary of state, telling us to vote for her because she would be the first Woman President. Gee I wonder why a politician would want to keep their emails on their own personal server where damging emails could be deleted.

Most intelligent people after seeing what happens when we elect someone because of their skin color, would run from such a ludicrous statement. Our Presidents should be elected on the basis of their qualities, their experience and honesty rather than their skin color or gender. Would you also vote for Hillary because she became a celebrity riding Bill Clinton's coat tails? But no matter how bad a president they may be, good little ideolog Democrats, Liberals and charity cases will STILL vote their ideology rather than any Republican.

Democrats live and breathe their political correct Socialist agendas and would elect any Liberal over a Republican no matter how corrupt or incompetent they are. For many years Democrats in New York State's Legislature elected Sheldon Silvers as their leader, knowing of his corruption. He has finally resigned because of being under indictment. This is what our Government has become. Pure corruption, power and money yet Democrats want bigger Government? The Democrat party is all about bigger Government controlling the people. Unless we start electing some Conservatives, America is toast!

Now be sure to spew the same tired lies and rhetoric of how the GOP is just as bad. I will admit that the RINO Repubicans who side with Obama are getting bad(putting elections before America) but the GOP is the only party with Conservtives trying their best to get America back on track. Liberals are truly incapable of seeing through their failed ideology. 


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3 points

Why are you blaming the Democrats for winning and not the Republicans for losing? You can't control the Democrats. If the Republicans put up a truly good candidate the first black or first woman will not win.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Maybe you missed my entire point!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not the quality of the Republican running for president. Our leaders today are elected on the basis of how much charity you give the voter along with a Socialistic ideology for the other's who vote for Democrats.

When you have a Liberal biased media, it matters not who the GOP runs for president because they will be crucified in the media. Remember in the Presidential debate when the narrator lied about the facts of Benghazi to help Obama's lies? That is what the GOP has to deal with. Other than Fox news, every news outlet on TV is biased towards Democrats.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Moderate conservatives cannot vote for the garbage that is coming out of the Republican party. Liberals can't win on their own. If the Republicans put up someone good he will win. Look at Jimmy Carter. Your complaints make no sense. Liberals complain. Conservatives do a good job. What are you?

Bad presidents don't get reelected. Obama is not as bad as you think he is. You can't say Obama is terrible and have everyone believe you.

Other than Fox news, every news outlet on TV is biased towards Democrats.

Is this new? Did the media have a liberal bias when either Bush was running. Was there a liberal bias when Reagan ran?

how much charity you give the voter

Who is the voter supposed to look out for?

2 points


This is what I heard. Blah, blah, blah...

The GOP is splintered. Moderate, centrist Republicans are castigated by their own right fringe as being RINO. And that fringe (e.g. Tea Party, Evangelicals, etc) is a long way from having one of their own win a general election. This is because most voters simply do not share their vision for America. And to make matters worse (for the GOP), as the demographics in the United States change, the radical fringe just keeps getting further and further out-of-touch with American voters.

Face it. It doesn't matter who the Democrats put forth as their candidate for the presidential election in 2016. They'll win by default.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

What you don't get is that the Democrat party is the radical fringe that just keeps getting further out of touch with what is best for America, but the Liberal media gives them a pass. Anyone that does not admit the liberal bias in the majority of our media is an idiot! It is absolutely destroying this nation when the media takes sides with the politicians.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

What you don't get is that the Democrat party is the radical fringe that just keeps getting further out of touch with what is best for America, but the Liberal media gives them a pass.

What you don't get is that the Republican party is the radical fringe that just keeps getting out of touch with how to relate what is better for America to Americans, and conservatives blame liberals.

PhilboydStud(79) Disputed
1 point

Fox News is the top rated cable news in the US and has been for some time. It's ratings are sometimes greater than MSNBC (#2) and CNN (#3) combined. The media is much less liberal than Republicans want you to believe.

1 point

Hillary Clinton is running for WHAT? If she is, she's going to have to become more like Fagin- ''you gotta pick a pocket or two'';- the battle hymn of any aspiring Democrat leader.

I don't normally get involved with American politics debates but I'm just going to take the opportunity to jump in and highlight the fact that you as a country are so backwards for having never head a female head of state before.

4 points

The prime minister of the UK has changed around 76 times and Thatcher was the 72nd. Obama is the 44th president.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I'm glad you normally do not get involved with our politics. Only fools would elect a president on the basis of their gender. We want the best president we can get no matter the gender or race. Hillary is a corrupt politician who followed Bill Clinton's coat tails with one scandal after another.

Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

What wrong doing did the Clintons do? The Republican party was on a witch hunt and came up with no witches. The Clinton sex sandals were dropped thanks to Larry Flynt. He said he would buy any photo of any Senator or Congressman that had some one besides their wife in it.

Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

We want the best president we can get no matter the gender or race.

Ha. You mean subjectively best, right?