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Agree Disagree
Debate Score:33
Total Votes:35
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 Agree (14)
 Disagree (14)

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AbbyNestor(1028) pic

We can survive without the sun

I know that we can survive without it.


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 17
2 points

We would survive for at least 8minutes. After that the heat left in the earth would slowly leave and we would survive for a little while.

Side: Agree
1 point

Probably but we would have to move underground.

Side: Agree
1 point

How can 7 billion people survive underground? Not possible, besides the crust of the Earth would freeze as would everything else.

Side: Disagree
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

The debate simply states would we survive not thrive.

Side: Agree
Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

Most of the population would die, only a few million will create a underground thousands of feet below the surface. We would try to get closer to the core for the heat and dress warmly as we could.

Side: Agree

We would if we had at least 6 months to dig the underground and seal it.

Side: Agree
1 point

Exploring all possibilities, mankind would survive without the sun, for a while. We have much food already in the world, so that would be fine. Screw society, laws, morals e.t.c. this is about survival, and we will do whatever it takes. People will loot from shops and stock up however much they possibly can. Just clarifying I ma not saying what will happen, I am saying what should happen to ensure survival.

We will need as much electricity as we can, or some form of light, probably make cutting down trees a priority for fire wood ( we will run out of oxygen then as the plankton will need sunlight to survive ) but we will need fire. After, say 6 months of no sun, all plants will be gone, many species will have gone extinct, and mankind will be completely different. I would say a maximum of 2 years before we all die eventually, lack of food, insanity or we all die of rickets from vitamin D deficiency!

Side: Agree
1 point

The thing is scientists probably can (if they have't already) create an artificial light that would allow photosynthesis to happen.

Side: Agree
Jungelson(3959) Disputed
1 point

Oh they have, nearly all vegetables/fruits you buy have taken half the normal time to grow because of GM. If you lift up the leaves on the strawberry for example, it'll be bright green, because the light hasn't hit that area, which is why Home Grown fruit and vegetables are so bad quality! But how are you going to power this? Not only does the sun provide heat and light, but gravity. There will be no tides, no wind due to changes in the air temperature, no hydro logical cycle, as water will not evaporate, so no more rivers. Man kind cannot survive for a long time without the sun.

Side: Disagree
1 point

sure why not haven't you heard these scientist found this weird creature that lives without the sun they live on toxic gas that comes out of vents so why cant we do that

Side: Agree
2 points

We can't really survive without the sun because most every living thing needs the sun in order for it to grow. Especially plants because how else are they going to get their food? They get their food from photosynthesis and without the sun all plants would die on this earth and our food supply would run out because most of our food comes from plants.

Side: Disagree
2 points

Energy from the sun literally powers every vital process and function on Earth. We would be able to survive only quite briefly without the sun.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Okay Lizzie Laura, I mean Ismaila....I mean Abby... cough cough..

Side: Disagree
AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
1 point

And you are a dick .

Side: Agree
1 point

Why do you even post stuff like that? And Ismaila too? How are we the same? Can you prove this claim? Because all I did was bring my sister here and you are giving us a hard time. Why?

Side: Agree
ChosenOne(811) Clarified
1 point

Abby is hotter.

Lizzie I'd give a 7, but Abby is a 10.

Side: Agree
0 points

That is a completely true statement and a fact .

Side: Agree

Here is a nice little video that talks about what if the sun was gone. Enjoy.

What if the sun disappeared?
Side: Disagree

For long? I disagree. I would consider surviving as living to die naturally. Not to succumb to the elements but through organ failure.

Side: Disagree
1 point

No. It's impossible because when day comes we will be as blind as a bat & we need plants which plants need sunlight to survive.

Side: Disagree

NO we wouldn't. I wouldn't get enough vitamin D, all the plant life would die, the animals that eat plants would die, the animals that eat planteaters would die, and we would die without those plants and animals to eat.

Oh yeah, i forgot one thing..........WE WOULD DIE FROM FREEZING TO DEATH !

Side: Disagree