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Debate Score:44
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Demon_Hunter(635) pic

We have a Demon Among us, my New Friends!

As a new member the last thing I wanted to do here was stir things up right away.

But as my name implies,  and I need as my duty to God demands of me as a Born Again Christian, in my short time here I have already witnessed a Sin so egregious that I cannot let it go.

I am speaking of course of Saint Nobody. The type of false prophet that Jesus warned us about.

Jesus even told us that the Lord would be harder on people like him than He would be even on atheists.

Saint gives us true peace loving Christians all a bad name. He makes the already too wide chasm between believers and non believers all the wider and more irreconcilable. He mocks you and he insults you. He claims to know Gods will. He claims to be close to God.
When in fact he is none of these things. From what I have seen he is further from God than most here. For God loves His lost sheep mode than the falss prophets.

Saint is more like a Pharisee than a Saint. He is a Saint in his eyes only.

So I want you to know I am going to be a United and not  a Divider as he is.

I will be a moderate voice of reason. Respecting all non believers and answering their questions about what I have learned about God as best as I can. I see that Saint pretty much runs roughshod over this forum. Turning it into a Den of hate and derision. This is NOT what God wants. At least not as I understand Him.

God saved my life, and I owe it to him to share my testimony of Him. But I will do so only when asked and I will never insult Atheists. I was one, for many years! Probably a bigger sinner than most of you.

Please do not think all of us believers are like Saint Nobody. We are not!

Most of us are reasonable. Not angry zealots. I myself embrace science I know it can walk in hand with Christianity. The two simply explain the two sides of the same coin.

I believe in Evolution. I must feel that God uses it to create us. As he did the Big Bang.

In with the new..out with the old.

In with love and tolerance and respect for differing opinions. Our with mockery.

In with me. I am Demon Slayer. The name comes from a Christian rock band I used to be in.

I am not just a troll. I plan to be here a long time. I see much work to be done, my friends. We need to work together to answer our questions. And to learn. Together.

Thank you for allowing me to be here. Together we will make this one of the best forums for discussing Theology on the whole damn internet.

Right now it is more of a hostile chat room, with a false prophet talking way too much and spewing too much hate. All due respect.
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I've always said he is the worst advocate/salesman for a cause that I have ever seen. His "pitch" should be positive and inspire people, the exact opposite of what he does here. What a dolt.

thanks and this is what I thought.

I admit Im a new guy and don't know all that much about the forum yet but the first thing I notices was how he dominated all the debates and they were all holier-than-thou rhetoric. which I despised as an atheist and still dislike a whole lot as a born again Christian.

after God saved me I made a deal that I would devote my life to Him. to spread His word and help people where I could. and part of this is weeding out those who mis-represent His Word and His name. Like I think Saint Nobody is doing.

but what the hell? maybe it's not my place. I guess so long as nobody takes him serious there is no harm.

I would prefer that he be thought of as a sort of Standing Joke. A Cartoon Character of the Typical Religous Fanatic. that would be acceptable to me I think.

I just hate to see people get turned off of Christianity because of people like Him. since god can and will change your life if you let him. I had a loaded gun in my hand and was ready to blow my brains out when he saved me. Gave me a sign that the then time Atheist couldn't ignore! so I am so eternally grateful I hate to see His Name and His Message besmirched.

2 points

There is room for everyone on a debate website. Every differing perspective. So that includes Saintnow, too. And you, of course. Welcome.

I think we're going to see eye to eye on a lot of things. But personally I'm not trying to drive Saintnow off. I enjoy being a thorn in his side. Hubris is easily mocked. But he still has a right to say what he wants to say, even if it's ugly, hurts his cause, and then he unfairly bans people who call him on it. He still has that right - on a debate website anyway.

its good to see you're not taking him seriously. as somebody who once Saved agreed with God to help spread His word and weed-out defilers of His Name I guess i can allow Saint Nobody to spread propaganda as long as you all know he is NOT a good representative of most of us Christians.

I don't see you really being a thorn in his side though. I admit I'm new here but from what I seen he pretty much dominates his rants with you and against atheists. i rather would have liked to come up against his type when I was an atheist for all those years.

well, actually I did! several times. I can say I never let them get away with it though. I was pretty bad. violent even at times. went to jail for hurting people like that. I sometimes can't believe why the Lord picked to Save me. this is why I feel obligated to Him and to make sure His Word isn't corrupted like it seems to me the Saint does.

Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

He doesn't dominate.

1) He bans. So we only get to say one thing and then the rest of the chain is all him.

2) A lot of the time he doesn't answer any of our arguments. An independent judge or jury reading the transcript would still give the victory to us most of the time.

3) His success rate in persuading people to agree with him is below 1% if even that.

1 point


Slapshot 2.0 ?

1 point

Welcome, I think. I am an Atheist but I have no problem with those that believe ... when they keep their beliefs to themselves. My wife of 40 years believes, my daughter teaches in Catholic school, another is a staunch Baptist, so be it. We have no problems.

Those turning this site into a "hood" ... (saint-hood) are not so .... benevolent. Give them a good debate and they can't take it, they BAN! (Again, so be it.) I don't like "demons" whether religious or not. Here we have more than one.

Of course you are right about that. A guy who bans immediately for simply disagreeing is a man who is shaky in his Faith, despite what he may tell you. I was Saved in such a Powerful way with such a powerful Vision (God actually burnt the curtains in my motel room in a way to replicate the Tearing of the Temple Vail story from the Gospels when Jesus gave up the Ghost).

and then God turned the Gideons bible that was face-down on a dresser to the exact page where the Temple Curtain story was! I was an atheist at the time and believed in none of this. But after that I had to.

anyway my point being that my belief in God now is unshakable. So is my belief in my Mission in life to serve God. So mark these words--you will never see me ban anybody here as long as I am here. No matter how much they disagree with me or mock God or my Belief in one of my debates. Because I am not threatened by opposing opinions as this Saint character surely seems to be.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point


1 point

I never thought of the Jesus Christ angle, I admit. And I'm a Christian too! interesting choice.

He did supposably walk around and show himself to some people after rising from the dead so I guess in that respect he fits the zombie criteria. but I never really believed those stories. I just can't see my Lord and Savior offering his flank to a doubter and saying "hey see here, I really was pierced for your transgressions. stick your hand in my wound and see!"

By your own words you reject the Lord's resurrection and cannot be a Christian. What you describe as being saved is nothing but a demonic imitation of believing you have a new starting point for a new life when in reality you have become a Satan worshipper rather than an atheist. The "God" you talk about is not God of the Bible as His name is the LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT. You are demon inspired and demon led and anybody who believes you are a Christian is condemned by the Word of God as he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, he that believes not the Son shall not see life but is condemned already.

1 point

Mind you I have no great feelings toward Saintnow, I do respect him, but being a Christian myself I do not take the calling of anybody a demon lightly, no matter how egotistical, frustrating,hypocritical, and vain that person may be. We all stray from the path of God, and I will be the first person he so far to admit that much so far.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

If you are a Christian, then you know by this "Demon", his own chosen name, that He is not a Christian. Nobody who denounces the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ can be a Christian in reality.

His own words, this guy is demon inspired teaching doctrines of demons from Hell and if you can't see that, I know for sure you are not a Christian.


1 point

I never thought of the Jesus Christ angle, I admit. And I'm a Christian too! interesting choice.

He did supposably walk around and show himself to some people after rising from the dead so I guess in that respect he fits the zombie criteria. but I never really believed those stories. I just can't see my Lord and Savior offering his flank to a doubter and saying "hey see here, I really was pierced for your transgressions. stick your hand in my wound and see!"

Isocrates(42) Disputed
1 point

Demon Hunter, you missed that last part, my brother. Hunter like tracking and killing/destroying. I thought you believed in demons, so why stop someone from destroying them in the name of christ?

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

You are not a Christian any more than this Satan worshipper is a Christian........I see no evidence of you being a Christian, just another fake, probably Catholic.....correct me if I'm wrong.

2 points

OK. You're wrong and I'm correcting you.

I am a Christian. A Protestant. Born again.

I have decided to devoted my life to God.

Just because my Theology is not as fundamentalist as yours does not make me a Satanist.

1 point

And I think you are an idiotic moron trying to find things that aren't really there.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

When what I see is highly doubtful and questionable, I generally conclude it is deceptive. I don't believe you are saved, I don't believe you are a Christian because you do not tell when, how, or why you became a Christian. There is only one way to become a Christian and I see no indication of any conversion.

The Demon claims his conversion was when he saw a burning wall or something like that and the Bible opened to a veil of the temple reference...that is not becoming a Christian, and by the way he talks he is a Satanist knowingly or unknowingly and in his Unity movement, if they think he really is genuine in desiring power, they will introduce him to the deeper levels of their church which are boldly Satan worship and witchcraft. IF you really are a Christian, you need to read the Bible and let it be your guide instead of letting your feelings be your guide.

Demon_Hunter(635) Clarified
2 points

And who are you to judge who is a christian and who is not?

you are a sinning little angry internet troll in the eyes of the Lord. you never told us why you think you are a Christian. In fact I recall when I first arrived her about a debate you began where you admitted you deserve to burn in hell.

But seeing as I am quite proud and humbled and grateful to God for saving me, I will share with you my Salvation Testimony. I was going to do this anyway on my own thread.

This is what happened to me a little over 18 months ago.......

Well I won't go too deep into it since from my experience I know full well that most people's "testimonies" on their God Experience, or their Getting Saved tends to bore others. Especially non-believers. But suffice to say I was in a miserable state; suicidal; gun in hand, ready to end it all. In a crummy motel room in downtown San Jose, CA.

I had left my wife about a week before. I had lost a business I had--a CrossFit Box i co-owned--from my own recklessness and sinful behavior. (hookers, drugs, all that cliche stuff! Ha!) For some reason out of desperation I picked up a bible.

Part of my story here is it was given to me about an hour earlier by a guy I never saw before or after downstairs outside my motel. I wont go into how he looked because it too is too cliche on how a human angel would look. (but he did!) Dressed all in white. Which really stood out in this crappy part of town. But I paid little heed.

He goes..."Take this...and do it fast. You look like you need it!) (I really did not look too bad. I am well-groomed and fit and was dressed in pressed jeans and a sports coat).

So I am upstairs, I had a shot of chilled vodka (only one! I was not drunk!) and I loaded up the Taurus .38. I opened the bible at random and came to the part where, when Jesus finally expires on the cross the "temple curtain tore in two." (I know this is a metaphor, btw--for how God accepted ALL unto Him. That temple curtain tearing was really for the Gentile Roman Guard standing outside who saw it!)

So i re-read it over and over. Weird, how it struck me. Obsessed me. I had read it before and considered it just another fabrication by a gospel writer. remember I was a atheist!

My heart-rate speeded-up. I get a ringing in my ears. The room gets bright like a dimmer switch is rotated ion but the light is orange!

Now the good part..the curtain to my window, well, splits. like a laser was cutting it from top to bottom. I actually held it in my hand to try and figure out where the light-laser was coming from but it would just pass through my hand with no pain. I even smelled smoke. And the curtain DID smoke. My smoke alarm in the room went off!

I look outside and that bible guy waves at me ans walks away. I sit in my bed. The curtain is now pure bright orange light, but in two pieces. And the bible is open to that page on the bed and there is a trace--a path of light form the curtain to the page and it lit it up. So I go to the bathroom to splash water on my face and to throw some on the curtain! Ha! but when I come to, t everything is normal, except that curtain is torn int two, still. Wit the edges burnt!

I was overcome with a feeling of total elation and calm. Everything made sense. My state of being and how to get out of my misery. Well, it was gone. it was a narcotic feeling. A state of arousal. Peace with the world. Again, yeah, this all sounds cliche but I'm explaining to the best I can.

I sudden became very tired. Went to sleep and slept for a good 10 hours. When I got up the same feeling of elation was there.Total rejuvenation. I had an insatiable yearning to know God better and read the Word as often as I could. Which I still do. I got back on my feet within a week. Got my business back, everything. (but I did get divorced).

The motel manager accused my of burning the curtain and I had to par for it!

1 point

thought you might like to see a copy of your mini bio that I estimated in a post on another debate thread................

Saint Nobody is to be pitied rather than ridiculed or banned. I actually prayed for him last night during my evening prayers. Why did I do this? I think anybody as full as anger and intolerance as SaintHater must have been hurt very badly in the past. I am guessing he is a widowed older gentleman, retired and living on SSDI or some such. TV dinners, lost of beer, TV, a dog, a crackerbox 1200 sf house in a lower middle class neighborhood outside of a large midwestern city. About 70 years old. And the kicker?

he doesn't even attend church. Since he probably got pissed of at them in the past for some minor transgression that went against his personal he banned them like he bans us.

Hey Saint? If you're reading this, how did I do on your bio?

God Bless.

0 points

This guy is not a Christian, he's a Satanist pretending to be a Christian. His own words following here, anybody who talks like this cannot be a Christian.


1 point

I never thought of the Jesus Christ angle, I admit. And I'm a Christian too! interesting choice.

He did supposably walk around and show himself to some people after rising from the dead so I guess in that respect he fits the zombie criteria. but I never really believed those stories. I just can't see my Lord and Savior offering his flank to a doubter and saying "hey see here, I really was pierced for your transgressions. stick your hand in my wound and see!"

1 point

I would think somebody as obsessed with religion like you would know a bit more.

I am highly knowledgeable and will be a professional minister soon.

during my time here I can honestly say that regarding your theology, you get more tings wrong than you do correct.

I reckon its about 70-30%.

you have NO idea, for exmaple, what constitutes Salvation. Or being Saved.

You have NO idea as to what Hell is really like.

You know very little about the true historical Jesus.

You know nothing aobut how the Bible uses allegory and metaphor to convey bigger truths. And you don't realize that you literalists often miss the entire point of those stories. since some of them were meant to be Symbolic.

I teach Sunday school at Unity in Dallas. I bet most of my kids know more than you and are closer to God.

You really should open your hears and eyes and close your mouth. And rest your typing fingers.

God Bless.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Unity is a cult, it's occult, and if you really get into following their ways, you will be introduced to full blown Satanism. If you know as much as you claim, you have already been introduced to Satan worship and are playing dumb like a good devil's boy.

-1 points

Hey descendant of monkeys, why did you change your avatar? Why don't you share so we can see what a mature Christian you are. Also, please tell how far back on your family tree did the women resemble apes, and how far back before your grandparents actually were apes, and do you look like a monkey?

2 points

anybody who thinks we are descended from monkies has just proved he doesn't understand Evolution. you kind of just shot yourself in your paw there my angry friend.

-1 points

Christian rock and belief in wonder you wanted to blow your brains out, but I'm glad you didn't anyways.

2 points

Actually I wasn't in a Christian Rock Band (Demon Hunter) until AFTER I got saved. Up till then I was in a couple different metal bands.

You really should check out the premises behind Theistic Evolution sometime. It allows somebody to be a believer in God but not throw his brains out the window by believing in Genesis. Or all that Adam & Eve and six-day Creation nonsense.

For anybody who has even a little science knowledge, they know that Evolution is pretty much indisputable. Even the Catholic Church has admitted it. There are only a few very radical and misinformed Christian hardline deniers who don't agree with it. I guess you're in that club?

I'm also guessing you're over 50? Since it is even more rare to find a younger person who does not believe in Evolution, since so many discoveries have been made over the past three decades or so that just add to the vast mountains of evidence for it. Like DNA, and other things that Darwin didn't even have

Here is a video from my old band!

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

I think you are possessed of demons, you talk like a devil denouncing the Lord's resurrection, denouncing His omnipotence

(Rev. 19:6....And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth), promoting Satan as somebody over whom God is not omnipotent implying Satan has bargaining power with God.

I'll be expecting some big demonic arguments from you against God's word. Son, you need to be delivered from your dying and saved from Hell and get rid of those demons.