
Debate Info

It WASN'T the white guys The bongos HATE America
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 It WASN'T the white guys (3)
 The bongos HATE America (6)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

We have black athletes silently kneeling, and we have white supremacists marching..


So, WHO do you think Trump attacked???  Here's a clue..  It WASN'T the white guys.


It WASN'T the white guys

Side Score: 5

The bongos HATE America

Side Score: 8
3 points

The latest fictional world is white supremacists are invading all the streets in America and not covered by Liberal media.

Bwa ha ha ha ha

Side: It WASN'T the white guys
3 points

Probably why he forgot to provide a link. *

Side: The bongos HATE America

I didn't see any white guys marching, taking over the sporting event I was watching. If they had? Con would be squeeling against free speech, and I'd be condemning it. But as it sits, those taking over the sporting events aren't white, are mainly criminals, hate the police, hate America, and Con has nerry a rebuke. I love those black power fists. I can only imagine if they were white power fists.

If there was a white power channel to boycott, I would, but there's not, so I boycott the black power channel that does exist instead.

They hate the police, but of course that's because they are law breakers. And all the while, the police are the ones defending their sporting event in the first place. They scream about the police, and then kill each other at unheard of levels in any other American group. They scream about the police, and then commit 60%+ of the crime, when they are 10% of the population. How about I take a knee and hold up a sign that says "Hey, quit breaking the law...assholes!"

Side: The bongos HATE America
1 point

But as it sits, those taking over the sporting events aren't white

Why do you perceive everything in your life to be affected by skin colour?

Side: It WASN'T the white guys
1 point

But as it sits, those taking over the sporting events aren't white

This entire debate, that I didn't create, is about skin color. (Blank stare)

Side: The bongos HATE America
Chinaman(3570) Disputed
1 point

Watch out the skin colour of the white supremacists are marching worldwide.

Side: The bongos HATE America