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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:23
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 True. (12)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (1)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

We need a derogatory word for people who hate Christians.

Think about it for a minute. 

If you are turned off by the gay "lifestyle," you are a homophobe.  If you make jokes about blacks, you are racist.  If you want to spend your money as you see fit, instead of letting someone else decide how it should be spent, you are greedy. 

All of these words are meant to manipulate into thinking a certain way.

But it is OK to bash Christianity.  It is OK to bash white males.

I will grant the following:  Christianity has done a lot of "harm" throughout its history.  White males have done a lot of "harm" while in power.  BUT (and this is a big 'but') the majority of Christians did not commit those... crimes?  The majority of white males did not participate in the "harm" being done (unless you consider their support actual participation). 

Now reflect:  Homosexuals, blacks, and those who want to redistribute your wealth, have caused a lot of harm to the world.  But most of them did not participate.  In other words, no ONE group is any better than any other group.

Now, if you consider the support of the non-participants of a group as actual participation, then we would have to include a lot more Muslims than just the ones committing terrorism.

Since it is not practical to get rid of derogatory terms, then we need to come up with new ones to defend those persecuted today from those who were persecuted yesterday.




Side Score: 18

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 2
3 points

Let's tap into our sarcasm. How about "geniuses". 75% of all compliments are actually insults in disguise. Like, "nice parking." And some are worse, for instance 99.9% of the times some one says "Good going, Einstein" it is an insult in disguise. The other .1% was when someone was actually talking to Albert Einstein. So, let's call people who hate Christians geniuses.

Side: True.
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

"Doctor" could work too, so long as it's not directed at someone who actually holds a doctorate, because that would more or less negate any intended negative connotation.

Less likely to be misinterpreted by a faulty sarcasm detector, at the very least.

Side: True.

How about: Pajamericans?

Pajama Boy is the feminine, soft, caring, young liberal America that wants to give your tax dollars — money you earned! — to poor people and who gets sad when he sees you eating a steak. (See Rich Lowry's very-late-to-the-conversation Politico essay which makes our case nicely: Pajama Boy is "as threatening as Michael Cera" and is "probably reading The Bell Jar and looking forward to a hearty Christmas meal of stuffed tofurkey.")

The Pajamericans are pampered interlopers, willing to give up America and its values in order to just get along with everybody, undermining the First Amendment by asking that people not use gay slurs.


Side: True.
2 points

I don't know if that will work so much, that sounds like it is just for people who are against Republicans. Might be too specific.

Side: True.

Doesn't the term 'heathen' seem to apply? Or are you looking for something with more of an innate negative connotation? It would take one hell of a word for the recipient to consider it derogatory rather than a compliment, given the nature of the conflict.

inb4 people start posting "reasonable" or "intelligent" or something to that effect as proposed terms.

Side: True.

How about: Pajamericans?

Pajama Boy is the feminine, soft, caring, young liberal America that wants to give your tax dollars — money you earned! — to poor people and who gets sad when he sees you eating a steak. (See Rich Lowry's very-late-to-the-conversation Politico essay which makes our case nicely: Pajama Boy is "as threatening as Michael Cera" and is "probably reading The Bell Jar and looking forward to a hearty Christmas meal of stuffed tofurkey.")

The Pajamericans are pampered interlopers, willing to give up America and its values in order to just get along with everybody, undermining the First Amendment by asking that people not use gay slurs.


Side: True.
2 points

"Intelligent" has a nice ring to it. Uh...I mean don't call me thaat cmoonn guys.

Side: True.
2 points

All the better to find the fundis with! No more need to attempt intellectual discourse with someone incapable of reciprocating. Just say the insult, and we know who you are. Perfect.

Side: True.

How about "haters." ;)

Side: True.
1 point

It's a shame "bible bashers" is already taken :/

Side: True.

NVM, it was a real word already in use. (trying to create a new word)


Side: True.
1 point


Side: True.

We already do, its called "Being Rational".

Side: True.
2 points

I would not get in the way of other people happens but why do they have to get in my happens please vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! debate/show/should itbelegaltohavesexwithdogs

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!