
Debate Info

True Shut that Native up
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 True (2)
 Shut that Native up (3)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Wealth is largely the result of habit


Side Score: 2

Shut that Native up

Side Score: 3
1 point

Wealth is largely the result of habit

Hello b:

Or, in Trumps case, wealth is the result of a rich daddy...


Side: True
1 point

Oversimplification is largely the result of being a stupid jewish cock sucker who thinks everyone else is even more stupid than you.

Side: Shut that Native up
Jody(1791) Disputed
1 point

Oversimplification is largely the result of being a stupid jewish cock sucker who thinks everyone else is even more stupid than you

Well if you feel that strongly about it maybe you should stop oversimplifying and stop gobbling Jewish cock ....What? ......Oh you’re welcome

Side: True
1 point

Having the knack for creating wealth is usually the result of having a burning ambition to be successful along with the ability to identify a potentially lucrative market niche.

Once that has been accomplished you must then set about addressing the real challenges which include;- acquiring the necessary start up capital to commence your venture, hard work/working clever, eat, drink, sleep, shit, and fornicate your business 24/7.

Be aware that most of your employees will be dishonest so you must put sufficient disciplines in place to minimize theft.

Be mindful that most people with whom you come into contact, especially your friends, will be jealous of your achievements and look for ways of taking you down.

Just as we witness the''also rans'' snapping at the heels of the larger than life President Donald Trump.

So, in that context be hyper careful what you disclose in any form of communication.

The next stage is making sure you hold on to your wealth.

A lot of les nouveaux riches become extravagant and like to show off their newly found affluence. Many of these ostentatious, loudly dressed, big tipping, flash Harry characters 'blow it' and soon find themselves in bankruptcy .

The only thing worse than being poor is being poor after having been rich.

If creating sustainable wealth was simply a matter of habit everyone would be doing it.

Side: Shut that Native up
1 point

Anyone with enough ambition and drive can achieve wealth most are happy enough just to collect a steady weekly wage and continue this way from cradle to grave.

Some people like Nom spend their lives trying to construct a Time Machine from cardboard boxes and found objects from the local dump and call themselves “scientists” , this is why people like Nom are abject failures and will never achieve wealth .......but he still has his mums meatloaf to look forward too.......yummmmm

Side: Shut that Native up