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 Wellesley Professors insist ‘Objectionable’ campus speakers unduly Burden SnowFlakes (4)

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Wellesley Professors insist ‘Objectionable’ campus speakers unduly Burden SnowFlakes

A group of Wellesley College professors claims speakers with “objectionable” views are not only offensive to students, but actually diminish their liberty. Six professors at the Massachusetts liberal arts college — members of the faculty Commission on Ethnicity, Race, and Equity (CERE) — wrote an email to fellow faculty Monday, saying students are harmed by controversial speakers because they have to “invest time and energy in rebutting the speakers’ arguments.” In the email, the professors express concern that, after hearing certain speakers, students will be so preoccupied objecting the hurtful opinions that they will be “unable to carry out their responsibilities as students without standing up for themselves.” The commission members recommended higher “standards of respect and rigor” when selecting guest speakers to come to campus.

1st Amendment under attack again by these Tolerant Progressives. The 1st Amendment is hurting the Poor Little SnowFlakes at Wellesley College. The 1st Amendment at Wellesley is causing stress the SnowFlakes just can't deal with !

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2 points

Hillary Clinton's Alma Mater all that needs to be said here.

2 points

I agree with you that suppressing controversial speakers on the basis that they interfere with the free speech of others is in and of itself a violation of freedom of speech. These faculty were wrong.

But let's be accurate about the letter that was written. In fact here it is: visit-aftermath/

1) This was a discussion among faculty which was addressed to their own faculty. And clearly not all the faculty agree with it, so don't condemn the entire college for it.

2) A specific example is given by the email of one of their own faculty who made personal attacks against students who did a videopost response to a speaker, and ultimately that faculty member apologized. The authors of the email were trying to defend the free speech of the students who did the video reply.

In the end, I still completely agree with you. But it puts a different reality to your post. Because this wasn't a whole college suppressing free speech, it was a disagreement among subgroups of the faculty. And it wasn't out of the blue, it was after one of their own faculty villified students who spoke out after one of the speakers.

2 points

Yes, this is just one more example of decades of Liberal thought coming to fruition with the election of the most Liberal President in our history... Obama.

The Left's disdain for free speech when it is not deemed politically correct, show what they are all about.

They hate America and what it stands for. They love Socialist Europe while it is imploding from Liberal rule.

They are the biggest hypocrites in the history of our planet.

Democrats love the correct type of woman (feminist), as long as you are not one of those conservative woman.

The Left love's women unless they are viable late term babies. In this case they will fight to the end for the killer's right to end the life of that girl baby.

Colleges were once the bastions of free speech, until the radical political correct Progressive movement came along, and started attacking the right's of speech if it was at odds with their transformation of America.

Remember when our communities had the rights to decide for themselves if they wanted a nativity scene on public land? CENSORED!

Remember when our pubic schools in each community had the right to decide for themselves if they wanted to start the school day with a prayer (with no child being forced to pray), as does our Congress each day? CENSORED!

Now here we are with Liberal Colleges and Liberal Professors once again attacking the rights to conservative speech.

Even the IRS was censoring political groups if they were deemed conservative in nature. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT IS HAPPENING TO AMERICA?

SICKENING! These Liberal activists reside in the Democrat Party. The Party has been taken over by Left wing extremists, feminists, LGBT activist groups, and low income able bodied non working people who believe they are entitled to others money.

Trump's election is the direct result of these attacks on our freedoms.

Isn't it interesting that "objectionable" means "Conservative". It's obvious that being a white male who self identifies as a black female is just fine to these people.