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 What is the greatest threat to human freedom? (10)

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Aur0ra(158) pic

What is the greatest threat to human freedom?

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2 points

The need to be free is something many are enslaved to. This isn't just a 'for the sake of sounding wise' statements. You will find that the most violent Tyrants, even Genghis Khan, preached to their allies of seeking freedom and a utopia where they can do as they please, how they please when they please. It's who that freedom comes at the sake of that tends to be ignored in such speeches.

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

That freedom is invoked by tyrants in this way does not suggest that many people are enslaved to a need to be free. It means that freedom as an abstract and poorly understood concept can be invoked as a post hoc rationalization or justification for behaviors that otherwise might be hard to pass off to people. This doesn't implicate freedom. It implicates herd mentality, a disposition towards otherization, passive indifference, and willful ignorance.

SunTzuv2(52) Clarified
1 point

You are a member of a team-based species. If herd mentality irritates you because you want to be a YOLO solo swag tiger then go ahead, don't complain when the teaming lions and hyenas gank you.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

The Democrat says freedom is invoked by Tyrants. Now that is one stupid statement. Keep trying.

2 points

Too complicated a question to answer with one thing. There are many threats to human freedom and all of them have the potential to be "greatest" given enough momentum.

Uncontrolled predatory capitalism is certainly up there with the most current issues around human freedom.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
0 points

Uncontrolled predatory capitalism is a threat to the individual that types on a computer built by capitalism. You better tell Bill Gates how you hate Microsoft.

BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
2 points

a computer built by capitalism.

Right buddy. Capitalism also built the Great Pyramids of Giza and created fire.

Any more stupidly false statements you want to make while you are here?

1 point

Fear of freedom. It is not generally in the human disposition to want freedom, and where people are seen to pursue it they are often fleeing from it (e.g. power is not freedom).

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

The Confused Democrat wrote what.

It is not generally in the human disposition to want freedom.

So do tell what is generally the human disposition there genius.

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

What is the greatest threat to human freedom?

They call him Mingiwuwu.

0 points


To deny an innocent human being the freedom of life? BARBARIC!