
Debate Info

My friends are stupid I'm not eating this
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:14
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 My friends are stupid (2)
 I'm not eating this (7)

Debate Creator

LitleMissfit(123) pic

What was running through the mind of the 1st animal to think on a human level

My friends are stupid

Side Score: 2

I'm not eating this

Side Score: 10
1 point

What was running through the mind of the 1st animal to think on a human level

Hello LM:

Mmmnah.. Pussy.. Me fuck..


Side: My friends are stupid
1 point

Come on Con. You plagiarized that from me. I was literally walking around 2 days ago grunting that to every woman I met...

Side: I'm not eating this
1 point

Why do they call me Adam? Why do they call themselves Eve?

Am I a schizophrenic or do I just believe?

Am I listening to my penis, down my throat can I just breathe?

Oh lord thou art in heaven can I ask why I'm this weak?

Side: My friends are stupid
1 point

What kind of fucked up monkey is that ming?

Side: I'm not eating this
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

You tell me.

Side: My friends are stupid
1 point

Mostly thoughts about survival .

Side: I'm not eating this