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at conception at birth
Debate Score:163
Total Votes:207
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 at conception (45)
 at birth (31)

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SovietSpy(709) pic

When is the fetus considered human?

at conception

Side Score: 76

at birth

Side Score: 87

Well .. biologically it is human at the conception.

I just don't think it is a human BEING at that point. Human sperm, human fetus, human being. Different things.

Side: at conception
Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
3 points

Question: If it's not a human being at conception.... why kind of the being is the organism that is created then?

Side: at conception
6 points

A human being created the human fetus.

Just like human create human hair, human nails, human sweat and human teeth, human beings make human fetuses.

Just like human toenails shouldn't be considered children, human fetuses shouldn't either.

Side: at birth
Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
3 points

Question: If it's not a human being at conception.... what kind of the being is the organism that is created then?

Side: at conception
3 points

Technically the fetus is scientifically considered a human as soon as the needed chromosomes align, for a human child obviously.

But as this is obviously pro-choice or pro-life bait, I have to add that when it becomes a person is still debateable.

It would seem the 'to abort or not to abort' question is more controversial than religion now-a-days. I need to get in on that.

Side: at conception
2 points

This is all the information that is needed to keep the original question on topic. I feel like this is two-sided as well, it is scientific yet could also be political.

Side: at conception
2 points

Living things:

1) Are Made of cells

2) Have Different Levels of Organization

3) Use energy

4) Respond to their environment

5) Grow

6) Reproduce

7) Adapt to their environment

Therefore, according to science a "fetus" is a living thing

Side: at conception

There's a reason they call it a human fetus. ;)

Side: at conception
1 point

You are so right. ;)

Side: at conception
1 point

This debate is blending two different questions.

While it's true that most animal organisms lives begin at and by conception... not all of fetuses are human.

A human fetus becomes human when the human dna from both parents is combined to begin the new organism's life.

At Conception.

Side: at conception
1 point

This is a scientific fact, you might think it is at birth just because you are pro abortion but you can't fight the facts can you?

Supporting Evidence: The Facts (
Side: at conception
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
2 points

you are using religious society as source of relevant information? :D

Side: at birth
1 point

I pick conception, but I am still prochoice. .

Side: at conception
1 point

Somewhere in the middle I think. Whenever there is cognitive thought. Other than that, just a mass of cells.

Side: at conception
1 point

I am prolife now. Conception. .

Side: at conception
0 points

Lets take a close look at Biological Studies shall we?

According to biology, the characteristics of living creatures are as follows

1. Living things are highly organized, from the smallest part to the largest.

2. All living things have an ability to acquire materials and energy.

3. All living things have an ability to respond to their environment.

4. All living things have an ability to reproduce.

5. All living things have an ability to adapt.

Right at the very moment the sperm makes contact with the egg, the egg starts to act independently, It starts to organize, it quickly leans how to acquire nutrition and use it, it knows how to respond to their environment and knows how to adapt to it. It even knows how to reproduce by dividing its cells over and over.

An ordinary Egg and Sperm cannot do any of this. Which concludes that Life starts at conception.

Side: at conception
EldonG(530) Disputed
2 points

Sperm and eggs are living. Sorry, that's a scientific fact.

Side: at birth
Centifolia(1319) Clarified
2 points

Its called "Reproductive Organ". Its basic lesson in Sex Ed.

Side: at conception
Nox0(1393) Disputed
2 points

fetus cannot reproduce a.k.a - not alive .

Side: at birth
Centifolia(1319) Disputed
0 points

A fetus is a single fertilized cell that has learned to multiply, reproduce, adapt and live.

Side: at conception
0 points


Good luck on getting any of these guys to acknowledge your points though.

Did you see how my latest "ban free" debate is going?

Pro-aborts clearly are not interested in any facts that challenge their prejudices..

Side: at conception
Sitara(11075) Disputed
3 points

Prochoice is not proabortion. .

Side: at birth
0 points

Why do I keep seeing debates that have the word "fetus" in it?!

Side: at conception
7 points

I seem to be the only one who thinks otherwise... Between, at conception it is nothing less than a bunch of cells, which may have human DNA but as I stated in a previous argument, is not a human. As to when it actually becomes a human, is debatable, but can be anything from 7 weeks to 5 months. It depends what you want to call a human. Changes occur at birth, like the flow of blood and the respiratory tract that allow the baby to survive, so you could say that this is only when the baby is fully human, but at conception, no. It is not a human being.

Side: at birth
Centifolia(1319) Disputed
3 points

Before that, what is your definition of being a human?

Is it because of conciousness?

- If so, then are mentally disabled patients not a human?

Is it because of capability to survive out of the womb?

- If so, then what are people with medical machines inside them called?

Side: at conception
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
4 points

I respect your arguments, though they're not very good! Mentally disabled people have consciences! I don't know where you got that from that they don't, maybe the have a low IQ but they are still experience emotions, pain, and are capable of moving and making gestures.

People with artificial limbs or 'machines inside them' are humans, because they have all the human features. Like If I have a bicycle, and take one of the tyres off. It doesn't stop becoming a bicycle does it? But when it is still being made, when the metal is still liquid, ready to be poured in to molds and welded, that is not a bike. It will one day be a bicycle, but not yet. Like a young foetus, it does not have everything required to be a complete human being. People with prosthetic limbs can still be humans because everything else about them is as it should be. A foetus, may look like a human, but only at a certain age inside the womb does it pass the stage where it is no longer just a foetus, but it is a human baby.

Side: at birth
5 points

How many times do I have to say this-- that question is entirely irrelevant.

Side: at birth
4 points

Neither. At some point in between.

Side: at birth
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

What species is it before that? .

Side: at conception
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
2 points

Not a species, we're not talking about it starts off as one species then changes in to another. It starts off as a ball of cells. This is not a species, it is not a living creature! At that stage in its development, it could turn out to be a whale, or monkey, or a rhino! Well, it has human genes living in a human womb, so unless the mother did something.. unspeakable.. it will still become a human. But the point is, it is not a human being yet as it has no features of being a human. A fetus, when it gets limbs, eyes and a beating heart ( roughly, lets not get in to a debate to exactly when this happens) but roughly then is when it is recognisably a human baby.

Side: at birth
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
1 point

The absence of any biological reference to support this claim is noted.

Where can I find a scientific reference to support your claim that a human being in their first days of life is 'at some point in between' being a human and something else?

Side: at conception
4 points

At 24 weeks.

There wasn't an option... :(

Side: at birth
4 points

Considered human by whom? In what context?

Side: at birth
Centifolia(1319) Disputed
1 point

Biological definition says so that Life starts at the conception

Side: at conception
EldonG(530) Disputed
3 points

Sperm and eggs are both alive long before conception. Are they human? Life is an unbroken string that stretches back a few million years. The question, fortunately, is not whether life begins at conception, but whether or not that life is a human.

If sperm and eggs are human, we're all killers, and women are even killers somewhat beyond that, because the zygote doesn't always attach like it needs to, at conception.

Side: at birth
Nox0(1393) Disputed
2 points

no really .

Side: at birth
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

If it is not human, what species is it? .

Side: at conception
3 points

A fetus is absolutely a part of the mother until it can survive on its own outside of the womb. It cannot eat on its own, or even breathe. It is completely and utterly dependent on its mother for every aspect of its life. Once it can survive on its own outside of the womb, it is a human in its own right. This is not necessarily strictly at birth - a baby will usually survive on its own in the third trimester, but until birth, it is absolutely dependent on the mother anyhow, so it becomes at birth by default, whenever that may be.

Side: at birth
Centifolia(1319) Disputed
2 points

The inability of the child to survive without the aid of their mother was never a viable proof that it is not a human

"To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion ... it is plain experimental evidence."

- Dr. Jerome Lejeune, The "Father of Modern Genetics"

Side: at conception
EldonG(530) Clarified
1 point

It is not an independent entity. Humans are independent entities.

Argh. Clicked on the wrong thing. I guess that'll teach me to try and work with an unfamiliar interface before I have my coffee. This should have been a dispute.

Side: at conception
1 point

That's a very nice quote.

Thanks for posting it.

I know I can use it in later debates.

Side: at conception
2 points

over and over again, it's at birth, stop remaking this retarded debate ....

Side: at birth

If someone is a strict constructionist who interprets the Constitution word for word, the sanction for abortion is given under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment of our U.S. Constitution defines a citizen “a citizen” at birth. If a woman is carrying a fetus in the womb, the U.S. Constitution does not designate the fetus as “a citizen.” It would take an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to declare a fetus a citizen. You have to be born in order to be recognized as a citizen. Therefore, a woman does have the right to choose. A fetus inside the womb is not designated as a citizen according to the U.S. Constitution so by default is not entitled to life, liberty, or prosperity. You have to be born in order to be endowed with those privileges. To conclude, neither the Federal government nor any of the States can deny a woman the right to choose.

If abortion is murder, abortion would have been terminated years ago due to the cruel and unusual punishment clause under the Eighth Amendment. Again, proof that a fetus is not recognized as a citizen of the United States of America.

Side: at birth