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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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atypican(4873) pic

When rhetoric is constantly race based, (particularly in pop media)..

It has the unintended consequence of increasing racism, even though the motive for "raising awareness" might be noble


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 2
2 points

I grew up in the 70's and 80's in Southern California, and the general push was still to deal with people based "not on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character."

Bill Cosby taught me that we were primarily the same; the stories he told on his albums revealed that his "Black childhood" was just like my "White childhood"-and that there really is no such thing as a Black or White childhoods or, for that matter, Black or White childre. There are just childhoods and children.

People seem to get along well when we deal with each other as individuals, not as subsets of categories. People seem to do well for themselves when they act as individuals, and make their own choices, and accept personal responsibility when life holds them accountable for their mistakes.

I have lived in 3 of the 4 corners of the US, and in Texas. My experience is that the vast majority of people are people of good will who are accepting and willing to deal with everyone they meet as individuals. Moreover, almost nobody seems to actually care about race.

Sure, there are some actual and intentional racists out there, like the Ku Klux Klan and the hardcore members of Black Lives Matter and La Raza, but they are rare.

Even the unintentional racists I have met are not racists in the specific instance of the people they meet; they just use race as a category to assign privilege and blame in the abstract. I think these abstractions are the core of the race-based rhetoric to which you refer.

Most of the race-based rhetoric is by well-intentioned theoretical racists who want to use it to build some sort of fairness formula, despite the fact that the people they are talking about are not categories, but real-life individuals whose lives are the results of individual choices. I think talking about race as if it is a real thing (as opposed to a contrived and poorly defined category) increases people's self-consciousness and expectation of being discriminated against.

This seems to make people less likely to accept each other and themselves as the individuals we are. I think it also makes people more likely to take offence at innocent, and sometimes even kind remarks. This is a predictable result.

Morgan Freeman puts it pretty well.

Side: agree
2 points

Indeed, the worst part of it being the attempt to redefine racism so that it isn't possible to be racist against whites. This of course also creates racist whites who, feeling their identity is under attack, turn to white supremacy and other silly identitarian ideologies.

Side: agree
1 point

There was one lady, and I loved much of what she said, I'm posting it with a warning about language but she brings up some great points. She even brings up points on pop media.

Side: agree
2 points

Hello a:

If pop media means FAKE media, then I agree with you.. But REAL journalists report what happened.. They don't MAKE it happen..


Side: disagree