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 Where are the moderate Muslims protesting in the streets aganst Islamic terrorists? (32)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Where are the moderate Muslims protesting in the streets aganst Islamic terrorists?

Have you seen any videos on network news of so called moderate Muslims having mass protests in the streets of America to voice their anger towards Islamic terrorists who are giving these moderate's religion a bad name?

Do you understand how far that would go towards earning the trust of the Americans who feel Muslims are not taking a strong enough stand against this evil Islamic terrorism. Can you imagine the message it would send to the world if in America Muslims took to the streets hand in hand in solidarity with Christians, Atheists, etc.?

If Democrats are so concerned with the anti Muslim backlash in America, why have they not organized protests as they have so many times when it comes to race bating to secure the Black vote?

No, all the Left does is show some intervues with a few Muslims condemning the terrorist acts. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE? If Hillary and Obama are so concerned over negative feelings towards moderate Muslims in America, why have they not been able to organize protests in the streets to aliveate American's concerns? Where are all these outraged Muslims? The silence is deafening!
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3 points

Muslims do speak out, the corporate media doesn't cover it. Just google Muslims against terrorism.;=P6NWVcvYIMqN8QeLvoDwDQ&gws;rd=ssl#q=muslims+against+terror

Just because they are't out there organising million man marches into Washington doesn't mean there aren't millions of moderate Muslims who just want to practice their religion in peace. Why would you demand that they protest anyway? Do you demand that NRA members protest against mentally disturbed college kid purchasing some assault weapons and going on a mass shooting spree? There have been less than 300 killed by terrorism in the US and Western Europe in 2015 and 2016 combined. There were over 13,000 gun deaths in the US in 2015, not including suicides. 3,521 Americans have died from terrorism since 1970. 3,393 have died in gun violence so far in 2016.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Wow, talk about misplaced priorities.

We don't protest against the weapon of choice of killers. That would mean protesting against alcohol. Can your simple mind grasp the fact that the weapon is not the problem? The killers are the problem.

Do you see anyone protesting against the weapons terrorists use to kill others? NO! We protest against the killers no matter what their weapon of choice is.

Where is your outrage at the thousnads of deaths from alcohol related deaths each year? They equal or out number the numbers of people murdered by guns.

It's sickening trying to debate people who have a hatred for guns. It's like hating a hammer which by the way kills more people each year than assault rifles. Did you now this? Do you care? Nah, you are an arrogant gun hater.

umaroth(7) Clarified
1 point

if you actually read his comment you'd notice that he didn't say protest guns.

1 point

Muslims world wide had no problem protesting Charlie Hebdo, not because of the terrorists killing them, but because CH "defamed" Islam.

They had no problem protesting and denouncing the cartoon contest in Texas, but not a word about the 2 would-be murders who got shot down before they had a chance to kill those in attendance.

They had no problem celebrating the mass murders in the Paris nightclub.

The "religion of peace" is not; it's anything but. These were radical Islamist acts because Islam IS radical.

2 points

Right around the corner at the gas station.

Here is a site showing the very few Muslims willing to protest. Muslims protest in big numbers when some cartoonist makes fun of their religion, but when brutal mass murdering Islamic terrorists kill Christians , Atheists, Muslims, the protests are laughable! twice-by-islamophobia-and-isis

Firnen Clarified Banned
2 points

Wow you really do enjoy being extremely deceptive.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
3 points

What a shock..... no response to the debate other than to insult.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Thanks once again for proving my point.

First off, the first site you gave me was a yearly Muslim event that they also used to put up some placards aganst ISIS in FRANCE! There were a hundred people!

I asked for protests in the streets of America and of course no one has given me any video's showing the protests. There should be thousands of Muslims marching down streets for something as important as Islamic terrorism. If Muslims in America want to be trusted, they MUST organize together and prove it to us all. If they refuse to organize and protest against ISIS, they deserve the untrust they get.

There is outrage. Just because the media doesn't report it doesn't mean it's not there.

But far more importantly...

Do you know who ISIS kills more than any other group? Muslims. They do not represent the Muslim faith. And a majority of Muslims do not support them, just as a majority of Christians do not support the KKK, even though it is technically a Christian organization.

Nonviolent Musilims have no obligation to protest in the streets or speak out, (or rather, they have no difference in obligation from non-Muslims.) They bear no responsibility for the actions of ISIS.

You often claim that those that don't follow Christianity exactly as you interpret it are not Christians, and as such, they should not be considered as equals to you. Why can't you make the same argument here?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Can you ever get through an entire response without being deceptive?

You said...... "You often claim that those that don't follow Christianity exactly as you interpret it are not Christians, and as such, they should not be considered as equals to you."

NEVER in my life have I ever said any thing like that! I've said a million times that God tells us in the Bible we will know a Christian by their love. It's such a simple common sense statement. It's amazing how many of you want to twist it to fit your narrative.

People who support taking innocent life have no true love for all people. They sacrifice those who they don't like, or are burdens to them. The KKK has no love. Hitler had no love. Oh, they have love for those certain few in their circle, but if you become a burden to them, they show their true colors.

There is NO OUTRAGE when the Left can't even find a single mass protest from so called moderate Muslims in America. Democrats constantly claim that too many Americans are steriotyping Muslims. If that is true, SHOW US THE VIDEOS OF LARGE NUMBERS MUSLIMS MARCING DOWN AMERICAN STREETS PROTESTING ISIS! In this way you can prove to these people, who you say are steriotyping Muslims, the error of their ways.

Moderate Muslims bear no responsibility for the actions of ISIS unless they turn a blind eye to it and secretly agree with parts of it.

They should be marching in the streets, not because they are responsible for ISIS, but rather because they claim ISIS is distorting their religion. They should be as outraged as they get when some cartoonist ridicules their religion.

If there were so called Christian terrorists who were killing thousands of people all over the world in the name of Christianity, you better believe Christians would be marching in the streets to deny these false murderers.

It's laughable for people like you to deny the obvious facts. If there were strong protests going on from moderate Muslims in this nation, IT WOULD BE PLASTERED ALL OVER THE LIBERAL NEWS. This is what they want us to see to prove their narrative but as you see on our news...NO LARGE PROTESTS!

PattyPlatano(96) Clarified
1 point

I've said a million times that God tells us in the Bible we will know a Christian by their love

At least once every day for the last few months you have signed in here to call people idiots and morons and to ban them from your debates without even reading the majority of their posts. How the heck can you seriously call yourself a Christian and get say that you know Christians by their love? The amount of contempt and the extent to which you ridicule people on this site shows what an extremely hateful person you are. You may say "oh they are all liberals!! they deserves my contempt and insults!!!" but that has nothing to do with the fact that you are far far from loving in the way you present Christianity. Maybe you are just a Sunday Christian? (although Im pretty sure I have read you behave this way on Sunday too...)

umaroth(7) Clarified
1 point

e KKK has no love. Hitler had no love.

Sure they do they have love for their own group.

Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

Have you marched down the streets protesting ISIS? Just curious.


You don't see Muslims protesting such heinous acts committed in the name of Islam because Islam embraces and encourages such acts against the Infidels.

1 point

Where are the moderate Christians protesting in the streets against the KKK and other Christian terrorist groups?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Tell me the last time the KKK killed someone? There are no Christian terrorist groups that anyone even knows about and if there were such groups spreading terror around the world, we would definitely be speaking out in masses to condemn it.

umaroth(7) Clarified
2 points

There are no Christian terrorist groups that anyone even knows about and if there were such groups spreading terror around the world, we would definitely be speaking out in masses to condemn it.

How come Christians never protested the KKK back when they where a major issue?

1 point

The reason muslims aren't protesting is simple THEY ARE MODERATE they won't want to be violent and protest.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

When I say protest, I am saying protesting against terrorism. That is a good thing if they would ever do it. The point is that they are not as moderate as the Left wants you to believe. Have you ever wondered why the Left is so friendly with Muslims who say nothing while the islamic terrorists kill us?

All I can figure is that they see this as yet one more minority voting block for their drive to socialism.

foil7(346) Banned
1 point

If they protest, they will still be condemned by bigots like you.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

That insult deserves an instant ban. If you are too stupid to address the topic and only insult, you deserve to be banned.



1 point

Well, ISIS doesn't live here. Our government does not support ISIS. So who are they supposed to protest AT? People who already hate them? The protests would just fan the flames of bigotry. They are better off posting online, writing books, giving interviews, etc.