
Debate Info

John Oliver Trump.
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 John Oliver (6)
 Trump. (6)

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jolie(9809) pic

Who's lying - John Oliver or Trump?

John Oliver

Side Score: 6


Side Score: 11
1 point

John Oliver is a comedian. Trump is the POTUS!!!

Besides, John Oliver is saying exactly what you would expect a liar to say ;)

Side: John Oliver
4 points

Besides, John Oliver is saying exactly what you would expect a liar to say ;)

It is true that good liars base their arguments in facts. John Oliver's not a good liar. He's only using facts. Ugh. Liberals.

Side: Trump.
1 point

I don't live in fear so I don't understand what the liberals are so afraid of. When the people of England decided to leave the EU, there were many predicting gloom and doom... and it hasn't materialized. ;)

Side: Trump.
jolie(9809) Clarified
0 points

John Oliver is a liberal. Never trust a liberal ;)

Side: John Oliver
1 point

Damn those liverals! Always late with their liveries!

Side: John Oliver
1 point

I've been a cowboy for 25 years and I've never liked liveral.

Oh and triads are like trifectas but with the nucler option intact.

Did he say calf or caths ?

Side: John Oliver
1 point

No eyed deer ;)

Side: John Oliver
3 points

Those direct quotes of him are false news!!! How can you believe what he actually said when its being reported as false news!?!

Side: Trump.
1 point

Trump might be stretching the truth just a little. Not much. Maybe. ;)

Side: Trump.
1 point

John Oliver made more sense and told more truths in 23 minutes than King Donald has made in 23 DAYS!

The name T R U M P should be read as TRU...M aybe ? ...P ossibly ? If the King had as many Pinocchios sticking out of him as he deserves he'd look like a Porcupine!

Side: Trump.
1 point

Don't sweat the small stuff ;)

Side: Trump.