
Debate Info

Hysterical Very hysterical
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:37
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 Hysterical (12)
 Very hysterical (11)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Why Nom calling people Nazis is hysterical

Nom caught proving he is a Hitlerian fascist
Nom quote:
"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death."


Nom Quote proving he's an antisemitic Nazi:

"Shut up you extremist Jew prick.:


I believe that conservatives need to be banned from the internet and put in concentration camps where they will be force fed Marxism until they puke and ask for seconds.


Side Score: 18

Very hysterical

Side Score: 16

I believe that conservatives need to be banned from the internet and put in concentration camps where they will be force fed Marxism until they puke and ask for seconds.

You were told three hours ago that is not my quote, so why are you continuing to lie about it?

Oh that's right. It's because you're a Nazi.

Side: Hysterical
3 points

It's your quote. No one else has the personality of a fat, sweaty, deadbeat living in a dungeon bitching about how bad life is from his goblin cave.

Side: Very hysterical
1 point

It's your quote.

It is not my quote.

Perhaps you would like to explain to us why literally nothing you say is ever true? Why are you such an enormous liar?

Side: Hysterical
1 point

No one else has the personality of a fat, sweaty, deadbeat living in a dungeon

LOL. Oh look, the neo-Nazi who was left by his wife and whose own children can't stand to be anywhere near him wants to throw mud. Awesome.

Perhaps if you'd spent less time lying about people on the internet your children would still love you, you dumb little cunt. You literally chose trolling Create Debate over your own kids. That's the reality of the situation. You're a pathetically sad little Jewish fascist.

Side: Hysterical
1 point

Poor old Norm's schizophrenia is exacerbated by his irrational frenzied outbursts and raging hysteria.

Norm's neurosis results in him spewing out a torrent of hatred towards one or more of the site's participants while paying little or no heed to the topic being discussed.

He is not here for reasoned discussion or rational argument, but instead uses the facility to ease his resentfulness at the failure of his personal life.

You Brono, have identified this character weakness and are shamelessly exploiting it to the maximum.

It's all good harmless entertainment.

Keep up the good work.

Side: Very hysterical
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Norm's neurosis results in him spewing out a torrent of hatred towards one or more of the site's participants...

Brono, have identified this character weakness

Hello racist:

I dunno.. Is it YOUR neurosis that has you SPEWING torrents of frenzied hatred toward ME and black people?? If Noms hatred is a character weakness, what's your excuse???


Side: Hysterical
0 points

It’s actually beyond hysterical, he’s a hate filled crawler who constantly asks Andy to ban others for any infringement he deems unfair yet he rabidly attacks everyone and downvotes , bans and posts up constant childish attacks as topics so he can use his alt accounts to agree with himself .

One thing he has never done is actually debate everytime he opens his fool mouth one is guaranteed it’s going to bullshit or more lies.

Of the examples you posted the one below demonstrates what a twisted little prick he is .......


I believe that conservatives need to be banned from the internet and put in concentration camps where they will be force fed Marxism until they puke and ask for seconds.

Side: Very hysterical
1 point

he’s a hate filled crawler

Look at you doing exactly what you are accusing me of!!!

Get back to the Jobcentre you worthless fucking moron. Maybe someone will be stupid enough to give you a job.

Side: Hysterical
1 point

Look at you doing exactly what you are accusing me of!!!

I’m stating exactly what you accuse others of doing you hypocrite

Get back to the Jobcentre you worthless fucking moron.

Says the guy who sponges off his old man as in for money and the other type of sponging off which is his “kink”

Maybe someone will be stupid enough to give you a job.

Take your correction like a man you big child 👶

Side: Hysterical
Jimbong(19) Disputed
1 point

No one would be stupid enough to give you a job. Probably why you don't have one and sit here on CD all day.

Side: Very hysterical
1 point

he’s a hate filled crawler

Guys, here is the actual reason Jody hates me. This is a screenshot of Jody bombarding Mingiwuwu with private messages accusing him of being "a dirty fat nigger". I hope that by seeing this you will understand the level of lying fucking dickhead this stupid Irish wanker is:-

You belong in the 17th century, you boring race-hating little child.

Side: Hysterical
Jody(1791) Disputed
1 point

🤔Sure thing buddy I’m really not that impressed with your bit of creative editing but this post here exposing your deceitful nature has got you rightly fired up ......excellent 💃💃👋👋👋👋👋

Side: Very hysterical
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Guys, here is the actual reason Jody hates me.

Hello hater:

The ACTUAL reason everybody HATES you, is that you're a HATEFUL sonofabitch..


Side: Very hysterical
Jimbong(19) Disputed
1 point

And how would you have gotten ahold of mingiwuwu's pms?

Side: Very hysterical