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 Would you say nothing if they had late term tests to see if the Baby was Gay & then abort? (36)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Would you say nothing if they had late term tests to see if the Baby was Gay & then abort?

This is where Democrats and those on the Left are such sick pious hypocrites. They say nothing while late term babies are being tested for Downs syndrome so that the mother can then choose to kill the Baby.
If there were tests for Gays, these hypocrites would be protesting in the streets. They would be boycotting states that allowed it, they would be beside themselves in pious self righteous anger while for years they have supported this very thing with special needs children.

You see, Democrats know that the LBGT lobbyists are big money and votes for their election campaigns. Downs syndrome people are not a big Democrat voting block. The Democrat's self righteous indignation only surfaces when you are a voting block for them and if you are the right kind of political correct person. If not, you can be aborted for simply having a lower IQ.

These same hypocrite Democrats love taking photo ops with special olympic children on TV to pretend they actually care for special needs children.
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2 points

I'd say Hi how is the which who no yes and or.


1 point

couldn't have said it better myself ........................ hik !! XD

2 points

I don't want either downs babies or gay babies to be aborted.

Please stop being so fixated on the gay community. Seriously why do we bother you so much. Gay people are not the cause of the world's problems. We are just innocent people trying to live our lives without being hating on by people like you

dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

Gay people are not the cause of the world's problems.

We are just innocent people trying to live our lives without being hating on by people like you

Pfft !! ... what the heck .. don't look at us .. sheeeze ..

you're the ones attempting to pound squeer pegs into round holes ... eew !!

TheEccentric(3382) Disputed Banned
1 point

I don't dwell on or criticize straight people for what they do in bed so I would appreciate if you would return the favor and not discuss what we do in bed. It is none of your business what happens between two consenting adults in a private room.

You're an actual idiot because you hate homosexuality yet you probably spend more time thinking about gay sex than we do.

Darkyear(345) Disputed
1 point

you're the ones attempting to pound squeer pegs into round holes ... eew !!

More like a round penis into a round anus. Men's penis' don't turn square when they turn gay, you weirdo.

2 points

This is where Democrats and those on the Left are such sick pious hypocrites. They say nothing while late term babies are being tested for Downs syndrome so that the mother can then choose to kill the Baby.

So long as abortion is legal, why would somebody refrain from aborting a diseased offspring? It makes more sense than aborting a perfectly healthy fetus.

If there were tests for Gays, these hypocrites would be protesting in the streets.

Your entire debate is based upon a hypothetical reaction to a hypothetical test.

They would be boycotting states that allowed it, they would be beside themselves in pious self righteous anger while for years they have supported this very thing with special needs children.

So long as abortion is legal, it is the choice of the mother whether or not she will abort the fetus. I don't care for it, but the fact remains that they are aborting the sick, the healthy, males, females, whites, blacks, Asians, red-heads and blondes and brunettes, as well as homosexuals and heterosexuals. However, since there is no way to determine if a fetus is going to grow up to be homosexual, there is no way to abort a fetus because it is homosexual. Were such a test to be determined, then it would be up to the mother to abort the homosexual fetus just as she would be able to abort a perfectly healthy fetus.

You see, Democrats know that the LBGT lobbyists are big money and votes for their election campaigns.


How big is this money? Is it supersized, like those checks they take pictures of next to lottery-winners?

Considering that homosexuals make up, it is said, only 2-5% (though I believe closer to 10-20%, experience-wise), don't you think there is bigger money from the "95-98%" of heterosexuals?

Downs syndrome people are not a big Democrat voting block. The Democrat's self righteous indignation only surfaces when you are a voting block for them and if you are the right kind of political correct person. If not, you can be aborted for simply having a lower IQ.

Your objection doesn't seem to be rooted in anything other than disgust for democracy.

Is that what you hate: Democracy?

These same hypocrite Democrats love taking photo ops with special olympic children on TV to pretend they actually care for special needs children.

The difference is that, once a child is born, and therefore considered to be "alive", it has an "inalienable right to life".

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

All I could read was your first sentence. You Downsphobic hatemonger! To call someone with a lessor IQ and some genetic differences as being diseased and deserving of death, makes you the pathetic inhuman hypocrite I speak of.

You would be the first one screaming if they had tests for Homosexuality and then did those tests purely so the mother could choose to abort the Homosexual.

I actually don't see an inherent problem with a pre-birth sexuality test, just as I don't really have a problem with one for Downs syndrome. Having more information to make decisions about the future, whether it be where to move, how to deal with your pregnancy, where to invest your money, and so on all seem like good things to me.

Every abortion is sad, and we should try to have fewer of them. The way to do that isn't to give families less information.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You don't see a problem with finding out which people are Jews for the express purpose of eliminating them?

That is the exact same thing as testing for special needs babies for the express purpose of eliminating them.

In China they find out what the gender of the Baby is so they can kill the girl babies.

You can sit there and pretend there are other reasons to find out about these things. Even if there are, WHO CARES? I have no problem testing for certan things as long as it has nothing to do with abortion. We all know testing for Downs is done for one main reason.

I have a couple Downs Syndrome children in my extended family. The parents had no need for these tests and there was no problem finding out after they were born.

I understand that having special needs children can be more difficult, but what kind of people are we where we decide who deserves the right to life? Every child has his own beautiful qualities and I know for a fact that Downs syndrome children enjoy life every bit as much as you and I.

The Left is fixated on the right's of Gays to marry, or what locker rooms Transgenders go into, but for the right of life for every innocent baby? They say nothing! They are so totally lost, it is truly pathetic. Their priorities are 180 degrees backwards.

1 point

I don't support late term abortions so it's irrelevant to me what late term reason a person would give.

And you and I have also already discussed many times your assertion that the Democrats support abortion all the way up to birth.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

If you don't support late term abortions, you better never vote for a Democrat or any other politician who supports it. Because if you do you are a complete phony joke.

1 point

I would object. Gay kids have the right to live too..................................................

1 point

I'm am surprised to hear the self hating bisexual admit that.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

That's great as long as you say special needs babies have a right to live also. If you vote for Democrats, you re supporting testing on late term babies so the mother can choose to kill special needs Downs syndrome babies.

0 points

shoot .... people abort for every other reason .... why not that one ? ....

If gays are "born that way" .. then there must be a gay gene to be detected ... ain't science just grand

TheEccentric(3382) Disputed Banned
1 point

Like I have told you before, stop judging and commenting on groups of people you understand NOTHING about. Homosexuality doesn't have to be genetic in order for it to be a condition you are born with. It is commonly believed to be among scientists to be caused by hormones in the mother's womb, NOT a gene.

You clearly understand nothing about science seeing as you believe a magical being created the whole universe in seven days.

dadman(1703) Disputed
0 points

stop judging and commenting on groups of people ... Um, no .... I have freedom of thought and speech thank you very much

It is commonly believed to be BLAH BLAH BLAH .. You clearly understand nothing about science .. LOL

in order for it to be a condition you are born with Indeed the bible calls it a rebellious sin nature

You clearly understand nothing about science lol ... so tell me the scientific conclusion of when a bran new Human Life begins ...

now watch eccentric launch into opinion and philosophy ..... t y p i c a l .. pfft !!