
Debate Info

christian Atheism
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:25
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 christian (7)
 Atheism (8)

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Enash97(8) pic

christianity or Atheism

i want to debate any one who believes anything other than Christianity so that maybe i can save them and win them over to Christ.


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 14
3 points

well you got yourself quite a debate going on here Enash97 ....

you got Cartman / JustIgnoreMe and Jacobcoolguy to win for Christ ....

you think any of them are convinced by your arguments so far ?? ...

hmm, you better get started

Side: christian
1 point

Have we been convinced by yours??

Side: Atheism
2 points

I'm agnostic, which is code for I don't really care about either. I just like to insult both sides.

Side: christian
1 point

Christianity. I mean, it's what I believe in. If you can disagree with Jesus Christ then I should think there is something wrong with you. Not about theism or anything, but about how we should treat each other.

Side: christian
1 point

i personally believe in Jesus Christ as my lord and savior and God the father as the creator of this world. why? because the bible holds so much truth, sure its based around faith but it also predicts things that no one else could possibly predict, i have found more truth in the bible than anywhere else. The more you seek wisdom from the bible the more you will understand the truth. Now feel free to counter what i'm saying or to try and disprove the bible and i will back up my beliefs immediately. I do prefer for people to not be rash and childish and spout of expletives but to debate adult like and i will apologize for my ill grammar now as im not very good at writing.

Side: christian

Shouldn't this be Theism vs Atheism? There are tons of people who aren't Christian, but believe in God.

Side: Atheism
dadman(1703) Disputed
2 points

Romans 1:21-22 .. for even though they knew (about) God ..

they did not honor him as God or give thanks ..

but they became futile in their speculations .. and their foolish heart was darkened ..

professing to be wise .. they became fools


only when one receives and honors the Son .. does he honor the Father

Side: christian
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Not Christian does not mean atheist ... still.

Side: Atheism
1 point

Your argument is irrelevant.

Side: Atheism

I do not claim that all possible gods can be disproved, but I do think the problem of evil is proof enough that no god worthy of worship exits.

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?


Side: Atheism
Enash97(8) Disputed
1 point

God can eliminate evil but chooses not to for the fact everyone would be robots at that point. God gave us free will so we would choose him over evil. If he were to eliminate all evil then no one would be able to lie, steal, murder, and commit other vile sins. I understand that everyone sins but its about trying not to sin but to be worshiping the very God that created us.

Side: christian
1 point

God can eliminate evil but chooses not to for the fact everyone would be robots at that point.

This is a version of "willing to prevent evil, but not able" - thus God is not omnipotent.

God cannot create non-evil people that aren't robots.

Alternatively, why not bypass creating humans altogether and just create our souls in heaven with him?

Side: Atheism
2 points

Will the Muslims that practice The Religion Of Islam look upon Atheism as does the Progressive Left that supports the Muslims that practice The Religion Of Islam ?

Side: Atheism