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I agree with this I disagree with this
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 I agree with this (2)
 I disagree with this (1)

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missnytler(8) pic

developed countries should pay a higher cost to curb global warming than

Developed countries are the reason as to three quarters of the worlds emissions ,but does that mean they should pay a higher fee than developing countries.

I agree with this

Side Score: 4

I disagree with this

Side Score: 2
2 points

Absolutely. Proportionate responsibility.

Deveoped countries have the finances, the means, and the legal framework to completely cut greenhouse emissions within the next ten years. The only reason for refusal is the profit of private companies in oil rich countries. It's no excuse.

Side: I agree with this
2 points

I think you should have to give all your money to try to cool the world. Throw your money in the trash, don't burn it, burning it will require you pay extra carbon tax.

Side: I agree with this
2 points

If I get the crux of this debate, then I then I think countries need to take care of pollution within their on boarders.

Perhaps there needs to be a universal acceptance that each location/country needs to have a certain level that is deemed acceptable and each location/country is responsible for keeping within the parameters set forth.

Admittedly I don't think I'm well thought out in this, pretty tired and my coffee hasn't kicked in so maybe I can fully express clarifications if there are any that are needed, at a time when the sweet sweet nectar of caffeine finally kicks in. :D

Side: I disagree with this