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 transgender group and feminist activists clash in extraordinary brawl in Hyde Park (5)

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OmegaPan(710) pic

transgender group and feminist activists clash in extraordinary brawl in Hyde Park


Moment transgender group and feminist activists clash in extraordinary brawl in Hyde Park that leaves one 60-year-old woman on the floor

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This is just more of liberalism eating itself. The trans are taking the feminists' medals, trophies and awards while being male. Quite a quandry they have on their hands. Which "oppressed" group to pander to today...

1 point

This is just more of liberalism eating itself.

Shut up bronto. I'll slap your Jew Supremacist face back to Jerusalem.

1 point

So no rebuttal. The leftists have been unmasked. When "racist" doesn't work, your brains explode and you begin spinning in circles. Well done.

1 point

That's the equivalent of pink haired big eyed aliens versus beluga whales.

1 point

Wonder what they were fighting about ? Probably a heated debate over lipstick colours turned ugly when the shaven headed vegan feminists objected to their being categorized by such things as lipstick