
Another-Alt's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Another-Alt's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Batman, you are flat out insane. You are literally dangerously mad. Please don't ever have children.

No proven mistakes of Jesus shown here, just conjecture but conjecture is not proof. No logical arguments presented just opinions. Opinion statements are not facts. But hey, it got you 6 points‼️

The pure irony. Prove Jesus even existed.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

He abandoned the site once he'd destroyed it for everyone else.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Hmmm, Bronto's alt army could you clarify? You only joined 166 days again and I don't remember any Bronto nor army.

I'm not sure how anybody could read my username and fail to conclude that perhaps this isn't my first account, but then again you are a shockingly unintelligent clown.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

In my opinion, based on the site's recent activity, or lack of it, CD needs to fine tune its format or become extinct.

It absolutely does, but I fear Andy has simply abandoned the site. It has been an exceptionally long time since he's written anything, and he's stopped even turning up to ban people.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

Was site's achilles heel the ease with which members could acquire alts enabling them to ''down-vote'' opposing opinions into oblivion?

It was definitely a major factor I think, because it dissuaded most new members from even bothering to participate. The problem was ultimately Bronto, because he was the one dominating the site with hundreds of alts. When I first arrived here the only two choices were: don't argue with his insane neo-fascist point of view or create your own army of alts. Most people would have chosen the former, but being half-mad myself, I stuck around and lowered myself to the same behaviour. I've wasted many a night in pointless voting wars with the guy.

Loathing was definitely a factor, as it is in most places where politics is discussed. The report feature was also abused a lot, because after a while online political discussions tend to devolve into trying to have the people who disagree with you banned.

Unfortunately buddy, I think forever lost are the early days of the internet, where tolerance was high and censorship was an unforgivable crime.

2 points

Would it be constructive if we tried to analyse why the forum has reached nadir?

I think you've mostly covered it buddy. When I first got here the biggest problem was Bronto's alt army, which he was using to hijack anything opposed to his far right politics, but then random advertisers began to creep onto the platform and they've completely taken over. I don't believe in censorship, but there has to be limits to what people are allowed to do otherwise this is the result.

5 points

It's 90 percent advertising. Back when I first joined it was already on its last legs as a platform, but even the diehard trolls have left. If you scroll through the debate list it's genuinely hard to find anything which could be construed as a debate.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

Excon is about as Jewish as the Dalai Lama. He literally just lies for clout.

2 points

It must be difficult having the brainpower of an avocado.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Eats pork.

Pretends to be Jewish.

Good one retard. Tell us another.

Zimmerman is not guilty, period. Deal with it, you reality-challenged retard.

You don't decide reality you stupid fucking pedo. You seem to be very confused about that.

Juror says Zimmerman 'got away with murder'

The woman, who is part Hispanic and was identified in court as juror B29, said she would have liked to convict Zimmerman of murdering Martin but her hands were tied by a lack of evidence.

Oh, look at that. I was right. Maybe you should fuck off back to the KKK with the rest of your buddies you worthless fucking nonce.

I recalled correctly.

No, you didn't.

Zimmerman was acquitted because he wasn't guilty.

He was acquitted because there was no-one alive to dispute his story. If there is reasonable doubt about your guilt you are acquitted, regardless of if you are guilty. It took prosecutors decades to successfully pin something on John Gotti which stood up in court, for similar reasons.

I doubt you can even spell honesty, you worthless piece of shit.

If I recall right, Martin attacked Zimmerman and Zimmerman defended himself. Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury of his peers.

You don't recall right. Zimmerman made up a story which nobody could dispute because he'd murdered the only witness. He was acquitted because the prosecutor tried to charge him with a crime there wasn't enough evidence to convict him for.

Now go crawl back into your hole you horrible nonce.

You are more likely to get hit by lightning than have a serious detrimental effect from vaccines.

"you are 333 times more likely to be struck by lightning than to have a serious adverse reaction to a vaccine."

What an absolute crock of shit. The odds of being struck by lightning in any particular year are about 1 in 1.2 million. It appears that your bunk website is trying to compare the lifetime odds of being hit by lightning with the odds of a single event in time.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

So many extreme bias low factual websites no wonder there is so much polarization and fragmentation.

The danger isn't sites with obvious low credibility. A far greater danger are sites such as Wikipedia, which are sometimes highly credible, and other times provide a mouthpiece for special interest groups and state-sponsored propaganda. You have a terrible habit of trusting blatant bullshit when it comes from sources with a reasonable reputation and lack the intelligence to realise propagandists seek out these types of sources deliberately.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

He doesn't like to brag about it, but people in his home town don't even know his real name. They simply call him Jungle Warrior.

Whatever you say buddy.

“Fucking punks, these assholes always get away.”

George Zimmerman, 15 minutes before he shot an unarmed teenager to death.

Hello compulsive liar.

Tell us all again how you took out a Viet Cong patrol armed only with a pencil. I particularly enjoy the part where you mention that the pencil wasn't even sharp.

When George Zimmerman defended himself against Trayvon Martin

You laughable pedo prick. Defended himself? By chasing an unarmed black teenager into a gated community with a pistol in his hand? Are you retarded?

Congratulations on finding yourself in the point one percent of Create Debate users who are mentally stable, intelligent and rational. It's a very small club.

Ok, then what about the people who can't READ English?

Stop pretending you aren't one of those people. You interpret the words "You're not Jewish" as "I hate Jews".

Also, stop signing your posts "Excon" and start signing them, "Current halfwit".

And you know I don't have family who died in the Holocaust how???

I know because you're a pathological fucking liar buddy. You spew so much horse shit I lose brain cells just reading your posts.

Tell us again how you took down the Viet Cong. I like that one.

You're a vile sonofabitch, aren't you?

Buddy, you are the all time champion of vile. You've literally spent the last six years trying to convince everybody you talk to that you had family who died in the Holocaust. You're a pathetic piece of dog turd. It should be completely legal to shoot people like you.

Trying to make poor people feel guilty about being poor is not a contribution to society you useless, delusional little prick. Look around you, dickhead. The total absence of people who love or even like you shows you the type of contribution you've made, you worthless sack of filth.

Heck, if he shot your useless fake Jew ass he'd GAIN a voter.

The Left promotes, lawlessness, chaos, and dystopia

Don't make me laugh, you pathetically disingenuous piece of dog shit. The left promotes a fair society which doesn't ignore homelessness in favour of giving massive tax cuts to the rich. Your efforts to brand moral integrity as a bad thing are nothing shy of pathetic. Society has a responsibility to challenge corruption and injustice so go fuck yourself you sick fucking pedo.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Ah, hello there Human Filth. Nice to see you are still dragging the species backwards by 300 years every time you open your uselessly stupid mouth. Why don't you give me your address so I can come over and have a discussion with you, you worthless fucking pedophile?

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

I have been a supporter of the vaccination program since its roll-out.

Of course there will be 100s of 1000s, probably millions, of those inoculated who will suffer side-effects of varying degrees of severity and undoubtedly some who have died and will continue to die, but the overall upshot is that the immunization of the world's populations has helped to keep this pandemic within manageable parameters.

Sure, and I myself am a big supporter of vaccination programs, which have saved probably millions of lives since their inception.

However, the Covid situation is different. Here, we were faced with a global pandemic which was already in full effect and vast sums of money were on the table for anybody who could quickly find a solution. Corners were cut, false promises were made, and the end result was an inferior product.

When I was young the concept of vaccinations was very simple: deadly disease, if you take this shot you won't ever catch deadly disease, everything is good. But with Covid it became nothing short of farcical. One shot became two, became four, became, eight, became twice a year. Immunity became probable immunity, became OK you can still get it but you won't be hospitalised, became OK you'll still be hospitalised but you won't die, became OK you'll still die but you won't spread it to anyone else.

What we've seen with Covid is exactly what the most lambasted politicians were saying in the first place. Eventually enough people will develop herd immunity that it will cease to be an issue. I don't think the vaccinations have made much difference to the outcome at all.

Twit needs to comprehend that research involves more than looking for confirmation of what he has already been persuaded to believe.

For non-mRNA or unknown vaccine vectors (primarily consisting of the ChAdOx1 Oxford-AstraZeneca) for the first dose and all doses combined, there were significant increases in the incidence of cardiac death

I'll have to take your word on your well researched assertion.

This idiot isn't intelligent enough to perform research. Literally 30 seconds on Google debunks his premise:-

Study reveals extent of Covid vaccine side-effects

About one in three people recently given a Covid vaccine by the NHS report some side-effects.

None was serious - a common one was some soreness around the injection site, the UK researchers who gathered the feedback found.

Experts say the findings, from about 40,000 people - mostly healthcare workers - are reassuring for the millions having the vaccines now.

It basically works like this. Twit finds research. Twit doesn't understand research. Twit makes random sweeping claims after finding research.

I hope somebody reads this takes a while to hunt down peer reviewed articles

I hope someday you realise what a complete moron you are. You are so stupid it almost beggars comprehension.

No more anti-vaxxers hiding behind their testimonial evidence. Vaccine hesitant are more likely to have a nocebo response.

Oh really? Well, this is outrageous. You're seriously telling us that people with negative expectations are more likely to suffer an effect which literally depends on negative expectations to work?

Oh my goodness. Thank you Captain Obvious. Be sure to pick up a candy bar and a dunce hat on the way out, you useless twit.

No you idiot please tell us about your time in VIETNAM and that boat you were on.

I'm interested in hearing how he singlehandedly took down the Viet Cong. That's a great story. Has he shared that one with you yet?

2 points

They are alredy in charge of it and have been for way too long. HOw can this magnificient earth and societies end up like they have if indeed rich people had decided well?

You should ignore HF. He's a disgusting little pedo who confuses greed with intelligence.

He can say eleven things that all contradict each other

Yup. It's pretty impressive. His idiocy transcends politics and unites both the left and right.

If you could beat me in debate, you would

I'll beat you in this debate. How mentally retarded would you say you are?

I'm PROUD to be a patriotic American liberal.. Believe it!

Laughable. You're a pathetic liar who allies himself with literal Nazis the moment anybody debunks your lies about being Jewish. Your credibility is absolute zero and you've been caught in more lies than Bernie Madoff.

If I saw you in the street I would spit on you.


In order to acquire or own a hand gun, you will need a licence (see above). Fully automatic guns are banned outside of military purposes, as are most semi-automatic guns that were once fully automatic.



Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Hmm actually I was here way before you came along. You didn't find you... you found me. Welcome. Bitch.

You're generally a very angry person. Past trauma?

Whereas you demand to live in a world where masked gunmen burst into schools and shoot kids in the face with extralegally sourced firearms

Oh, I do? Aww, thanks for letting me know, ginger bollocks.

Say, let's give every mass murderer a bazooka too, so they don't have to go to all that trouble of sourcing one extralegally. Makes perfect sense. We should buy El Chapo a tank while we're at it, because he's obviously just going to get one extralegally if we don't. Might as well make a buck.

You've convinced me. Can we make rape legal too? I hate extralegal rapes.

Hey, dipshit? If you can't read a full sentence, at least go on a dictionary website and try to piece it together.

Awww, is the rage-filled drunk who thinks we should live in a world where masked gunmen burst into schools and shoot kids in the face mocking the intelligence of others? That's so cute. Come here so I can rub your silly little ginger head.

You're here too, dumbass.

Lies. This is your dream, not mine.

2 points

What are you on man?

My man is an angry drunk. That's a textbook whiskey rage.

Oh wow. If it isn't the return of the internet's self-declared hardman. Do your keys still quiver in fear when you type your mean insults, desperate to avoid the wrath of their perpetually drunk, angry ginger master?

Is your daughter still alive mate? Or has she blown her brains out yet with that gun you gave her?

I bet she's really proud to have an alcohol dependent dad who creeps online late at night to write mean things. Definitely someone to look up to, aren't you buddy?

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

To a greater or lesser extent, and in our own way we've all kicked against the established order at some time in our lives but usually most of us become molded into robotic zombie-like sheepeople that makes us easier to be controlled and more compliant with the predetermined paths the ruling classes have plotted out for us.

Yes, and it isn't a coincidence. Dissent and radicalism among the working classes were very much the social norm until the Creel Commission set the remarkable precedent of successfully shaping public opinion during the first world war. From that springboard, the public relations (or public propaganda, if you prefer) industry began to form and engineering consent among the lower and middle class very much became, if not a science, then a high art. The switch of mass media from a subscription model to an advertising model also facilitated the change, since it gave the business class a remarkable amount of leverage within the media which could be used to push for certain narratives and/or angles.

What we've been left with at the end of it all is a society unable to organise change based on its own common principles, unless those common principles have been filtered down from the business class. It's a totalitarian state controlled through public relations propaganda and a complete perversion of the concept of democracy.

The only kid diddler who uses these forums is you, you dirty nonce. You call me "obsessed" while at the same time every post you ever write explicitly references touching kids or jokes about child abuse. You're a sick, disgusting little freak who clearly had an overly affectionate uncle.

Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case. If ever a person deserved a good clump in the mouth, it's this quivering sphincter.

3 points

But, there's no international mechanism to enact a law like that, nor enforce it.

Yes there is. International law is created through mutual agreement of nations and presided over by the UN security council. Offences under international law are prosecuted in the ICC.

all you'd get is a good idea written down in a book that does nothing except make you feel good.

A bit like your fake ancestry test then, scumbag.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

And an unenforceable law is not actually a law.

Give me an example of a law which has never been broken.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Chinese students coming here in large numbers

I don't think it's confined to just Chinese. They weren't interested in the Israeli "art students" who were attempting to gain access to federal buildings and turning up at the homes of various DEA agents prior to 9/11 either. Not even after intelligence sources flagged it as an intelligence gathering operation.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Go ask Bernie, an avowed socialist, kid diddler.

I've never diddled any kids, so shut your filthy lying mouth and stop projecting your own crimes onto me. You make me sick to my stomach you worthless piece of extremist trash.

I say again, there is no material difference between a ticket handed to you by a cop, than one mailed to you by the city.

You can say it a hundred times if you like, you painfully thick idiot. You'll still be objectively wrong.

Oh, you mailed me a ticket? Sorry, I never received that. Must have been a postal error.

Yes there is. If a cop hands me a ticket for no rational reason, I can get his badge number and go to court. If Big brother sends me a ticket for no rational reason, there's no one I can call out.

You're honestly wasting your time arguing with anybody this stupid. Obviously there's a material difference between being handed a ticket, where there's proof you received it, and having one mailed to you, where there's no proof you received it. You're arguing with a retard. A retard who thinks if he shouts stuff at you it makes him right.

To liberals, capitalism is evil only when you engage in it, not them.

How exactly do people living in the most capitalist society on the planet not engage in capitalism?

Your opinions are just so stupid. If I were a German liberal living under Nazism, would you accuse me of hypocrisy for buying bread?

White privilege is a liberal construct

You're objectively wrong. In every state in the United States, minorities experience a higher level of poverty than whites. Now, I understand that in your psychopathic mind that means whites are superior to blacks, but the truth is that you're just a racist piece of shit with zero interest in factual reality.

The very policies the Left endorses, think defund police

And if you want to smear the left because of a few fringe anarchists, then that can be turned right back around at you. How about the very policies the right endorses, like overthrowing the federal government and starting a confederacy? Or bombing abortion clinics? Or killing all the blacks and Jews?

To me, it's complete madness that anyone would vote democrat.

The problem you seem to have trouble understanding is that it's also madness to vote Republican. The Republican Party is even more corrupt than the Democrats, but since self-interest is your only concern in life, you neglect to mention any of the heinous things the Republicans have done, going right back to them using drug money to fund foreign violence. All the Republicans are interested in is slashing taxes for the wealthy, courting the evangelical voter base with contrived bullshit, denying any science which interferes with their ability to make money, and starting various foreign wars which have killed millions, on the basis of complete lies. This is literally the party of "post-truth".

The Republicans are the single most corrupt political party on Earth. Corrupt people, dripping with arrogance, are who they appeal to. People who write "you're welcome" at the end of their comments because they think their opinions are special.

So Democrats lie about who and what they are, so you vote for them anyway.

He copies them by pretending to be a Jew.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

The best way to show up a person's flaws is just to ask straight questions and let them run their mouths.

Believe me, I've been doing that for the last six years. The problem is that excon is immune to shame and will very happily resort to egregious defamation and lies as a means to save face. You're talking about a deeply immature, lowbrow cretin who cares not a single shit about factual reality. He simply wants to feel like he "won" against you, and if that means making up a bunch of lies or using circular reasoning he's happy to do it.

He's a liar, a coward, and a pathetic piece of shit. In six years here, he's managed to find himself despised in equal measure by both the political left and right. He's a one man solution to political conflict.

You asked for the law

No he didn't. He asked if humans are alive before birth.

Shut up and go crawl back under your rock, you fucking identity thief.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

You claim that the unborn child is a living human. You claim that the this living human being has no rights. Do you consider that other living beings have basic human rights? If so, why do you make an exception for a living human being who is yet to be born?

That's the entire reason he refuses to engage in further discussion. He could see from your previous post the angle you were going for, and he knows he can't rationalise what he believes, so he played the typical move of a coward and gave himself a false excuse for leaving. The idiot does this all day, every day. He's too immature to accept being proven wrong about anything, so when he begins to lose a debate he runs away then comes back three days later with a bunch of insults and a false version of history. It's fucking pointless ever conversing with him about anything because he's a thoroughly dishonest, immature little twat.

And, I answered it.

You claimed your answer was "self-evident", then refused to support your answer when it was challenged with reasonable questions.

I'm not gonna engage stupidity like that

So you engaged in debate with the intention of not debating? And that makes WHO stupid?

The pure irony of your bullshit is like something out of the twilight zone. Seriously, you are the most stupid individual I've ever encountered on the internet.

0 points

The proposed evidence was an opinion poll of human beings.

No, it was an opinion poll of scientists. The greatest experts in the matter in which an opinion is sought, and people who only form opinions on the basis of reliable evidence. All the usual ignorance and misinformation which pervades opinions has been removed. Therefore, a (genuine and demonstrable) scientific consensus is a valid argument, not an appeal to popularity.

2 points

Nahh.. I'm not going to discuss whether a baby is alive, in the womb or out.

That's the debate you're posting in you pointlessly stupid moron.

2 points

I don't think

Here's the thing. Nobody cares what you think. You can't even be honest about yourself, so why should anybody assume you're being honest about anything else?

The problem with being a liar is that nobody believes anything you say. Funny how that works.

2 points

Hi fake Jew piece of shit.

There is no such thing as an Atheist Jew. Quite a few Jews or more accurately ex Jews identify as such to hang on to the identity without being honest about the nature of so called "cultural Jewishness". The problem with this semantic gymnastic is that there is no such thing as a collection of Jewish cultural practices that is in any way removed from the religious rituals and beliefs. This is the glaring hole in the argument of being an atheist in a context of theistic practices. You can go through the motions of Jewish religious rituals by being a non believer but that only makes you an impostor, a pretender. Someone actively falsifying their own participation. You maintain your group status as Jew while actively disbelieving the very aspects that make a Jew....a Jew. No different than being a cultural Christian or Muslim. If you go to mass or mosque and go through the motions of the rituals while being a disbeliever. You are faking it. Jewishness is particularly problematic in this regard because of the only 2 ways that you can "legitimately" become a Jew. One, is to have a Jew mother, the other is conversion. If a for example Christian woman marries a Jewish man and converts to the religion she becomes a Jew. If however she decides that the religious beliefs are ridiculous and she stops or never did believe in Yahweh she is no longer a member of the Jewish faith but.....somehow via magical thinking no less still identifies as a Jew (Rachel Dolezal style). So no, there is no such thing as an atheist Jew any more than an atheist Christian. Ex Jews hang on to their Jewish descriptor because of the many social and economic advantages.

Consensus is not evidence. To use it as such is a logical fallacy.

Not when it's a scientific consensus. That's different than a generic argumentum ad populum.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point


Stop obsessing over me.

People?? PEOPLE??? PEOPLE????

Show me just one solitary person on this entire website, who does not think that you are a retard. I'll be waiting you pathetic piece of dog shit.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Hello hater:

Obsess much??

Just because people think you're a retard, doesn't mean they are obsessed with you.

2 points

Buddy, he's crazier than the annual Scientology disco. A truly frightening abomination.

2 points

You've drawn your last straw, scum. The cops are onto you for your crimes against humanity.

Calling you out for being a ridiculously mad, fanatical terrorist prick, is more likely to win me a Nobel Peace Prize than it is to put me in the Hague. Shut your fat, stupid mouth.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

I absolutely guarantee you, when the Holocaust was going on, that laughably disingenuous piece of dog turd Excon would have been telling everybody who cared to listen that he was an 8th generation Germanic Catholic.

Who are you talking about?

Having trouble reading plain English now, you pathetic fucking coward? Go away you absolute retard.

Stop making false accusations about me you piece of lowlife shit.

Duh!! How fucking stupid is that??

Not as stupid as you, you delusional 80 year old moron. Put your teeth back in and fuck off. Every person on this website thinks you're an idiot. Your mind-boggling stupidity brings left and right together in combined agreement that you are one of the most thoroughly dishonest, intellectually stunted pieces of crap ever to walk the face of this planet.

2 points

I am a mother of two kids

Don't mention that to High Falutin or you'll be getting some strangely friendly private messages.

You can call me names for the next 200 years if you like, you creepy little twat. It won't change the fact that you're the one of us who voted for a child rapist. You willingly voted for a man who you knew regularly attended sex parties hosted by Jeffrey Epstein. Mothers should keep their kids FAR away from you when they see you driving down the road in your ice cream van.

What measure(s) does Dr, Batman suggest to stem the erosion of Christianity?

Lol. This should be good.

My guess is regular beatings, mass executions and free grenades for everybody who lives within two miles of an abortion clinic.

3 points

I don't equate what ONE person does or says, to his beliefs

Yes you do you absolute goddamned liar. Every single time anybody explains that you're not Jewish you call them an anti-Semite and/or a Jew hater.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

The victim didn't appear to offer any resistance so trying to figure out why five cops beat this motorist to death has led me to nothing more than various avenues of speculation, ( none of which could remotely justify this blatant murder) including were the cops high on drugs or was there an underlying vendetta?

I hear you on that. I couldn't figure it out either. The savagery of that beating was just absolutely inexplicable.

My remarks regarding cops was an expression of my general opinion of our police vs the baddies and not directed specifically at this outrage

Fair enough mate.

Oh shut up and fuck off you truly pathetic creep. You're a delusional, sad and toxic little runt.

2 points

That's all he ever uses this site for. He's an absolutely deranged lunatic. Sometimes I check the debate list and find he's opened in excess of 30 new threads, all of which are set to private.

2 points

Have you seen the video? They literally beat the shit out of that guy. It's utterly inexcusable.

they probably did society a favor by extinguishing another ne'er do well like they did with George Floyd.

When you die, birds will sing in the trees. I don't know precisely what is wrong with you (I'm not a psychiatrist), but using the back end of the internet to lend support to things like child rape and murder implies quite strongly that it isn't fixable.

3 points

I've mentioned to you before that if you COULD beat me in a debate, you WOULD

Mention it? You've clearly got that exact phrase saved in Wordpad, because you copy/paste it repeatedly. Jesus Christ, you are SUCH a delusional cunt.

2 points

I see more of your obsession with me is on FULL display

Dumb shit like this.

2 points

Excon says a lot of really dumb shit, so you'll have to be more specific.

2 points

Mine too Kale. Things can be tough when your parents aren't there for you when you need them to be, especially early on in life. Eventually though you reach a point where you don't feel like you need their approval.

2 points

Hello Antisemite

I'm not an anti-Semite, I have never been an anti-Semite, and you can take your contrived ad hominem attacks and get the fuck out of my debate you truly pathetic piece of shit. You're a coward and a liar who continually makes false claims about being Jewish and EVERYBODY ON THIS ENTIRE WEBSITE has called you out on it. The only reason you focus on me is because I was the first to expose you as a liar. You're not Jewish, you have never been Jewish, and this childish idea of yours to simply slander everybody who points it out, only further demonstrates the absolutely disgusting nature of your character.

Ridiculing non-Jews for lying about being Jewish is not a form of anti-Semitism. Now get the fuck out of my debate you stupid, pathetic child. Nobody wants to read your trash posts, least of all me.

2 points

Absolutely. Dr Batman is a seriously unwell individual, and on top of that he's filled with rage and hate. Somehow he's convinced himself that his religion supports his terrible, hostile attitude.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

The moral to that quote should be interpreted as, MAKE SURE YOU'RE PAUL AND NOT PETER

I'm of the belief that two heads are better than one. Instead of Peter and Paul working on ways they can rip each other off, it makes more sense to me that they should collaborate their efforts into something more worthwhile and meaningful than competing to see who can obtain the best car or highest bank balance.

Then we must inquire, what would the malnourished children be doing if they were not mining the materials for the manufacture of cell phones.

Probably working for Nike.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Professor know-it-all is sitting in his private library with a headful of dormant knowledge or a multi-billionaire business magnate whose global enterprises employ 1000s around the world creating prosperity and happiness within the societies where his industries are located?

Materialism is a double-edged sword. It takes from Peter to pay Paul. Consider perhaps a multi-million dollar cellphone manufacturer. In some areas of the world it creates stable jobs and prosperity just like you say. However, in other areas of the world there are malnourished children working dangerous jobs in mines to acquire the necessary base metals.

While knowledge is its own reward, lust for material wealth can never be satiated.

2 points

The truth is that Dr. Ratman is in reality THE ANTICHRIST sent to Earth by Lucifer himself to spread the teachings of HIS SATANIC VERSES.

This disciple of Satan corrupts and distorts the scriptures of the Christian Faith so its true message is lost in his fractured up jumble of unintelligible words and phrases.

Well said, my friend, and I concur entirely. This spawn of Satan must be stripped and publicly flogged for making a mockery of the word of God. His buttocks must be cleansed of the hellfire through a righteous passage of castigation. Only then may the corruption of Satan be cast out of this unworthy mortal vessel.

2 points

You're NOT a Christian

Hello HATER.

Who the FUCK are you to tell me I'm not a Christian?

I had a SCIENTIFIC DNA test done, and I'm 98.4 percent ROMAN CATHOLIC.

Get your silly, Christian hating ass out of here and go suck on a shotgun.

The Bible tells us that the anti-Christ will be colour blind. Need I say more, good people of the parish.

2 points

I hope not, because it equates to an infinite cycle of violence. The problem with justifying violence is that there's always a way to justify it, if you're determined enough and unafraid to bend logic. Believe me, the Germans in WW2 thought they were the good guys.

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