
Lovely21's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lovely21's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

My personal preference is smaller boobs. I'm not saying that if I had bigger ones that I would despise them, but You can do a lot more with "ity bities". i guess it depends on the person because if the can handle all of the extra then go for it.

2 points

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! If you are indecent enough to have intercourse with someone and not accept responsibility for your actions then you should be neutered, or have to pay a fine. When someone is pregnant at least from what I've heard they develop an emotional attachment, and I for one do not think what the guy says should necessarily be the OK. It takes the whole thinking of a man's world to another place. Besides since when does the man get to make the decision of if they would like "their lady" to have the baby...It's in her...This is wigity wigity wack!!! Child support is necessary and in order.

1 point

UH DUH, Whoever came up with this topic should be banned from this site... Why wouldn't or should I say shouldn't a black American be able to make just as much or more than a Caucasian fellow? We work as hard or just as hard as they do. My question back is, this really an equal opportunity country was there really reason for asking this question?

2 points

Whitney is definetly the supreme Diva. She can smoke her face off (whether that is true or not does not concern me) and I still believe that she can make a comeback...Mariah...I guess ...Marrying Nick Cannon made me wonder about her

1 point

I see nothing wrong with it unless she was also the 85 year old lady who tried to wear a miniskirt and halter top... Besides that whats the issue?

1 point

lol Funny topic. Actually there are different degrees of happiness so in what area of happiness do you speak?

1 point

My first reaction to reading this was "wow who asks questions like this". It then dawned on me that if parents could design their children then they would have none better than the other. On the other hand who wants to design their children? Let nature take its course. If they want to change themselves that is what surgery is for.

1 point

I'm sorry I apologize for being rude but that was a stupid question. Why would you have flyer miles in a place where everything is perfect and nothing goes wrong? It wouldn't be heaven if things were as they were before you died?

1 point

uh duh...the fifth of No, I really do know what it is...

1 point

No, I don't trust them. I mean everybody knows that they will do anything to get where they are going whether that is slandering your name or cursing you.

1 point

First off where did this topic come from? Secondly, I would definitely go for it. In the end you're not hurting anyone or doing anything violent so why consider it torture?

1 point

AHHHHHHH this question always seems to come If they were ugly and perfect in every other way possible then I really don't know. I would have to be deeply in love with them. Generally I'd rather be ugly,and smart because something could happen where my face is contorted. Being ugly you could easily fix your appearance with all of the technology that we have today.

3 points

We are, We are,We are, getting gradually more disrespectful as the years wear on. Though I respect my elders very much I have peers that do not. In today's society everyone is equal. Everyone goes for the same job, homes, food, so status by age is only a number.

1 point

This may sound really wrong but I do not think it is degrading. think about it.... People have one night stands all of the time but it's not degrading until you get paid for it. How backwards does that sound? If it is going to be degrading then so should night stands, and sex before marriage. The only difference I see is you get paid with one and the other you are paid with the taking of your pride and dignity.

1 point

Bi-sexuality is as real as being straight or gay. My thinking is why is it so hard for people to believe? Why does it have to mean that you are confused about your sexuality? OK their are people who like only men or only women, and there are people who like both. I mean you can love guys until the day but lets say you met Rhianna for instance and liked her. You would not go gay for her you would just like her as well. Like an add-on. Besides some people would rather love a person for who they are and not just for what they have down there.

1 point

O heavens no............. If you live forever every piece of you can be battered and broken, and yet you could do nothing about it. You could see the world multiple times, and just be tired. Why not just live your life here, and watch from the clouds?lol

1 point

UHmmm..that's kind of disgusting. I'm not going to say that I've never done it before because when I younger I did, but considering I have legs I might as well get out and go. Besides with everything going around I wouldn't want to catch something because something was in someone else's pee.

1 point

I personally would not go on the show because I would have to pay for the damage done on the inside of my body with the money that I win.

1 point

"LOL, OMG, and JK, " are all used in texting and are now beginning to be used in everyday language. So yes it is affecting communication. In writing papers you would generally use proper grammer and write everything out as if it were in an exponential form but with words. Now we see more and more everyday where a paper might be written with shortened expressions, or written in slang and most times the writer is unaware of the minor blooper, or to them it just seems better put that way... It's as if they are speaking new speak.

1 point

Simply Yes. Think about it if you don't die then you and the whole world die. On the other hand if you do you save millions and then some.

1 point

Banning television advertisement is pointless. They children will grow up and see it or hear about it from peers anyway. Banning them will only mean your taking in a sense a reality.

1 point

I agree no dictator has to be or is born evil. I assume power makes them that way.

1 point

I understand fully why you would speak out which is why I would not. That will only get you a more speedy death note, or you could become a target. A lot of people speak out but at the end of the day how far does your vote really get you besides annihilation?

1 point

Physical force is never OK. Well, in certain circumstances where it's your life or his... what would you choose? In the case of them being a criminal and you using force for that reason alone that could make them act out worse.

1 point

They should be allowed to prescribe contraception only if the parents give their consent. When you are that young it is really hard to make judgment on that call.

2 points

Definitely public schools. It would not hurt to have a public school with a private school curriculum. In private school though you learn more what you do not learn is about the real world.

1 point

It should be like school where you have eligibility to be able to participate in certain events. If you are in jail for murder then there are certain things that you should not be able to vote for , but if it's a minor offense then yes they should be able to.

1 point

If we are allowed to dig, and do whatever we can to find the artifacts then we should be able to take it. It's like digging for gold we get to keep it. So my point is it is basically up to that country, and considering we do not live in " that" country we do not have the deciding factor.

1 point

No. Thats like saying should we be banned from being our ethnicity. That shows their pride and who are we to judge because they use it.

1 point

They should be made cheaper or free if they could be. Some countries are not as privileged as we are and do not have the technological advancements that we do. It;s not always their choice to reside where they are do so at least this much could help them.

1 point

Age Discrimination should not be made legal in the workplace. When you hire someone you hire them with the inclination that they are well qualified for the job that you are hiring them to do. So if their is age discrimination their is no reason to hire them.

2 points

I agree with you, and if I could possibly save the world and the people from hunger I would. The trick part in this question is if they were hungry and tired already most of them probably see their lives as going nowhere but up. Who am I to take a life that was not asked to be taken away? Who am I to ake a life that was? My descision; save the world.

1 point

NO, NO, No. That's it. Point Blank. Who would do that? It's Ignorant and basically murder.

1 point

Yes, One a day. They actually do help my immune system or something.

1 point

Moreover, I would say that I would but if it actually came down to it my Christian background would not allow me to kill anyone. That's if it is a sin or "worthy" act "deserving" of death. Actually my side is no because who am I to take a life?

2 points

Moreover, I would say that I would but if it actually came down to it my Christian background would not allow me to kill anyone. That's if it is a sin or "worthy" act "deserving" of death. Actually my side is no because who am I to take a life?

2 points

No one has the right in a free country to invade someone else's privacy without a plausible reason. What classifies you as being suspicious? In the novel 1984 basically everything you did was being watched, and being watched because of suspicion in today's society would mean that the government had a little more than limited power.Not only is it rude it might as well be a perverted act. Why would you secretly monitor someone? Though no one should be watched due to suspicion, they should at least have the right to know if they are and why.

1 point

OMG well I honestly would put my money on Kat, or Berine Mac. They are best at what they do for totally different reasons, and I'm laughng thinking about it.

1 point

Efficiency really does not matter. Moreover it should be the capability, and drive becasuse you can always correct mistakes.

2 points

If you are man enough to not only sexually offend someone once but multiple times then obviously you're not going to learn. You should be castrated.

1 point

Women are better no doubt about it. When guys can endure the pains and labor of birth(not including that one guy) then we will be even. Basically anything that men can do we can do an half of the time better. Just out of curiosity who came up with this topic. You kind of spelled which wrong.

1 point

That's ridiculous. If I'm on steroids, and he's on steroids, and etc, then who's really winning? Yes your good on your own, but if everyone begins to take steroids then it turns into who takes the best steroid instead of, who has the best potential or really is the best.

2 points

Plain and simple my answer is no. If I wanted to know then I would be worrying myself sick thinking of the day it would happen. On top of that I would like to believe that we're all going to die when our time comes, so there is no reason for me to foresee what is already to come.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

I don't remember who said it, but I believe that we are. No one is perfect therefore we are sinful. As a newborn you are born into a world full of imperfections, criminal activity, and though we have help along the way not everything we do is correct. So, even though it is not planned we are born very much into sin.

2 points

The legal drinking age is entirely to high. It should be 18. Just like you can legally be kicked out of your house at 18, you can legally be classified as an adult, or buy cigaretttes. so yes it's to high

1 point

I would rather go with M.L.K not only because I am an African American myself, but because he helped improve for everyone, for equality, not just the one people. Though he did not meditate on things as Gandhi did, he had a rational thought process and a vision.

0 points

Hmmm....I would not assasinate Hitler because besides being imoral, I'm not a murderer.

1 point

This topic happened to catch my eye because it was by far the most outlandish topic that i have seen today. Why expel gays? They are just like everyone else. If anyone has that big of a problem with them then they should move somwehere like Antarctica. We are the land of the "free", if i remember correctly. In the event that someone was kicked out of school for this then it would really show that we are more restricted than we ever knew.

1 point

Whoever believes the world will end in 2012 is crazy. Now I don't think personally that any person of this earth could tell you when the world is going to end. Besides, I refuse to be all gloomy because someone decided to tell the nation that we are about to shut down.

-3 points
-2 points
1 point

No, I do not think i would turn them in. My response is only based on accidental murder. If they would like to confess and no longer feel the guilt, then they can do it themselves. Of course it makes me see them a little differently depending on the situation of why they committed murder to begin with. I mean if they committed murder on purpose just because they wanted to, i don't think they would be my spouse anymore. Who's to say they wouldn't come after me one day out of rage?

1 point

Usually my decision in the end is yes and no,or goes both ways. Today, however it is advancing for the common good. Making a decision to better suit yourself will help you for that moment, but in the long run who will it really help? Whereas, if you make an advancement for the common good you help yourself and other people. If you think about it we all want the world to be a "better place", and if you've noticed personal endeavors have gotten "us" into some not so happy predicaments.

1 point

i think Euthanasia should be illegal...Luring people in with false hope is not cool. Then again if it helps them make it through the day then let them have it.

2 points

Shakespeare has taught me many things. The most valuable thing to me was not to let your anger of something long ago ruin relationships now. Besides that, it gives us some variety, and lets us slip into roles and characters outside of our daily lives. He's plays a key role in literature and eliminating him from our curriculum would mean amongst other classroom teachings he is of little importance.

1 point

Shakespeare has taught me many things. The most valuable thing to me was not to let your anger of something long ago ruin relationships now. Besides that, it gives us some variety, and lets us slip into roles and characters outside of our daily lives.

1 point

If a person is in prison becaue someone "snitched" on them, eventually when they get out that person would have the"freedom" to either go out and seek revenge or let it be:maybe take it as a learning experience. In saying that I agree that freedom is what you do to what has been done to you. Based on your limits and the rules and guidelines set you have "certain freedoms" not ." O I can do whatever i want" freedoms.

1 point

I think it is better to be loved, because with love comes respect. When you are feared no one respects you they only deal with you becaue you have the greater power.

1 point

they have taken this way to far. I understand that politics is a dirty game but trying to make themselves look like perfection is not the way to go. Backlashing on others will only hurt his campaign.

1 point

Even though it is really nice to have surveillance the problem for me is that they either they don't work (broken) or just not looked at. I believe that they are put up to scare us into doing right. It's like a gimic.

1 point

true but then on the other hand if surveillance is not in the correct place it is pointless to have. It would just be a waste of money.

2 points

i fully agree with you. It's fo safety. If you're not breaking the law you shouldn't be to worry about anything.

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