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Viceregent(413) pic

Atheists, is it possible...

Is it possible that all of reality is proof of the existence of God, but something in you makes you unable to perceive, comprehend, understand and accept that truth?  Provide a rational justification for your answer.  Trolls will be banned.   Of course, I do not really expect a serious answer to this Q as atheists are too narcissistic and deluded to even entertain the idea that they are the problem.
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It could be. But then why does sience exist? I mean god(s) could exist. But then why do people believe in sience? That is the question

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Are you serious? Are you trying to make stupid questions? Science is observation of nature, it is not a thing which exists in nature; it's something people do. Science itself is immaterial. Why do you believe in an immaterial thing? Or is it your own mind which you believe in? Did your mind, which is the tool by which you can practice science, bring you into existence? Is that why you think people believe in science; because they believe they brought themselves into existence are are their own god which denies God created all things and gave us minds to observe them scientifically?

Are all atheists mentally challenged so that they cannot deal realistically with simple concepts?

2 points

If your dull enough to take the apparent design of things and attribute it to a magical guy that you believe in, then no one can help you. The fact is that planets without life don’t have conscious beings sitting around wondering why they don’t exist.

When simple cellular life is discovered on mars or Jupiter’s moons, will you attribute THAT to some magical life maker guy as well? What is the reason that you’ll have to why god created such simple life with no apparent purpose?

seanB(950) Banned
2 points

It's possible in the same way that it's possible for a flying-spaghetti-monster to be hiding behind the rings of Saturn weaving invisible spaghetti blankets when nobody is looking.

You are confusing what is physically possible with what is capable of being dreamt up in the human mind. It's physically impossible that there is a spaghetti monster behind Saturn. But the idea is entirely able to be concocted.

That's the difference between reality and fiction.

The human mind is capable of resolving logical tensions in illogical ways. For instance, there is a logical tension in the Christian mind about their belief in God, and the lack of evidence for his existence. Thus, they resolve, "you must simply have FAITH".

But I simply don't need it.

Viceregent(413) Disputed Banned
1 point

Could you be wrong about this because of something in you, skid mark? Run and be banned.

seanB(950) Disputed Banned
1 point

I don't think "wrong" comes into it. Or "right" for that matter. I think not only do you confuse what is physically possible with what is able to be dreamt up, you also confuse the idea of factual correctness with moral uprightness.

It is factually correct that no evidence for God exists; it is factually correct that there is no spaghetti monster flying around Saturn. Morality is irrelevant therein.

You assert God exists because you choose to believe that. In order to subsist that assertion you will cite faith as necessary substitute for evidence. Since I don't choose to believe that God exists, I have no need for faith in that idea.

Evidence informs my beliefs. This is sufficient for me.

1 point

Maybe it's possible. But where might this thing inside me have come from? Did God put it there? If so, it seems kind of mean to make it so that I can't believe him, and silly if he wants a relationship with me as I often hear. And if I really can't see the truth, nobody can blame me.

Viceregent(413) Disputed Banned
1 point

Then stop asking for proof until you know you are not the problem.

Mack(531) Disputed
1 point

You could apply that argument to any claim, for example; Bigfoot. How do you know you are not just incapable of understanding the evidence for Bigfoot and discovering the truth that he existse? Stop asking for proof until you know you aren't the problem. See?

TzarPepe(763) Clarified
1 point

You have a relationship with God, and that relationship is your personal experience.

Your inability to see the truth is called "sin", and there is no man alive without sin.

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. "

Believing in God is easy, you can be absolutely certain of God. Believing things about God is harder. What is God? The Supreme and Ultimate Reality. Recognize that, and allow the spirit of truth to show you the way and grant you a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Rick_Zeta5A(348) Disputed Banned
2 points

I have not read such a sanctimonious, dull witted response to anything. I have a relationship with a force that cannot be understood but it just so happens some idiot on the internet understands it and knows that I need to placate this force and it’ll give me all the info. on everything.

This is exactly the way moronic churches started out in the first place. Some idiot was like, duh, I dunno, and some douche said oh I got all the solutions, just read this book, and the other idiot was like wow, I didn’t know, I gotta tell everyone. Pretty soon your killing in the name of an idiot with a fundamental misunderstanding of life and the universe.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

God can blame you for not seeing the truth....and He does. You are denying the truth willfully. That is your choice. Trying to blame God for your insistence that He does not have the right to rule over you will not keep you out of Hell.

The truth is that you have sinned against God and deserve to die and burn in Hell. Only His mercy is keeping you out of Hell now. If you keep on insisting you cannot believe He is merciful, be sure that you will never find Him merciful and you will find yourself in the fire of Hell with no way out.

For a while I thought you were smarter than the average atheist here....lately it seems you are hell-bent on proving me wrong.

1 point

If it's not science, it's just a belief. If it's just a belief, it's not scientifically provable, as has been proven. Not all science is proven "beyond a reasonable doubt", but NO "god" has reached that level.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You can't even tell me if you are real, or if you are only a hologram type apparition caused by chemical fizzes in your brain so that you really are nothing because what appears to be you inside that big mouth of yours is materially nothing.

Atheists are mentally challenged and they just get mad when you point out how foolish they are.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

MY GOD! YOU MUST BE RIGHT! I MUST be a mentally challenged atheist 'cause I'm not mad when you point out how foolish I am!

(But then, I have to consider the source.) ;-)

Viceregent(413) Disputed Banned
0 points

Did this fool just give us his belief that if it is not science it is just belief Hey, pond scum, answer the Q. Thanks.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

You asked him a question about his beliefs. The latest atheistic thing is to claim they only have "non-belief". Of course, belief in non-living nature to produce life, and mindless matter to produce minds, is acceptable belief to them as they claim the god they call science will prove itself to them by showing them how it all happened kabillions of years ago. Atheistic beliefs are so tangled up in nonsense, superstition, conjecture, and pseudo-science that it's just a sad tragic comedy, a parade of fools on their way to Hell.

There is no wisdom, nor understanding, nor counsel against the LORD. Atheists cannot answer questions about God, they can only try to change the subject.

This is what we know, we know we are here, we know a lot of stuff exists around us, we know the stuff around us is consistent and follows certain laws. This stuff is the universe, and the universe is unfathomable large and we are a part of the universe. We know we've been here for a long time, and that we evolved from other things that evolved from other things. We know that the "big bang" happened a really long time ago and that it brought all matter into existence. What causes the big bang? I don't know. Are there other big bangs in existence? I don't know. Is it possible "God" created the "big bang"? I don't know. Maybe? But, just because we don't know what caused something, doesn't mean God is behind it. I'm open to any thoughts and opinions, thank you.

Viceregent(413) Disputed Banned
1 point

Do you know any of this stuff? Tell us, government school victim, how do you rationally know fact from fiction?

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

How do you know we are here? What are you? If you are here, where do you go when your time is over? If you do not exist when your time is over, how do you know you exist now?

What are you? (other than a pervert, we all know you are a pervert already)

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

I guess I could get extremely philosophical and say you can't really prove anything. I could be a brain in a tub of juice on a space ship in a simulation which is in another simulation. You can't disprove that, but the thought probably isn't going to keep you up at night. My point is, I could be entirely wrong of everything, but I try to see everything as I see most likely to be true. Could the Earth be flat? You and I both know it's round, but than again neither of us has seen it from space. We've seen pictures of Earth from space, but how can we prove they aren't faked by lizard people for some reason? We can't, we just know the Earth being round seems to make a lot more sense than the Earth being flat. Though, that might not be the best example since you can probably prove the Earth is round using certain tools in your backyard. Honestly, I think when you die, your consciousness comes to an end. This is just how I see things, I'm sure you have an entirely different view. I hope this was helpful.

1 point

I do love how nothing of these fools can answer this simple Q.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I saw a couple try to blame God, saying He is the problem keeping them from knowing Him. At the same time, they say He is not there.

Stupid atheists.......If they will not believe I am me, nothing I do will convince them that I am me. If they will not believe God is God who has the right to rule over them, even the fire of Hell forever will not convince them that God has the right to rule over them.

Arsenal(220) Disputed
1 point

A retarded ten year old can spout groundless boilerplate fire and brimstone like you do.

But an educated person provides links and sources to support his science.

I can list thousands of valid links from professionals that prove your bible miracles are physically impossible.

All you can do, ad nauseum, is run to your Bronze age book of Hebrew Mythology. Its all you got. Period.



There is not a speck of evidence... Even the size of those support your sky god.

He's the result of your unsatisfied and under developed mind.

Get a grip, man. Quit sqandering your life worshipping a non existent entity.

Tick tock.


1 point

Yes, that is possible.

And it is also possible that all that exists can be interpreted to prove the opposite - that there is no God.

So while you mock atheists for not considering one possibility you can get mocked for not considering the other possibility.

Viceregent(413) Disputed Banned
1 point

Likely? ROFL. Show us the statistics that demonstrate this claim, skid mark? Or did you just make that up because you are mentally ill?

1 point

Show statistics? Why? You never show any statistics, you just ask other people to show it, and use their lack of evidence, to justify your claims, which you give no evidence for.

1 point

I don't think this is possible. I base this on the existence of converts between atheism and religions and vice versa. If a person can go from being an atheist to believing in god, then there can't have been any impermeable barrier from doing so, such as somehow being incapable of acknowledging god. If a person can believe in a god and then lose their faith, then they are an atheist which has previously accepted god and the evidence for god in the past, and therefore are not incapable of realising god.

Viceregent(413) Disputed Banned
1 point

Unless the barrier is removed by God. Now that we have exposed the falsehood of the hidden premise to your argument, re-answer the Q, please.

Nomoturtle(858) Disputed
1 point

If god is not above interfering with the minds of people, then why does he keep barriers in certain people and not others? The logical conclusion of which is that going to hell for not believing in god is a punishment for a crime atheists are forced to commit.

Why have the barrier there only to remove it?

Why does god place barriers on converts going from christianity to atheism?

You may have been banned, but you can see this and I'd be happy to continue this via DM

1 point

Is there even just one single irrefutable piece of evidence that God exists?

It's been thousands of years. Nothing?

1 point

The Fermi Paradox.

If life can just pop into existence and evolve into intelligent life, there should be intelligent or quasi intelligent life teaming in our solar system, galaxy, and other galaxies as per the Drake Equation. But we see zero evidence of this.

LoneStar(2) Disputed
1 point


If life can just pop into existence and evolve into intelligent life

If an intelligent God can just pop into existence than a molecule can reproduce itself and evolve into intelligent life.

there should be intelligent or quasi intelligent life teaming in our solar system, galaxy, and other galaxies as per the Drake Equation. But we see zero evidence of this.

Actually you have no idea what you're talking about. INTELLIGENT life should be very rare, most life in the universe is probabilistically bound to be simple microbes. Even if there was a civilization of a similar level to ours nearby in the galaxy we wouldn't have any way of detecting them unless they where right next door to us. Even if there was an intersteller civilization in this very galaxy the odds of them being anywhere near us are miniscule. Believe it or not it's actually a pretty long way between star systems, it might take them millions of years to get anywhere near us.

What I am trying to say is that there is no paradox, the fact that we aren't seeing aliens is to be expected.

0 points

Is it possible that your god is simply a delusion and an emotional placebo?

An adult version of that imaginary childhood friend that most rational and sane blokes outgrow.

To quote one of your holy book's heroes, Saul of tarsus, who, BTW, was a homosexual.... When I became an adult I out away childish things.


Godists see through the glass of truth darkly.

Ouch..I reckon I'm your worst nightmare, eh? An atheist who is not only more educated than you but also knows your bible as well as if not better than you.

Know thine enemy, right mate?

There is no god.

Its all in your head.

Like Thor and Zeus and Odin and Yahweh.

Get a grip, son.

His...hurry up and ban me. I consider it a compliment and a testament to my superior intellect to get banned from threads like this one.


1 point

An adult version of that imaginary childhood friend that most rational and sane blokes outgrow

You mean deny, then get on depression meds to fill the void, and then refuse to do rebuttals to theist arguments.

And of course we both know that Jesus is mentioned in human history. Nothing make believe about it.

1 point

Like Thor and Zeus and Odin

So show us historical accounts of these figures.

1 point

Ouch..I reckon I'm your worst nightmare, eh? An atheist who is not only more educated than you but also knows your bible as well as if not better than you.

Know thine enemy, right mate?

Nom, in debates against me, you never knew what you were talking about and took hours to respond to points, rather than the normal minutes. You've even claimed things weren't in the Bible that are, and that things were in the Bible that are not. You're a Bible expert as much as I'm a urinary tract infection expert.