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Debate Score:173
Total Votes:204
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 Agree (34)
 Disagree (33)

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altarion(1955) pic

Religion is the cause of all problems! Christianity is the problem's core...


Side Score: 103


Side Score: 70
6 points

Well if you are Christian dating a non-Christian, you are most likely going to try to convert them if you ever want to marry them. You will always use the phrase "Jesus Christ" whenever you are upset and do many other offensive things that you do in every day life around Christians who don't take any mind to it. However, for a non-Christian, it can take a lot of offense whenever you try to shpeal your religious crap on us. Quoting the bible in reference to daily situations just creates a whole bunch of tension. And it is really, truly, mainly the Christians sects that do this. Jews keep to themselves and even Muslims hate everyone the same. They probably wouldn't if Christians didn't provoke them so much. True, everyone thinks that the conflict is between the Jews and the Muslims over religion and land; but who caused this conflict? CHRISTIANS! THE POPE! THE CRUSADERS!

The root of all political and social disagreements, even those not about religion, all lead back to Christianity. So stop trying to convert everyone you see. You aren't right! No one is! Everyone is wrong and everyone is right in their own sense. Causing havok is jsut such hypocriticism on your part and then you call us Jews hypocrites! That takes some balls I must say....

Side: agree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Disagree
Flame(52) Disputed
3 points

"Well if you are Christian dating a non-Christian, you are most likely going to try to convert them if you ever want to marry them. You will always use the phrase "Jesus Christ" whenever you are upset and do many other offensive things that you do in every day life around Christians who don't take any mind to it. However, for a non-Christian, it can take a lot of offense whenever you try to shpeal your religious crap on us. Quoting the bible in reference to daily situations just creates a whole bunch of tension"

The Bible makes it very clear that a Christian is not to be unequally yoked with a non-Christian. Let me clarify least it would be taken out of context and misinterpreted. It does not mean that a Christian can not have friends who are non-Christians, but it does mean not to participate in their lifestyles or activities that is completely against what the Bible teaches. For the Bible is the standard for Christian belief and practice.

"And it is really, truly, mainly the Christians sects that do this. Jews keep to themselves and even Muslims hate everyone the same. They probably wouldn't if Christians didn't provoke them so much. True, everyone thinks that the conflict is between the Jews and the Muslims over religion and land; but who caused this conflict? CHRISTIANS! THE POPE! THE CRUSADERS!"

Jesus made it very clear that the evidences for discipleship are three-fold: 1. The love principle, ( John 13:34-35)) 2. the fruit principle, ( John 15:7-8) and 3. the continuance principle (John 8:31-32). That is how you will know if that person is a Christian or not. Secondly, Jesus even said that there will be people that will think that they are doing God a service when in reality they are not (John 16:2). It was in the context of religious people who commit acts of murders, etc. Third, The Catholic Church also persecuted those who truly were disciples of Christ. This was even before the reformation. Men like John Wycliffe, John Huss who knew that the Roman Catholic Church was teaching doctrines that were not Biblical.

"The root of all political and social disagreements, even those not about religion, all lead back to Christianity."

Care to be more specific?

"So stop trying to convert everyone you see."

Converting a person to Christ was NEVER the responsibility of the Christian and it was simply to share the Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth. We have the right as U.S. citizens to exercise the freedom of speech as much you do, right?

"You aren't right! No one is!"

That is great!!!, if you are aware that we all are not right. Because the Bible clearly tell us that, "...“No one is righteous—not even one" (Romans 3:10). Because everyone of us broke God's law and therefore we are all guilty before Him..."For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard" (Romans 3:23) and "For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws (James 2:10).

"Everyone is wrong and everyone is right in their own sense"

"There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death" (Proverbs 14:12). There is only one path "The Way" and His name is Jesus.

"Causing havok is jsut such hypocriticism on your part and then you call us Jews hypocrites! That takes some balls I must say..."

Once again, knowing history will enlightenh you that not everybody that goes by the label of Christianity is a Christian. That would be a logical fallacy known as "Hasty Generalization".

Side: Disagree
altarion(1955) Disputed
5 points

The Christian bible states that if you find a non believer you must marry him "for his soul is not pure and only by doing so will his soul be cleansed of sins" (i've no idea what book this came from, my girlfriend says it to me all the time).

Oh! And I love how you capitalize "bible" as if saying that your little textbook on how to live day-to-day life is the most important piece of literature in the whole world. I'm sure you will find some rediculous CHRISTIAN quote to rebut this, but: the word bible simply is just that: a WORD. a word that refers to practically any biblical text. BIBLICAL BIBLE...get it?! ancient historical religious words. the Torah (Jewish bible) is capitalized because that is the name of it...the Book of Christ (Christian bible) is capitalized because that is the term for it i when you say "Bible" as if i am supposed to know that since you capitalized the word "bible" it automatically means that you are talking about the Christian texts since those are so much more important than all other religion's texts (YES! I AM BEING SARCASTIC!) well you just seem ignorant.

Ok, ok ok, so let me get right down to my main argument here:

you want to play "Who is the better historian?" with me? Then let us play! :D

Jesus of Nazarath was Jewish! (OMFG?! YOU REALLY MEAN IT?!) Yes, I know, hard to believe right?! :O These "teachings" that Jesus "taught" that were so revolutionary were...(oh no! you can't mean?!)...yes, it is true...HE TAUGHT JUDAISM! :O

Jesus of Nazarath was NOT the Son of G-d. He did NOT bring peace to this world as the Messiah is SUPPOSSED to do! (No! You don't say?!)

Yes, it is true. If you look at the Torah (or as your IGNORANT ASS might know it better as the "Old Testiment") you will see what the Messiah is supposed to do.

And here I will post a link, IF YOU WANT TO LOOK AT IT, which states why Jesus was NOT accepted as the Messiah:

"There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death" (Proverbs 14:12). There is only one path "The Way" and His name is Jesus.

Dude...there is so much wrong with what you are saying. You claim that there is nothing wrong with other religions, and yet you post such a threatening claim. The only path is the path of Jesus? Really? Doesn't that just SUPPORT* my entire argument from the get-go? I'm pretty freaking sure it! I'm positive it does. Such ignorance and unacceptance that I would expect from someone who quotes only Christain texts and not once a single Book of Moses...such typical ignorant Christians...I am truly sorry for you. Honestly I am.

Side: agree
dacey(1040) Disputed
3 points

Seems i was right from the word go, are in deed a religoon!And how evily you tried to convice me otherwise!Preaching you are not a preacher only to prove otherwise, just proved you are a preacher!Are you not afraid that this god you take in vain, isnt damned pissed off with you for your possible blasphomy.Of all people who claim to be christian they are nothing like the christ their bibles describe!Dont bother messaging me again or i just may throw some parables from my dusty old bibles back in your face.Afterall,last night, the kids from ST CECELLIAS and ST PETERS (where my non-baptised children attend) covered some beautiful parables through their interpretation in song and dance and stories and These kids covered many issues brought up here on CD and they put all your efforts of damnation to shame.To see the contrast views of these children,to those of yours and the like welled my heart with joy and my eyes filled with happy tears.And it restored my faith to have hope!Maybe your not the best teacher afterall,maybe these kids could teach you a lesson!

Side: agree
4 points

I wouldn't say it's just Christianity. Islam was spread through to sword too and they also tried to convert everyone. Jews in the beginning were also extremely agressive. You should check the history yourself. However due to its size and 'success'.. Christianity could be seen as the worst.

It's not Christianity... it's Abrahimic.

Side: agree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Disagree
3 points

For the party that is supposed to be the most caring and non-judgmental, liberals are the most judgmental people I've ever met. The Roman Catholics and The Crusades were terrible; But that was the fault of the people, not the fault of principal.

And it is the responsibility of Christians to share the truth of Jesus the Christ to the world as explained in Matthew 28:16-20.

Side: Disagree
2 points

I wouldn't say that Christianity is the exact core, or root, but religion does indeed cause more problems then it does solutions. Holy war is the dumbest thing humanity can go to (aside from digg), as it's just "My god is better and real, and every single idea you grew up with is total shit and now I will kill you to prove it". Is it any better then 7 year olds fighting over the outcome of their latest Yu-Gi-Oh game? In fact, perhaps the 7 year olds are smarter, as at least they know that their magical figures and ideas are all fake.

Side: agree
2 points

Christianity forces its views upon others. It is discriminating and if there were no scientists, would take over the world in a heart beat.

Side: agree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Disagree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Disagree
1 point

In response to that it doesn't say when Jesus will bring peace. Religion does not create problems people do. The crusades were not about religion that was just a cover up. The crusades were about money. The Jews and ARabs had wonderful goodies that europeans didn't have. They wanted them. So by human nature they took them. The bible never has preached convert or die. Death to the muslims! DEath to the JEws! The bible teaches love and compassion. The true answer to the worlds problems would be to convince everyone to become a true christian not a catholic a protestant or any other denomination. But a Christian who follows the word of God. The single most important book in the history of the world. Religion is the answer not the problem.

Side: Disagree
1 point

We live in a world plagued by an inconsiderate and ungrateful sentient race. Humanity does everything it can it seems to destroy everything this great planet has to offer. Suffering and death are fates too many of our fellow man are forced to endure, mostly at the hands of our own negligence. Now of course I cannot absolve humanity of its crimes by placing the blame for all of the world's strife on the shoulders of religion, but I will say that religion is one of the most corrupting and detrimental facets of human society.

In the face of all these horrible things that happened throughout history and are happening today, those who live lives of privilege often tie themselves to religion. America's Christianity is the biggest problem in today's world. Let's look back to history to show us what religion has done. These awful superstitions began with people sacrificing each other to "Gods" regularly, and simply because people were too incompetent at the time to seek logical explanations for things like solar eclipses. Now, primitive cultures shouldn't be blamed too much, but one would think that thousands of years is enough time for religion to evolve. Wrong. Then came the biggest poison of all. Christianity.

200 AD, people are living in crappy wooden huts, dying of disease, and defecating in the streets. 1200 AD, people are still living in huts, dying of the same diseases, and defecating in the streets. Why? Because the Roman Catholic Church did their damnedest to make sure things like science and education were suppressed. Now think back to most wars started pre-twentieth century. Most caused by differences in religion. The Crusades, a huge conquest in the "name of God" that slaughtered thousands upon thousands.

Now people want so badly to forget about those dark times, to move on. But the plague of religion has not gone away, the biggest bug being Christianity. Okay, there are some radical Islamist groups in the world, but Muslims on the whole are good people who don't universally hate America. In fact, Muslim Americans are some of the most patriotic and kind people. Christians however, not so much. In a country that is supposed to be all about religious tolerance and against a state sanctioned religion, it is quite disconcerting when policy makers are now basing integral political decisions off of what Jesus and God wants. America is somehow the most religious and pretentious country in the world right now, much to our own detriment.

Church and religion is nothing but a tool for brainwashing and controlling masses into doing or not doing what religious figure heads determine is right and wrong. It is more subliminal than Communism or Fascism, but it is indeed a way for a small group of people to control a large group. It worked in the Medieval times, and if religious politicians have their way in America, it will happen again. These self righteous bigots try to tell people who they can and cannot marry, what they can and cannot buy or do, that premarital sex is wrong, that homosexuality is an abomination, that those who do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah are in the dark and that it's up to the "enlightened" followers to bring them into the light. The LDS Church-just a wacky branch off of Christianity-used to be undeniably racist until they decided they wanted their schools to have good football teams. So lets think back, Hitler wanted to cleanse the world of those who didn't fit his "Aryan" race profile, hated homosexuality, used propaganda to brainwash people, and wished to establish a total dictatorship. Stalin wanted to absolve private ownership of property, wished to oppress those who opposed him (usually by killing them) and also wished to push his delusional idea of a communist world on everybody. So maybe Christians don't have people that don't agree with them killed, but they sure do everything else to try and control your life. They'll tell you who you should marry, what you can and cannot do in your life, and will guilt you into paying their bills for them. It's funny how much the Catholic church makes and how lavish a wardrobe a man (the Pope) who has supposedly taken a vow of poverty is.

Religion is a scam, a plague, a cancer on humanity. It does not take all the blame for humanity's obsession with ruin, but it takes a big chunk of the cake for the world's decadence.

Side: Agree
marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

1200 AD, people are still living in huts, dying of the same diseases, and defecating in the streets. Why?

The Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire) was Christian, but still had indoor plumbing, including for defecation, up until it fell to the Muslims in the 15th Century.

I am just saying...

Side: Agree
marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Now of course I cannot absolve humanity of its crimes by placing the blame for all of the world's strife on the shoulders of religion, but I will say that religion is one of the most corrupting and detrimental facets of human society.

I think we are on similar pages, or at least reading the same book. Check out my post on the other side.

Side: Agree
5 points

Human nature is the cause of all problems.

Human nature is what creates things like religions. But it also created greed, ideology and politics.

Face it, we're fucked, religion or none.

Side: Disagree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree
2 points

I am no advocate of religion nor Christianity but with the absence of religion, humans theoretically could live in harmony because of the stark differences in religious dogma. If people could come together on the idea of common interest, such as why are we here or why is the purpose of existence, then humans could find that one common element, harmony.

Greed is not human nature; that is a byproduct of capitalism. Politics and government are not human nature either; these are the only necessary remedies to anarchary and chaos. Politics and government tame anarchy and chaos; anarchy and chaos is human nature.

Side: agree
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

Greed isn't created by Capitalism. Greed is a natural part of our persona. That is why we have Capitalism in the first place. People work for what they want.

Socialism is also a creation from greed. The people want the government to give them what they want instead of working for it themselves.

Anarchy comes from greed. Men want to be free to do w/e they want.

Politics comes from greed. Men want protection.

Greed is as natural as one can get. You even see monkeys fighting for food, or chimpanzees prostituting for bananas (yes, this is true).

Religion is just a simple part of what humans do. If it isn't religion, it's secular humanism, and if not that, it's communism. People don't just automatically do right in general by taking away a belief system.

Side: Disagree
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

I think you've got a few things wrong tbh.

Although not a fan of capitalism I don't think it causes greed. Instead it feeds off greed and in return rewards greed - which causes it greed to expand. It doesn't CAUSE greed though - it is fundamentally human nature, but our ability to supress has weakened over the ages.

Politics and governments are only labels to order and hierachy. They're both parts of human nature again but these days extremely corrupted and self serving. Hierachy and order is easily observed in animals - its how everything works. Obviously being humans its a lot more complex but it is definately human.

Side: Disagree
3 points

I do believe that religion is the cause of a great many problems but to state that it is responsible for all is kind of the same as religious people telling non religious people that they are the cause of all problems, furthermore to pick on Christianity is a bit prejudicious as the Muslim community have as much to answer to, as does all destructive belief systems.

Side: Disagree
3 points

This makes me think of the saying: guns don't kill people, people kill people. Now I am not really a fan of guns but the saying gets the point across. Religion is not the cause of problems. Its the human nature of mankind that causes problems. And to say that Christianity is at the very core of these problems is a completely arrogant statement to make. Before people make such an assumption they should do their homework and at least take a look at the basic principles of what the Christian church was founded on. In fact, if you look at the principles of most religions on earth I think you will find that most are an establishment of peace and good will. Its not religion that causes problems its the people that misinterpret and/or misuse what that religion teaches for personal (could be national as well) gain.

Side: Disagree
2 points

Self righteousness that attacks classes of people instead of principles is the problems core.

Side: Disagree
1 point

This is only one of the problems but not the core. I say this because yes, they are annoying but sometimes religion is what makes people change their ways and be better people and even if there were no religions [which would be awesome by the way] there would still be corruption. we are humans and the only thing i agree with catholics on is humans are not perfect and sin.

Side: Disagree
1 point


Stupid athesist anarchist.

Religon is a large probelm. Mainly with MUSLIMS. Not Christians. What has Christianity done to you? Sorry mom won't buy you the rape simulation game because it's graphic and you're 12. Sorry Mr. Rebel. Christians haven't shot anybody. Neither have anothers besides Muslims. I don't mean to be religiously biast, even though i'm Thouist. Anyway, Christianity has done nothing to anyone, and no one has any proof of such, at least in modern times. I don't care about 1254. Thats over and you can cry and cut yourself about it.

As a parent, I see nothing in people who have the "fuck the world" attitude.

Side: Disagree
jaz2603(1) Disputed
2 points

Yes it is unfair to blame Christainity but seriously listen to yourself you base your view on what? What ther media has to say, what they report? Blaming Muslims as a group is just as unfair it doesn't have to have anything to do with religous bias, I have faith but am not religious, blaming an entire group on the actions of a few is ignorant and as a human being I see nothing in people who ostrasize a group because of a select few. You may hear about what seems to copious amounts of Muslims radicals acting out with violence but thats just it there the radicals.

Side: Disagree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree
1 point

.... Conflict is the cause of all problems. No need to over-complicate this matter with scapegoats =/

Side: Disagree
1 point

I am sorry that many of you feel this way. I would say man's imperfections and nature are at the root, not religion. I believe it is very possible that many religions spring about as a result of man's shortcomings (greed, hatred, selfishness, etc.).

Although I am curious as to what those who agree to this topic believe Christianity is? What does it mean?

Side: Disagree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree

It has made man the measure of all things on earth—imperfect man, who is never free of pride, self-interest, envy, vanity, and dozens of other defects. We are now paying for the mistakes which were not properly appraised at the beginning of the journey. On the way from the Renaissance to our days we have enriched our experience, but we have lost the concept of a Supreme Complete Entity which used to restrain our passions and our irresponsibility.

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Noted Soviet Author.

Side: Disagree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree

I disagree with this strongly.

Lets say God doesn't exist, that means men created God and men is the sole reason God/Religion is around. Thus making men the problem.

Now lets say God does exist, regardless of what religion you are, can do no wrong, making all the problems in society man's fault.

Side: Disagree

There are some Christian fanatics but most Christians are pretty much level-headed.

Side: Disagree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree
1 point

The cause of almost all religion-/government-/military-related social problems and violence is good intentions combined with the certainty that "I know best."

This shows up most obviously in religion simply because religion is founded on the combination of certainty (unsupported by evidence and logic) with the good intentions that grow out of the moral values common to almost all religions.

Some examples:

Islamic killing of homosexuals

- The Crusades

- The Umayyad and Abbasid conqusts

- The Inquisition

- Islamic sectarian violence

- Mayan, Aztec, etc., human sacrifice

- The forced conversion (baptism or being tortured to death) of the Inca, Azteca, etc.

- Islamic treatment of women, (e.g., de facto slavery; execution for adultery, including rape victims)

- The sectarian violence in the 16th & 17th Century England between the Roman Catholics and the Church of England, including torture, burning at the stake, and drawing & quartering

- Sectarian violence in the Middle East

There are also secular examples.

- Hitler wanting to solve the "problems" for society of the Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, handicapped people, mentally ill folks, communists, etc..

- The violence, torture, and trampling of freedom that was basic to Soviet politics

- The wholesale murder and oppression of Maoist China

- The violence perpetrated by political groups like ANTIFA

- The wholesale destruction of nations that is basic to every civil war ever

- The War on Drugs and its trampling of freedoms, rights, and property

- Abortion

- Bombings of abortion clinics

- Etc., ad nauseum

The selfish sociopaths of the world cause far less destruction, oppression, and horror in the world than the otherwise decent folks who want to force people to get in line with their "better idea." Moreover, the Ted Bundys of the world don't get millions of people to follow them and help them impose their good intentions on everyone else.

Of course the havoc caused by all of these people pales in comparison to the problems caused by carelessness, ignorance, and thoughtlessness.

Side: Disagree
Spot(122) Disputed
1 point

-Marxists attempting to take over a Western nation through indoctrinization of their orthodoxy. Just sayin.

Side: Agree
0 points

Yeah, not really. Religion heals the sick, comforts the dying, feeds the poor, shelters the homeless, arouses inspiration, and at its very "core" is good. Jesus, Muhammad, Abraham, all amazing people and the God they worship, whether you believe in Him or not, is the epitomy of good. Now to put all this in context of the question and the present world, it is the greed and evil of humanity that is the cause of all problems. To use the institution of religion as a shield, a sword, or a scapegoat as you are doing in this case is simply wrong.

Side: Disagree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree
christquest(11) Disputed
0 points

people are the cause whether it be religion or everyday people. there will always be people that want something and will do anything to get it. Mankind is a large battle through peace is a great idea it won't happen. cause people are set to their own beliefs. Take homosexuality for example there are allot of nonreligious people that don't like them and will threaten them and do some messed up things to them. Then since i heard in some places gay are allowed to marry so now child molesters do feel that they should be able to have sex with kids now there r allot of people that are strongly against that i am too. see people have there own beliefs and will don't believe other things. living is a battle for jobs for money for a house for food we have to battle other people. how do you think you get a job something happened to someone else for that position to open up, or there business is booming and decided to expand then if so then there taking customers away from other people so that place had to foreclose it not just Christianity that cause problems man kind does

Side: Disagree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Agree