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Science is scary Science is awe inspiring
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:25
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 Science is scary (9)
 Science is awe inspiring (11)

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excon(18261) pic

Why is a belief in science declining in right wingers, and ascending with the left?


I usually know the answers to the questions I ask, but not this time.

A new Gallup poll reveals that, in 2021, just 45 percent of Republicans report having a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in science, compared to 72 percent of Republicans in 1975.

Democrats and independents have remained largely confident in science as an institution over the years, shifting from 67 percent to 79 percent, and 73 percent to 65 percent, respectively, between 1975 and 2021.

Gallup Poll.


Science is scary

Side Score: 11

Science is awe inspiring

Side Score: 12
1 point

Why is a belief in science declining in right wingers, and ascending with the left?

By science, do you mean when Fauci said masks don't work, or do you mean when the left demanded you wear them? By science, do you mean when leftists all are masklesses until the camaraman says, "action in 3,2,1"?

Side: Science is scary
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

By science, do you mean when Fauci said

Hello Chip:

Uh, no.. The poll wasn't about that.. It was about a belief, or not, in ACTUAL science. Science also isn't what the Democrats say. Lemme repeat the words again.. The poll was about a belief or not, in actual science.

Since you have trouble understanding actual words, I'd stick to posting on the cooking page..


Side: Science is awe inspiring
1 point

Conservatives tend to scrutinize and peruse critically the heralding of any claims of a great scientific breakthrough.

All too often claims of a technological, medical or biological quantum leap forward has proven to be a damp squib OR A DISASTER.


When the prudent conservatives have examined the down sides and/or potential dangerous side effects of a new discover/invention and satisfied themselves of its safety for use THEY WILL EMBRACE IT WITH OPEN ARMS AND SET ABOUT APPLYING ITS USE FOR THE BENEFIT FOR ALL MANKIND.



Side: Science is scary
1 point

Why is a belief in science declining in right wingers, and ascending with the left?

Hello ex:

What my question reveled is that right wingers have NO IDEA what science IS, so of course, they diss it..

And, I have NO IDEA how to explicate it to 'em.


Side: Science is scary
1 point

Why is a belief in science declining in right wingers, and ascending with the left?

For starters, the left believes there are 5,000 genders, that males are not faster and stronger than women and that the oceans are rising at alarming rates despite pictures from the early 1900s of famous ports showing the water in exactly the same place 121 years later.

Secondly, all of those experts the left censored and told us were crazy people, gave us a library of opinions that the left now accepts as gospel.

You aren't pro science. You're pro state. You're pro left. If they say it, you say it's science, even if you take the opposite position a week later. That isn't being "pro science". That's being a weak minded dickhead who needs a group of rich, white people to tell him what the science is this week, even though it will flip in a bait and switch next week.

Side: Science is awe inspiring
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
2 points

Phew, where to unpack this.

I saw that meme of Sydney Harbour, which is most likely the one you are referring to where the water is the same level. First.

TLDR: Tides rise and fall, that's not a surprise. Two pictures, taken at different times with NO additional information is not evidence, so taking a picture at different times may indeed show the same water level. Example: if I take a picture of a full cup of water, drink half the water, then refill it to the same level, I can't use that as evidence that I didn't drink from the cup. All you get is two pictures of a cup full of water and nothing else.

Meanwhile, there are hundreds of before and after pictures, which include information and scientific study, that show climate change in action. There are reputable sites (at least more reputable then FOX or a dumbass congressman with a snowball, or any other meme you can find) that have published studies and statements on climate change from 18 scientific associations who concur that it's real:

Look, right or wrong, the people who are deniers won't believe it no matter how many experts come forth, they'll always cling to the one or two people who profess to be experts that'll tell them they don't have to change and say anything they want to hear. Whether it be out of fear or ignorance. My thought is, we know we are having an impact on this planet, anyone who doesn't think that is seriously, incredibly, unquestioningly, stupid. How much of one, is the debate. That doesn't mean we should stop trying to find better, cleaner alternatives for energy and better ways to live where we don't have such a negative impact on the only planet we live on.

Pro-left or pro-right, it's pretty fucking stupid to politicize a real humanitarian crisis, such as climate change and an epidemic.

Side: Science is scary
Transit(32) Disputed
1 point

TLDR: Tides rise and fall, that's not a surprise. Two pictures, taken at different times with NO additional information is not evidence

It literally is. In fact I've looked up hundreds of pictures of the NYC harbor from every decade up until the invention of the photograph, and not one single one looks different concerning the topic at hand. You should do the same research for yourself. You won't, but you should.

Side: Science is awe inspiring
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

Hello G:

Wow! That's a lotta hatred, dude! You'd think in order to describe me that way, that we've met or you know me.. But, you don't know shit about me, and we for sure have never met.. You're just an angry loser..

Look.. I don't know what your name is now.. You keep changing it.. I'd change it too, if I was HIDING.. But, I don't hide.. In your last three iterations, I've kicked your ass soooo many times, you're embarrassed to show your face around here, so you hide..


Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Now, climb back under your rock..


Side: Science is scary
PotatoChip(70) Disputed
1 point

Wow! That's a lotta hatred, dude

By hatred you mean that you never grew into a man and are too big of a pussy to hear the truth. By hatred you mean that feeling you have towards anyone who doesn't think men shouldn't steal womens' sports scholarships or go pee pee with little girls because you're a sick piece of shit.

Side: Science is awe inspiring

It's not the science, it's the narrative the left puts out there that they mistrust. The left uses "science" that supports the narrative they want to push. If the science doesn't support it, they don't mention it or claims the dissidents are quacks. Climate change would be a prime example. They claim climate change is responsible for everything. Mass migration from Central and South America is a prime example. The also claim it's the cause of all fires, floods and hurricanes even though these phenomena have existed since the early days of the Earth's existence. It's the left's usage of the "science" dishonestly to push their agenda is what people on the right mistrust.

They believe is the science, not the left's usage of it.

Side: Science is awe inspiring
1 point

They believe is the science, not the left's usage of it

Hello High:

I largely agree with you.

However, if politics or partisanship had anything to do with their survey, I think Gallop woulda mentioned it in their conclusion.. They didn't.. They didn't even make that suggestion.. Now, it's possible that Gallop is just another fake partisan hack, doing exactly what you're accusing them of, but I don't believe that. Oh, I'm WILLING to believe it. I haven't found any data that would suggest it.

Therefore, I believe right wingers ARE as anti-science as the survey indicates..

And who, by the way, are using "science" to tell people NOT to get vaccinated???


Side: Science is awe inspiring
PotatoChip(70) Disputed
1 point

However, if politics or partisanship had anything to do with their survey, I think Gallop woulda mentioned it in their conclusion.

How old are you? 5? You think money and special interests influence nothing you look at on a daily basis? Dude, grow up, or get a clue.

Side: Science is scary
1 point

Because the science doesn't tell them what they want to hear, so they ignore it.

Side: Science is awe inspiring
Transit(32) Disputed
1 point

Because the science doesn't tell them what they want to hear, so they ignore it.

That's laughable. Let's all witness you ignoring everything I link to here.

You'll sit there, ignore all of this, lie, then pretend to be a Christian thereafter. All I can do is read what the Bible actually says about the library of sins Democrats find exceptable. But that'll be between you and Him. Good luck.

Side: Science is scary
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

After OVER a year, do you still not realize what masks are supposed to help against? I'll give you a hint, it's in the second article.

"Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.

"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."

This is something that most of the world outside America has known for a good long while now. The masks, are to protect other's FROM you, not just you from others. With Covid, you can be a carrier for about two days before you start showing any symptoms. At that time you can infect others who may not be able to have the vaccine for health reasons, that will cause the infection to spread, again.

The mask provides SOME protection for you, (and as most people with at least one functioning brain cell know...some is better than none) but mostly it's to protect others around you. You know, Gods children. But if you hem and haw over doing something so minor to protect His children that'll be between you and Him.

Also, again, after a year of this you should know by now, ONE of the main problems regarding Covid was how INNONDATED the hospitals where. Sometimes it wasn't about stopping it, but slowing it down so people could be helped. Stopping it would be great but since it was so prolific and easy to spread (and at the time, still being studied....that's what science is), hospitals where packed and people had to be shuffled to medical facilities further away, causing THOSE facilities to reach overflow capacity. There weren't enough rooms, beds, even workers to help the needy.

But again, you being Christian and all and not wanting to protect His children....that'll be between you and Him. So yeah, good luck.

Side: Science is awe inspiring
1 point

Why is a belief in science declining in right wingers, and ascending with the left?

When a Leftists says "science", they mean whatever bait and switch the Democrats are participating in today, even though they'll push the opposite position tomorrow if needed.

Side: Science is awe inspiring
1 point

Science can be very scary but this is no reason to disbelieve in proven science.

Religious people realize that today there is no cure or vaccine for

The San Francisco virus -

The San Francisco virus has killed far more people than the China Virus.

Aids is the number one virus that has killed the most people in the modern era.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 76 million people have been infected with the HIV virus and about 33 million people have died of - The San Francisco virus _ HIV/AIDS.

Globally, 38.0 million [31.6–44.5 million] people were living with The San Francisco virus - at the end of 2019.

Side: Science is awe inspiring