
Debate Info

Swimsuit in Antarctica Snowsuit in desert
Debate Score:47
Total Votes:48
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 Swimsuit in Antarctica (13)
 Snowsuit in desert (24)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Would you Rather #1

Would you rather wear just a swimsuit in Anartica or wear a snowsuit in the desert?


might post more of these every few days...




Link to WYR #2

Swimsuit in Antarctica

Side Score: 15

Snowsuit in desert

Side Score: 32
3 points

I work best when my arms aren't covered. And I love penguins! Happy penguin day, everyone!

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica

I'm going to freeze to death, assuming I can't take off the snow jacket. Reason I say this is because you would go numb first, and it would be very quick.

I assume that this lasts until you die, and I think this would be faster and less painful.

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
1 point

I think Swimsuit in Antarctica because of the go numb factor!

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
1 point

This is daily life for me. :)

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
1 point

Heatstroke can kill, so I choose this option. .

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
Rogue Rascal(9480) Clarified Banned
3 points

So does frost-bite.

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
1 point

Well if Global warming does exists swimsuit in Antarctica shouldn't be a problem.

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
2 points

That doesnt do anything. It just melts the ice and drops you into the freezing cold water.

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

You owned him. xD

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

I love the cold, so I think I'd last longer and wouldn't suffer as much as a regular individual. And penguins are awesome, I'd at least die happy.

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica

I am best in the cold. And i can create an igloo to keep me away from being frozen.

Also, if ever I die, I will make sure that my corpse shall have a mystery for future scientists to solve.

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
1 point

Even though this would be terrible, I cant stand to be hot!

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica

I prefer to be cold to being hot, plus all you have to worry about in the Antarctic Is the Polar Bears, and beside temperature I think Antarctic seems nicer in general.

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
1 point

Chances of surviving are low, but you can build an igloo or dig a hole. Either way, you’ll still die from hunger, but at least I will get to see penguins!

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
3 points

Deserts are actually pretty cool at night so that wouldn't be that bad. The arctic would be freezing ALL of the time.

Side: Snowsuit in desert

Great argument not exploiting a loophole. Also there is many methods other methods to stay cool in the desert while there's few to stay warm in Antarctica.

Plus if you survive the heat, there the question of food. There is easier food to get in a desert than in Antarctica.

Side: Snowsuit in desert
2 points

It gets pretty cold at night in the desert

Side: Snowsuit in desert

Way to steal my idea!

No problem though, In all honesty I'd rather the Snow suit in the desert, I hear freezing to death is a terrible way to go, and you didn't specify i couldn't just take it off.

Side: Snowsuit in desert

I think the rules are you have to keep it on. And with the swimsuit, you can't put extra clothes on.

Side: Snowsuit in desert
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

I don't see those rules anywhere. LOL

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

But... but with freezing you go numb, so it's much less painful!

Side: Swimsuit in Antarctica
AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
2 points

Actually after a while you begin to feel very hot because your mind is still trying to help you while it begins to circulate more blood in the center of your body and it will even begin to stop circulartion in your arms and legs in order to ensure survival. So eventually you will die the worst death. In the desert you might as well dig a hole in the sand while you can and use the coat as an umbrella and wait it out until night time. You might want to keep walking to because you have 3 days until you may die from dehydration and maybe a month without food.

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

Snowsuit in the desert. Being all bundled up will certainly make me warm, but it's far more survivable than freezing to death, and I could just sit under some shade.

Besides, it'll keep me warm at night where in the desert it would get cold, whereas at night in the antarctic would be unsurvivable in a swimsuit.

What's the time limit we have to stay in these? and do we get any other amenities like water?

Side: Snowsuit in desert

In extreme cases, I would rather risk the death of dehydration rather than frostbite and hypothermia.

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

I won't get frostbite (Frostbite is one of my worst nightmares

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

Such a hard decision...nevertheless,I still choose snowsuit in the desert because I can't stand cold weather...I think I will still froze to death although the ice are starting to melt due to global

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

Because I know right at the point where I'm going to die, I can take it off..! Besides, blistering heat may be bad, but I can stand it. I can't stand the cold, I will piss allover my self to get a little warmer. Not normally, but in the antarctic.... This has turned weird.....

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

What if you didn't drink enough water to piss? Then you're quite screwed, am I right?

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

If I didn't drink enough water to even piss, I don't think cooling off would be my problem. I think dying of dehydration several hours earlier would have been..!

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

the more logical choice is this one. I needn't say any more then that.

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

Umm...Can we just take off our snowsuit since we we be wearing at least a shirt and a decent pants in there?And the deserts will plunge into 0 degrees Fahrenheit at night which will both freeze to death in the desert AND in Antartica.

Side: Snowsuit in desert

You can always take of the coat and use it for shade. you can't really do anything in the antartica situation.

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

The cool thing about a snowsuit is that they're generally pretty bright colored, right? And bright colors kind of reflect the sun's rays. And while you'd be hot as fuck in a snowsuit, the snowsuit's designed to help keep your body at your body temperature. The insulation can block out the heat as much as it can the cold. It certainly won't be comfortable, but it's survivable.

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

I would choose this one because i can stand insane heat, and cannot stand cold. AT ALL.

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

I dont my shit to freeze so I prefer wearing snowsuit in dessert.. Off course I can take it off whenever I want to but I wont have anything to wear in cold other than a swimsuit :P

Side: Snowsuit in desert
1 point

its quite cold in deserts at night. snowsuits help then. its always COLD in .. well coder areas. i don't see how that's going to help me survive!

Side: Snowsuit in desert