
Iacov's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Iacov's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Are the children actively calling for our death. You would be a fool to wait for a man waiving a gun at the crowed to actually point it at you before you do anything.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

Now I don't agree with you on the name just because someone is named something doesn't mean they practice a religion.

Anyways lets hypothetically say Melina Abdullah is concealing her beliefs how still is this post in anyway pertaining to Islam. If the pope were to be discussing football I don't think he would want to somehow have god drawn into the conversation.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

I fail to find any source where Melina Abdullah is stated to be a Muslim. She is involved with the politics surrounding Islam but I can't find her actually practicing Islam.

1 point

Does everything trace back to Islam for you? This debate had nothing to do with Islam. I am generally against Islam spreading west as well but Jesus Christ calm down.

1 point

Although I am not either a Christian or a atheist hypothetically if we were only a product of evolution then I see no reason why we wouldn't posses free will. It is the greater intelligence that humans possess that allowed them to rise above the rest of the animal kingdom and had we not had freewill I think we would only be acting on instinct thus we never would have reached the heights our society has reached for. I was freewill that gave way for human ambition.

1 point

Seeing as the term millennial describes all people within a particular generation I find it incredibly unlikely that everyone that happens to be within this generation are all brainwashed into a particular ideology.

1 point

Don't forget the schisms within Islam such as Sunni vs Shia. Just as Christianity has many denominations so to does Islam.

1 point

I disagree I think there are some parallels between the book and some practeces used by mor extreme left wing organizations at the moment but it doesn't have show that the whole of liberalism supports authoritarian policies.

What about Fox News suggesting that trump have snoop dog and bow wow killed in this recent media debacle would that not be a right wing example that of attempted thought police?

1 point

1984 only demonstrates extreme authoritarian society no real leaning left or right. It's possible to be a authoritarian republican and a authoritarian liberal. But I'm just a crazy libertarian don't mind me.

1 point

So your argument is that because they are not Christianity then they are two sides of the same coin. You're gonna need a bigger coin.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

So you want mob rule? How strange when normally the Democratic Party tries to protect the minority.

1 point

Although I am neither a Christian or a democrat I think it is possible for someone to support a side without supporting a particular issue. For example I voted for Donald Trump but I do not agree with his stance on abortion. After all only sith deal in absolutes.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point





lay down authoritatively; prescribe.

"the tsar's attempts to dictate policy"

By this definition could you not argue that all governments in any form attempts to "dictate" in some way?

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

So I can't seem to open the link care to tell me generally what is says?

1 point

Atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

Islam: the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah.

Given these definitions I conclude that Atheism is not Islam.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

You provided no evidence in any of that and just stated 1 = 1 over and over again.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

"You believe in gods which promise you nothing but death"

They do not promise me death, death is a natural occurrence they promise me a purpose after that death.

"You say they make no claim of loving you, then in the next breath you say they love you and you love them."

I said they make no claim to inherently love someone just a you don't immediately love a stranger you've just met but over time if you get to know that stranger you can love them.

Gods are Gods, that is why I believe Gods areGods. The sky is the sky, and it is blue, and that is why I believe the sky is blue.

"Do your gods approve of sodomy"

You do understand that is just anal and oral sex right? Why would they care for the physical pleasures of humans?

"they are going to destroy everybody in death and then make a new creation from the ashes"

You clearly haven't been listening they are not going to destroy everything they are working to prevent ragnarok which is the foretold destruction of everything.

It may be easier for people to answer your questions if you actually kept them all in a single post rather than posting multiple but I'm sure you already know that seeing as you have demonstrated multiple tactics ment just to upset people.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

Didn't you accuse me of avoiding questions regardless of my Gods why is it you believe in your God?

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

You seem to passionately believe in the Christian god and his teachings, tell me why do you believe he is the one true God?

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

I'm happy to see you are so kind and understanding. Although I think you could use some better wording I can see your heart is in the right place.

1 point

When a young woman married in the early years of the Roman Republic she left her childhood home and the authority of her father and entered not only the home of her husband but his power and control as well. In law her status was not very different from that of her husband’s daughter. As Rome’s empire grew and more and more money poured in things began to change. Any amendments to the law probably seemed quite insignificant at the time they were made, but the reality of day to day life gradually began to transform the way society viewed women and the way they viewed themselves. By the end of the First Century women had achieved a level of freedom they would not see again in Western Society until the last half of the Twentieth Century.

Life was hard in the Ancient World and death, disease and hunger lurked around every corner. If told about the new liberty for women, those on the bottom rungs of the social ladder would have laughed and said it did not apply to them for they were too busy earning a living to take advantage of whatever liberation was going on elsewhere in society. Outside of the lower classes women could not work but they did not want to do so either. In fact "work" was seen as something to be done by slaves and low class people who did not know any better. Nevertheless women were demanding and getting greater freedom. Some men objected, of course, but their cries of protest were in vain. Emperor Augustus introduced a series of laws to promote traditional values but even he was unable to stem the tide of progress.

Generalizations on the status of women in the ancient world are always difficult, and never more so than in the case of Rome where theory and practice were often so far apart. Many Athenian men seem to have regarded their wives as at best essential inconveniences, but Roman men placed a very high value on marriage, home and the family and this made quite a difference to society's treatment of women. At no time in Rome's history were women allowed to hold public office or work in the government. In the early days of the Republic women were not even allowed to make suggestions, but by the beginning of the Empire many men were seeking and even following the advice of their wives. It was all right to do so, provided the advice was given in private and the husband did not make a big deal of it. Respectable women were not supposed to be wandering around alone outside, but somehow they managed to have a life beyond the home.

1 point

Most of our written evidence from the ancient world was produced by educated, well-to-do men. They have undoubtedly left us a reasonably accurate picture of their own life, but how much trust can we put in the comments they made on the lives of everyone else. Nowhere is this situation more troubling than in Ancient Greece where women were largely regarded as inferior creatures scarcely more intelligent than children. Most of the written record comes from Athens; the little bit we know about the other Greek states was more often than not written by an Athenian

The picture that emerges is that seen by the men of the age. There is no reason to doubt its accuracy as far as the law and public appearance is concerned and we certainly know what men thought of women. What women's life was like out of public sight or in the company of other women must remain largely a mystery to us.

1 point

That's some crazy dictator stuff right there. As a side note if the second coming were to occur do you think his name would still be Jesus? For the time period Jesus was a common name so would his name be something like Jeff today?

1 point

I am legend


Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

No, again stop thinking of my gods in the form of the Christian god they did not create the cycle of ragnarok nor are the gods after ragnarok the same that came before.

Also remember I worship multiple gods each with their own personalities, when I said I believe the gods love me I was referring to a few from which I have received their blessing.

To answer as to what is the point if they will die in the end anyways, they are beings that are creator than myself that I posses power and have the ability to use that power to help me why would I not give them my thanks in the form of worship?

(I would like to ask that you respond in a single post rather than multiple like you've been doing it just makes it easier to reply to)

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

Their is no official holy text but their is the Eddas which is a collection of the old original stories of the gods.

Now for how it "works" it is very similar to the original Germanic religion with regular holidays and ritual offerings.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

You are still thinking of my gods in the since of your own. Each God has their own personality they find enjoyment in different things than another god. They can choose to interact with our world or not. Personally I hope they don't interfere with my life things are going pretty well right now. I don't seek suffering but I understand it is a necessary symptom of life. I did not say there is no good or evil a described my belief system and why I believe it is not good or evil. Good and Evil both exist and can be created by the actions of individuals.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

I love the Gods and because of my love I believe they in turn love me and I have seen them grant me their favor. They did not love me before I loved them. But even if I did not love them they would not punish me for it was my choice.

The Gods will die in ragnarok as is told by the Norns two gods will survive and then create a new world from the ashes just as our world was created from the death of another. Many people see the creation and destruction of the world as a line with a beginning and a end but I believe it is a cycle where one world is created from the death of another world.

I do not believe this prosses is inherently good or bad rather just the way of the worlds.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

My gods choose whether or not to be involved in our suffering. They do not create it, they allow us to live our lives knowing we will live difficult lives. The pain we encounter is often a result of nature or other humans not directly a result of the gods. But if for some reason a particular God wanted to hurt someone they very well could. But as a said the original purpose of suffering is to better oneself and prepare ourselves for ragnarok (the end of days). I do not believe that is good or evil I believe it is the flow of wyrd.

1 point

At our basic human nature our primary purpose as animals is to survive and insure the survival of our species. ( ) If a person is a homosexual it is biologically impossible for that person to reproduce thus contradicting their basic human instincts it is because of this that I view homosexuality as a mental disorder as it is a clear "disruption in... daily functioning". Now I do not believe homosexuality is morally wrong as I myself am bisexual, however I do feel it is a disorder much like a sociopath in the sense that there is nothing inherently wrong with being a sociopath it is only wrong when that sociopath commits a murder. To be a classified with any of the LGBT characteristics is a mental disorder and that is not a bad thing.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

They don't end suffering because suffering serves a purpose. That purpose being to prepare us for ragnarok. My gods never claim like the Christian god to love us. A core idea in Asatru Paganism is the concept of wyrd which is kind of a halfway between the freewill vs "gods plan" debate in Christianity. Wyrd essentially teaches the we are always going to face struggles and it is how we face those struggles that define our character.

1 point

Try most Middle Eastern countries were they do castrate rapist.

2 points

I believe abortion should be legal in any and all cases regardless of how far along the pregnancy may be. Every American citizen has a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A person becomes a citizen by either being born in the country or going through the proper immigration channels. Seeing as the unborn has done neither of these the fetus is not a citizen. For this reason the mother must take priority and given the choice if they want to have the child or not. Now on a side note I do believe before the abortion takes place I feel it should be required that there be a meeting between both the mother, the doctor and the father if he is available.

1 point

I believe it would fall under cruel and unusual punishment.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

It means I follow the old Norse Gods, names you may recognize are Thor Odin or Tyr but I choose the patron goddess of Hlïn.

1 point

How interesting that the Abrahamic faiths always condemn non believers to eternal torture. My gods don't demand human worship (it is appreciated). My gods do not punish those who do not follow them.

1 point

Let my start by saying I am a Asatru Pagan. I converted to Asatru from being a Christian Baptist after reading as much holy text from any religion I could get my hands on.

I assume the God we are referring to for this debate is the Christian God.

I believe that all religions at their core teach people to do and be good, while also trying to define what good is. A simple fact of the matter is that their is no definitive proof for any religion so we can't know which is truely correct, we only have our faith to help us decide. It is when we go on to believe that not only is our chosen religion correct but any and all other religions are wrong and therefore the enemy that a problem occurs in the form of religious extremism. I don't think any religion regardless of how strange I find the teachings to be is inherently bad or evil I believe it's followers sometimes change said religion to become their justification for violence.

1 point

At our basic human nature our primary purpose as animals is to survive and insure the survival of our species. ( ) If a person is a homosexual it is biologically impossible for that person to reproduce thus contradicting their basic human instincts it is because of this that I view homosexuality as a mental disorder as it is a clear "disruption in... daily functioning". Now I do not believe homosexuality is morally wrong as I myself am bisexual, however I do feel it is a disorder much like a sociopath in the sense that there is nothing inherently wrong with being a sociopath it is only wrong when that sociopath commits a murder. To be a classified with any of the LGBT characteristics is a mental disorder and that is not a bad thing.

0 points

I believe that every American citizen has a right to life liberty and happiness. Now most pro-life people would say I am denying the unborn it's right to life. I argue that a person becomes a American citizen by A: being born in America. or B: going through the proper legal channels of immigration. seeing as the unborn has done none of these I believe the child is not a citizen thus does not have the right to life. I also do not consider the unborn fetus to be a human life until said fetus is no longer connected to the mother. Until the fetus is living on its own and note I said living on its own not capable of living on its own it is still a part of the mother. The mother should be able to choose what she does with her body. Abortion doesn't kill a human it stops the potential for a new human.

2 points

Let my start by saying I am a Asatru Pagan. I converted to Asatru from being a Christian Baptist after reading as much holy text from any religion I could get my hands on.

I believe that all religions at their core teach people to do and be good, while also trying to define what good is. A simple fact of the matter is that their is no definitive proof for any religion so we can't know which is truely correct, we only have our faith to help us decide. It is when we go on to believe that not only is our chosen religion correct but any and all other religions are wrong and therefore the enemy that a problem occurs in the form of religious extremism. I don't think any religion regardless of how strange I find the teachings to be is inherently bad or evil I believe it's followers sometimes change said religion to become their justification for violence.

1 point

And you show just how much you are better than them by doing exactly what they did.

1 point

The inability to control your own words assuming you don't have a disability suggest a level of immaturity.

1 point

Have a nice day. Try not to insult people as often. Besides wasting time is only a human invention.

1 point

"For you to deny the comparison is simply you living in denial of who you are and what you support."

It is this type of rhetoric that takes away any since of rational thought to your arguement. Instead of debating you choose to attack people.

Now as for your question regarding a person on life support. I believe this to be different from a fetus as the life support would be used to save a already existing human life.

2 points

Being a libertarian I am often in the minority of my groups when it comes to the issue of abortion. Although I have not seen these procedures done right in front of me I've had graphs and videos and detailed visuals of the abortion process thrown at me. I do understand that the pro-life arguement is that we are killing a human but I simply disagree I don't see the unborn as a human and pherhaps there is some cruel aspects to such a outlook but no the less it is my own. But don't claim to know who my parents are my parents are both deep in the heart of Texas conservative baptist. For the record regarding your little tirade on the Democratic Party I voted for Donald Trump in the general election. Now I do believe that a child feeding from a umbilical cord is completely different from a child breast feeding seeing as the child is not connected to the mother.

I would contest that you have been brainwashed into the idea that all those who have a different opinion on this issue are inherently evil. I support my claim simply by referring to your constant equating the pro-choice community to that of Nazi Germany or the early slave traders.

2 points

I'll flat out say it I'm pro-choice all the way until birth on the issue of abortion. I believe that every American citizen has a right to life liberty and happiness. Now most pro-life people would say I am denying the unborn it's right to life. I argue that a person becomes a American citizen by A: being born in America. or B: going through the proper legal channels of immigration. seeing as the unborn has done none of these I believe the child is not a citizen thus does not have the right to life. I also do not consider the unborn fetus to be a human life until said fetus is no longer connected to the mother. Until the fetus is living on its own and note I said living on its own not capable of living on its own it is still a part of the mother. The mother should be able to choose what she does with her body. Abortion doesn't kill a human it stops the potential for a new human.

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