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I agree I disagree
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 I agree (3)
 I disagree (8)

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Iacov(68) pic

To be homosexual is to hav a mental disorder.

Mental Disorder: any of a broad range of medical conditions that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning.

I agree

Side Score: 4

I disagree

Side Score: 12
2 points

Homosexuality is described as having, or being of a deviant sexual orientation.

Being deviant means to diverge from a the established norm, especially in social or sexual behaviour.

Diverging from what is normal, is of course, abnormal behaviour.

Abnormal, or dysfunctional behaviour is almost always attributable to some form of mental disorder.

Side: I agree
cownbueno(407) Disputed
1 point

Dysfunctional is not a synonym for abnormal. Please return to school because you mightn't have learned anything.

Side: I disagree
cownbueno(407) Disputed
1 point

And where exactly did you receive your PhD in psychology and psychiatry?

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Side: I disagree
1 point

At our basic human nature our primary purpose as animals is to survive and insure the survival of our species. ( ) If a person is a homosexual it is biologically impossible for that person to reproduce thus contradicting their basic human instincts it is because of this that I view homosexuality as a mental disorder as it is a clear "disruption in... daily functioning". Now I do not believe homosexuality is morally wrong as I myself am bisexual, however I do feel it is a disorder much like a sociopath in the sense that there is nothing inherently wrong with being a sociopath it is only wrong when that sociopath commits a murder. To be a classified with any of the LGBT characteristics is a mental disorder and that is not a bad thing.

Side: I agree
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

At our basic human nature our primary purpose as animals is to survive and insure the survival of our species

Actions that aren't procreation that help the species survive can occur. Look at what homosexuals do for a living. Hair styling, fashion, etc. Professions that help straight people attract each other and procreate have a lot of homosexuals. Doesn't that help the species survive?

If a person is a homosexual it is biologically impossible for that person to reproduce thus contradicting their basic human instincts

That isn't listed in your definition of mental disorder.

is because of this that I view homosexuality as a mental disorder as it is a clear "disruption in... daily functioning".

Um, but homos function just fine.

Side: I disagree
sylynn(625) Disputed
2 points

Mental Disorder: any of a broad range of medical conditions that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning.

This doesn't define what "normal" actually is.

At our basic human nature our primary purpose as animals is to survive and insure the survival of our species.

Though procreation may be our primary purpose as a species (not sure I entirely agree), this does not make it our only purpose. If this were the case, why do anything else? Because we have developed greater intelligence within our species, our "purpose" goes well beyond this and can be anything we deem it to be.

If a person is a homosexual it is biologically impossible for that person to reproduce thus contradicting their basic human instincts

No, it's not impossible. Many homosexuals still start families through sperm donors and surrogates. Many couples also adopt, and with more people looking to do so this could also prevent abortion which in turn would further our species (as if humans are an endangered species).

it is because of this that I view homosexuality as a mental disorder as it is a clear "disruption in... daily functioning"

Define "daily functioning". I don't - on a daily basis - make attempts at reproducing, and beyond this, what functions are they not capable of doing (I already addressed they still can reproduce via other methods)?

Side: I disagree
1 point

If a person is a homosexual it is biologically impossible for that person to reproduce

Actually, you're referring to infertility, which is not specific to any sexuality.

But that's besides the point, because reproduction is not the only way an organism can work to insure the survival of a species.

I view homosexuality as a mental disorder as it is a clear "disruption in... daily functioning".

How is this the case? How can one's preferences disrupt daily functioning?

Side: I disagree
cownbueno(407) Disputed
1 point

I'd go through and point out the unsubstantiated claims in this but it appears as though many others have already.

Side: I disagree

Milo says it's a mental disorder, and he's openly gay, white, and likes the black men.

Side: I agree
2 points

A mental disorder is a behavioral pattern that impairs a person's ability to function in life. Being gay or bi or anywhere on that spectrum doesn't prevent you from living a good life as long as you're comfortable with yourself. Comparatively, having an illness like depression or schizophrenia or anxiety greatly affects a person's physical and emotional well-being if it isn't addressed.

Homosexuality, something that doesn't harm anyone, shouldn't be conflated with illnesses which make people miserable, and in extreme cases even lead to them ending their own lives. That's not to say a gay person has never been unhappy or committed suicide, but only that it wasn't directly related to the existence of their sexuality, which would have to be the case for it to be qualified as a mental disorder. If these things occurred in any sense because of what gender someone is attracted to, it would be because of other people's reactions, not implicitly as a result of their sexual orientation.

So though being gay or being mentally ill isn't a choice, in no way should the two be thought of as correlated. It sets a harmful precedent that assumes simply liking your own gender is equivalent to living with a disorder that can partially if not completely hinder life quality, which really isn't fair to people in either or both categories.

Side: I disagree
2 points

When you mention something like feeling and mood, sure those are disrupted, people that are part of the LGBTQ+ community are far more likely to suffer from things like depression, but that is not because of their sexuality, more so the fact thatthry are oppressed for having a different secuality than the norm. Therefore I do not agree with that, where the mental illness comes from, is not being an LGBTQ+ member, but how they end up oppressed

Side: I disagree