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 This is the cause of antisemitism (11)

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ghostheadX(1105) pic

This is the cause of antisemitism

Anyone here who says a single person who's Jewish mentioned in the lists mentioned in the argument below did not achieve what the article is saying they did, or that they secretly did not achieve it, is just subconsciously jealous because they can't achieve it themselves and neither can someone who isn't Jewish. If you don't agree, I dare you to cite a single source that proves otherwise.
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3 points

The brilliance of Jewish creativity in producing some of the world's most spellbinding movies, and accompanying music scores, has undoubtedly evoked a sense of envy in some of the more prejudiced and unbalanced individuals within the nations of the world.

It should be noted however, that this imaginative artistic creativity which brought joy and relief from the harsh realities of the poverty of a post war Europe flourished within the politically stable and free enterprise environment of the United States of America.

People who discredit Jews are just pissed because Jews have achieved more for society than they have: 11?ie=UTF8&s;=books&qid;=1299218740&sr;=8-1 b_8027028.html

Anyone here who says a single person who's Jewish mentioned in these lists did not achieve what the article is saying they did, or that they secretly did not achieve it, is just subconsciously jealous because they can't achieve it themselves and neither can someone who isn't Jewish. If you don't agree, I dare you to cite a single source that proves otherwise.

Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

neither can someone who isn't Jewish

Lots of Jews have done lots of great things. But so have lots of Gentiles. There's no reason to think you must be Jewish in order to be accomplished.

1 point

Jews are hated because they represent the promises of God. If the world can prevent Jews from owning Jerusalem, Israel, and the promised land, then they can prove God does not have the right to rule over them and leave them burning in Hell forever.

God will preserve Israel, the Jews, forever, with or without them being in control of their own land; there always has been and always will be a remnant of Israel and eventually they will occupy and own the entire Promised Land. One day Jesus Christ will sit on the throne and rule the world from Mt. Zion, and in that day all Israel will know He is their Messiah and they will all be saved.

Iacov(68) Disputed
1 point

That's some crazy dictator stuff right there. As a side note if the second coming were to occur do you think his name would still be Jesus? For the time period Jesus was a common name so would his name be something like Jeff today?

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
2 points


NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

You sure avoid's okay, I understand your belief system is looney tunes and you are proud of it, so it's hard for you to focus on answering direct questions which will make you admit your beliefs are looney.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

You say it's crazy because you are an enemy of God and you are one who will be destroyed if you will not repent of your sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your useless gods are using you as a punching bag, and they are eagerly waiting for the moment you fall down into the fire of Hell. They might help you get an ice cream cone on a hot summer day, but they can't stop the sidewalk from being hot under your feet, they can't stop you from falling into the fire of Hell like a sausage dropped into a frying pan. Kiss your useless gods and ask them if they make sodomites feel okay about dying.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

You say it's crazy because you are an enemy of God and you are one who will be destroyed if you will not repent of your sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your useless gods are using you as a punching bag, and they are eagerly waiting for the moment you fall down into the fire of Hell. They might help you get an ice cream cone on a hot summer day, but they can't stop the sidewalk from being hot under your feet, they can't stop you from falling into the fire of Hell like a sausage dropped into a frying pan. Kiss your useless gods and ask them if they make sodomites feel okay about dying.

YOU ARE FREE!!!!! As long as God gives you time outside of Hell, you can do whatever you feel like doing in the name of your gods. Go on now, shout it out loud, say "I AM FREE TO BE ME!!!!! WOO WOOOO!!!!!" Tell the world how great your gods are and how good they make you feel.

1 point

People hate other people for a wide range of reasons running from they disagree with their beliefs or their actions, to their ex girflriend was Jewish, to simply they don't like the way they think Jews look. You may have tapped A cause of antisemitism but it isn't THE cause.

ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

It's probably the root cause of antisemitism. It may not be the branch cause, but that's ultimately the root cause. Look at the history of Jews living in other lands for thousands of years.