
Hammertime's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hammertime's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I do not think so, because before the earth is destroyed, people will have been eradicated.

1 point

I don't think so. Because I have never see him or something like that and I only will believe he exist, when I see or hear him.

1 point

I only say no because it is looking very grose. But it should be normal.

2 points

Every may join the army. Black or white and man or women.

1 point

I only believe God exist, if I see him. But I don't see him. So I'm non religious.

1 point

Nobody is perfect. And I don't even believe God exist. So I think even if God exist, he isn't perfect.

1 point

I am from the Netherlands and I use a translator on the Internet, but that does not translate very well. That's why I sometimes do not understand other people and other people not me.

1 point

Nicely put! I agree with you.

ps: there are some spelling mistakes in.xd

1 point

Yes, he's been world champion several times and unfortunately not this year, but he is still very good example and I could never beat him (I play tennis).

1 point

No, I do not think so. There are age limits at all bad movies like with sex, so it's not really what you get to see. So it seems unnecessary.

1 point

Thanks for clarifying the rules. Here I do not so much against in, so you'll get a point.

1 point

I do not think the bully needs help more than the victim, because in most cases, the bully does not he / she plague and stop them there so quickly with it.

1 point

I really think that animals should be treated with respect, but I think these traditions are not disgusting. It is a way to flesh clean of blood and so is less dangerous for humans to eat, because most bacteria are in the blood of an animal.

1 point

Why do you say this? This is not about a ban on ritual slaughter?

1 point

Only when it comes to multiple people, but not only about me. It fascinates me because of what others do not find me, but I do not want an instigator of other people's problems.

0 points

I also think that the bullies need help too, because usually bully the bullies just because they themselves have a problem at home or out of jealousy, etc.

1 point

Yes, for it is the intention of bullies that people feel lonely and when they are served first, they feel less alone and maybe it can still stop the bullying too. That's why I'm for.

3 points

That is quite different. Adults make decisions for the stupid kids. School is perhaps not as much fun, but if you're an adult, then you see how happy you must have it. I myself am still a child, but I know that school is good for you and that you're once teren respectful of others.

1 point

Iell. Dirty! That do not. Older people really do not need diaper, that's what more babies!

1 point

You're right. You can't sell your organs, that is crazy, isn't it?

2 points

I'll explain. People should not completely finished brain. People under 25 really should not drink alcohol. From 18 years it begins to hurt a little less, so it's not as bad, but this is the worst. By alcohol at such age, your brain damaged and you remember things worse. The consequences can be very large so if you drink alcohol at a young age and I do not understand why you think this is not clearly explained, because it is everywhere on the internet.

1 point

Normally they are drugged sex so that they no longer than necessary have to suffer. And they torture the animals do not really let them down and they just go to the next animal.

1 point

If you think you can do better. Get one but themselves on this issue.

ps: a proposition is never a question that you know

1 point

Congratulations Joe! All 15,000 points! How long you been doing this? Haha, not normal.

1 point

Abortion is the choice of the woman, because she has the child. It is best if at the beginning of pregnancy abortion, because that is the child is not large. Just before the birth abortion, I find it disgusting, because the child has to a large extent to be born perfect. So I think it's good as long as it is the beginning of pregnancy, but just before giving birth.

5 points

Science has already proven. Only religious people are not quite convinced.

1 point

I'm just waiting for evidence...............................

1 point

I think not. I think that there are alien beings, only out of reach. I hope we will ever come true science and that they are not dangerous.

1 point

No, unfortunately not. Children are much more interested in nursery rhymes. I personally think Greek mythology is very interesting and I hate that nursery rhymes stuff.

1 point

This debate is about that you think Turkey into the EU must. Okay, that's clear enough for you?

1 point

Yes, because he is the son of God and Mary and so he is a demigod. Half human and half god. He will only be back to his father in heaven.

I think maybe not God, but I do know about.

1 point

Of course not. First you try to solve with diplomacy and if you do not come out, you have to wait and then war may still be necessary, but that's only in rare cases like that.

1 point

I guess I'm not against it, but can someone explain me more about this subject in a message, please?

5 points

I like soccer better, because you look like a team should go. Although I went off by bad football team.

1 point

No. I've read in a book that gay in your genes. I know nothing of what you speak. But it can be also the truth.

1 point

It is proven that being gay in your genes and why you people do not condemn you how stupid it is.

1 point

I understand what you mean and I also quite agree. But you know, the tough young people who walk the streets and sit around to hang stuff. The number of such young people continues to increase and not listen to that negative attention. They just want to be cool and drink and do whatever they want. That kind of people can not influence. Only when people themselves say that drinking and smoking and things like that are not cool, they just stop.

1 point

I understand what you mean and I also quite agree. But as long as there is no shortage, I am not going to support it. Only if people want. Otherwise this is a violation of the free will of people.

2 points

This is about ritual slaughter of animals. Not people. People should indeed not murder, but that's not the point. It's about animals.

2 points

Yes, because if you do not believe in God then you have a faith. Namely that you do not believe in God.

I know it sounds very vague, but it's true.

1 point

Sorry, but I know nothing about it. I do not see how it goes in your country. Only in my country (Netherlands).

1 point

I think this is true, because by the negative attention will only get tougher to do and that's important for such youngsters.

1 point

Children can have a nice meal at school. Of course, not to be unhealthy, but only fruits and vegetables to sell at school has no point. Nobody buys the bike and the kids after school just to a nearby candy store and get it there.

It might be smarter to expensive candy, so that the children are not too many unhealthy foods in their diet.

1 point

Yes, that would be very useful. This allows teachers to improve the needs of learners and therefore the lessons more fun and more clearly.

2 points

The debate is not about who's voting or other means of counting votes, but about getting another government without the government itself decides to stop them, but that the people decide.

1 point

Yes, because we just need to act without restrictions. Countries can usually determine if too much myself traded. Something that does not EU rules on it.

2 points

We do not really know whether aliens exist. That's why I said though: As far as we know.

0 points

People who are very poor can thus try to sell as many bodies, so that their family money. Extremely poor people may even lead to suicide because they want to sell as many organs. So this is not a good idea.

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