
Mrcatsam's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mrcatsam's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

See? You don't even deny that you're Outlaw60. How'd your racism go, huh?

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
2 points

We don't watch CNN, because America isn't the centre of our universe. Well, ok, maybe some of us do, and maybe we need America to bail us out from time to time, BUT THATS IT!

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
2 points


2 points

I don't know, really. My time in America really helped me understand your complicates politics but also confuses me even more. Perhaps the Senators do despise him, but first of all they want to be re-elected and secondly is Pence any better? Might he have a chance at winning?

1 point

The fact that you banned Excon from your debates and yet you still think that you'll be taken seriously here shows how out of touch YOU are.

1 point

They have no clue how to run a nation so they spend all their time pandering to dysfunctional people.

And you said I was being insulting.

1 point

Have you noticed how the hateful bigots on this site most times side with the Left?

It takes one to know one.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

I duly respect the fact that I don't understand people and never will. But as teenagers we all went through times that were rough, and for the most part they get better. I understand that sometimes things don't get better, but do you support the right for teens to have assisted suicide when what they are feeling is something inevitable? What about endorsement of therapy? It's just a question; I'm curious what your answer will be.

1 point

Yes, but not for people under age 25-30 because brains are not fully developed and sometimes people jump to the conclusion before they've become full adults.

1 point

Absolute mindless fool!!!! I took the science of biology in school and learned that I have a tail growing out of my left nostril!!

As a conservative I believe that everyone else except me will go to Hell because only I understand what it's like to be a Christian. Even though I'm so judgemental of the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ people, that's okay because they're not real people, and unborn babies deserve more rights than they do because they don't have weird fetishes. If they grow up to be gay then we can throw them in the garbage.

2 points

Yet one more person traumatised by the beast that comes From Within. Welcome to this dandy club; I do hope you stick around.

1 point

Don't let him get to you. He's got nothing better to do.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

You speak out and your statements are rightly condemned for what they are: intolerant, rude, and unkind. You need to know what opinions to keep to yourself and how to argue constructively. Until you can do that I am through with you.

This has nothing to do with the issue at hand. It has to do with your angry and, quite frankly, volatile tone.

1 point

I am furiously disappointed in you, FromWithin. You have no right to speak that way, and don't expect me to speak to you, or add you to any future debates. The fact that you speak this way and think it's okay is not going to be provoked by me any longer. You might as well just ban me because I'm going to do the same to you.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

I'm not saying don't call yourself bisexual; I'm only saying that it's also important to see yourself as a whole, rather than itty bitty parts. Your hair, your personality, your hands are all little parts of you, but you are a whole person who is human in your own way.

And to FromWithin, that is what I've been trying to say this whole time. Cherish diversity, listen to others, because maybe someday you'll be the only person on the planet.

2 points

Your sexuality is one tiny part of your being. Do not categorise yourself as gay or bisexual, because it's like saying you're allergic to cats. No one's really sure why some are and some aren't, but what one should say, or think is that they retain their ability to love and to live and to be proud of themselves and others and live this wild and precious life of yours to the very fullest possible.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

I really think it's funny how you talk a lot like Outlaw60. That's right. You ARE Outlaw60.

0 points

Nothing wrong with being close to mum. But apparently for you right wingers, it's hard because of your misogyny.

1 point

You accuse people of being intolerant, yet you fail to look at yourself. All I ask, FW, is that you take an inward glance for once and improve this undiplomatic, unchristian behaviour. I myself am an Anglican, and I am kindly asking, from blood to blood, PLEASE look at yourself before you speak. I myself am guilty of failing to do that yet constant improvement is what we all live for.

1 point

We mustn't encourage this laughably pathetic Yank. He wants to enter your body like an abortion pill.

0 points


You really need to claim responsibility for the arsehole behaviour you have displayed, and encourage on this site. Ask me for examples...I have far too many.....

1 point

Yes, you're sort of correct, but no, actually, you're not.

First of all there's no such thing as being "right" and as much as I agree with you about those things you listed diversity is how new ideas happen.

If we get rid of the opinions we don't like, we will have no diversity, and therefore we will never be able to understand each other better.

So here's a question for you: Would you like to live in a world where everyone thinks Trump is God? Where we aren't just arguing over bombing innocent people, but actually doing that because everyone agrees with that, or thinks it's right? Moral compasses can be very different depending on whom you speak to, and therefore "morality" is quite vague.

1 point

It's alright to support what you support. Diversity of opinion is one thing that this world should value and try to understand.

The only time I actually get upset is when people (FromWithin) insult my way of life. Then I am obligated to fight back. But you're lovely, mate. Keep doing you😁.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Yes, a true pity. What's funny is they fail to recognise they are the "asses".

1 point

No, I'm not. I know the Americans say "Assumin' makes an Ass outta yew an' me."

2 points

It's no surprise to me, really. All of the Christian preachers made missions to African countries and destroyed their diversity of opinions. So don't blame Kenya, blame Columbus.

1 point


1 point

Yeah, well you also call me science denier for being gay, a child hater for supporting women's rights, and then you get mad at me when I tell you that we all die if we don't solve the problems that are to come.

Shut up, please.

0 points

Thanks for showing Scientific evidence that goes contrary to Climate change hysteria from Environmental Leftists at war with fossil fuels.


0 points

ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!!!!!! Camel Toe Harris wants to ban all PLASTIC STRAWS !

WOW can that help the planet ????????

Does CAMEL TOE HARRIS know that the ELECTRIC CAR is going to need PLASTIC ???

Does Shatty Yank Outlaw60 know that if LEFTIES die, HE DIES TOO?

1 point

"you LEFTIST like you some HOMOS so what the problem is ????????"

Wow. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the greatest demonstration of the Shatty Yank dialect of English.

Outlaw, do you know how to structure a sentence?

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
2 points

The problem is your atrocious grammar!!!!

"What the problem is" isn't proper English. You are currently speaking "Shatty Yank" as I call it.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

SUPER STUPID you like DICK ???????? Must be a reason you support HOMO'S !!!

Why all the question and exclamation points? We got your point Sixty Billion Exclamations ago.

Also, it's HOMOS, NOT HOMO'S. Youre not saying anything belongs to them, your simply talking about them as a group. Therefore, say Homos instead of HOMO'S.

1 point

Actually we've got a Constitution. It's just not as simple as the American one.*

1 point

That's just a clause from a document, stupid YANK. Where is the obligation? What is keeping the People from going against that paper of yours?

1 point

I do disagree with what you say about Excon, but we are in the same boat when it comes to FromWithin. I wonder if there will ever be something between ally and enemy because I think that's what we are right now😐

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Why thank you, Nomshutu!""""

1 point

Hey there Excon,

I think these two twits are fourteen year olds who've failed their exams because they cannot stop stupidly assaulting people on this site. Ignore them..

1 point

Hey Nomshutu,

Might I ask you nicely to not bring your insecurities to this debate site? It really screws with the discourse here. If I agree with Bronto then we know something is wrong. Please fix your language.



mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Take that back. Right now. You have no right to say that when all you do is harass me.

So if I'm a science denier, then what the Hell are you doing about Climate Change?

1 point

Perhaps he felt in the mood for Bangers. If that's the case I hope you've learned your lesson to eat only one plate. Any more creates bullshit quantities in and out of the WC. The mash doesn't help much. Consider this just a friend looking out for another, Bronto🤗.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Most people are too insecure to admit the obvious about themselves.

That my sexuality is unnatural? Perhaps it only goes against the speakings of your church, but only in your eyes will it be unnatural.

The words I say to you hit home. This is why you are bothered by me. My words are not the words of idiots who hate Gay people, or would deny them their freedom to live as they choose.

No, they hit far away from home. And just because you can't deny us our freedom doesn't mean you wouldn't. That's quite evident.

truth is the truth no matter what we all say about ourselves.

What about Alternative Facts🤪?

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
2 points

You've got bullshit on your toilet paper???? Eating too much Burger King?*

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

I'm sorry, I've no bloody idea what that means; I'm not in with the piece of shit YANK crowd..................

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Yeah? Well apparently you've got a problem with me sticking up for myself, so perhaps you could just spit out what you've got on the edge of your tongue.

1 point

I'm really not sure why you lot care so much. You care even more than ME!*

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

And what are you good at, dear FromWithin, may I ask?

1 point


1 point

Though we disagreed, I am sad to see another person leave. Godspeed.

2 points

Thank you, dear Bootstrap, for making this Yankee see sense. Generally I respect Americans but sometimes one such fellow makes them all look bad. Of course, this is why birthright citizenship is an awful idea.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point


Good Lord.

1 point

Who is Ron Paul? He has the same number of syllables in his name as your Ted Cruz; Is he as bad?

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Reference deforestation and greenhouse gases and melting ice caps and overpopulation and then get back to me.

2 points

Ok, you better restate that, because that was nasty and quite detestable of you to write.

I cannot believe you are encouraging this issue to become politicised, along with abortion and LGBT rights. This is an entirely different issue.

So Climate Change isn't a real threat? Are you kidding me? Did you know that by 2040, the world will be at a shortage of water? Did you know that, because of melting ice caps, northern countries will become poorer, people will go south and encourage all of the problems undeveloped countries have?

Oh yes, how about deforestation? I thought trees absorbed CO2. Would you like a dead leopard skin? How about the food chain?

How about the bees? Are they not dying? What will happen when nothing pollinates for us?

Oh yes, and how could I forget the Pacific Fucking Garbage Patch?

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Is that right? And you're not just getting that from your mum or dad are you?

1 point

You mean AISLE. ISLE refers to an island, like the Isle of Wight or the Isle of Portland or the Isles of Scilly.

1 point


First of all, I'm a Brit so what trump does matters very little to me. Secondly, I'm talking about climate change, not political parties. It's truly sad how this issue has now become a partisan one.

1 point

You know, maybe focusing on the real question of how do we fix this rather than spreading blame would be more productive. Have you ever given that a thought?

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

The real question is how long do WE have left? Earth is projected to be here for another 2 billion years, but may become uninhabitable for humans earlier if global warming continues.

1 point

And you're really asking that about Liberals? Why is your president rolling back regulations having to do with the environment?

1 point

No, because I'm not the one who puts spaces before my question marks!

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Shooting themselves in the foot is what it sounds like. Good job, lads. Hope you all survive the anarchic gun control laws.

1 point

It would be nice to just be left alone, especially by people like you. Shut up about it for a moment, won't you, and I promise I won't "rub my sexuality in your face..."

1 point

At least we aren't cads.*

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Well, do you not agree that he is racist?

1 point

Did your mum raise you to be this nasty? I'm not even going to reply to this; I am furious with you.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

You'd be better off keeping your extreme insecurities about certain parts of your body to yourself, rather than blaming me for it.

1 point

And yet I'm confident, my dear Antrim, that you are a brit as well, though you try far too hard to conceal it. I mean, who else uses "wanker" on this site spare the "limeys"?

1 point

Ok, I won't argue anymore. I respectfully disagree, and acknowledge your right to do the same. Some of the things you say I actually agree with, like LGBT individuals being severely insecure. But we are insecure because we don't know when we'll be turned away from being a priest or kicked out of a store or attacked on the street.

0 points

Yes, blame Obama for your insecurities!*

1 point

Oh, look, Mr. Arse-ache is back. It's been a while, hasn't it?

1 point

Ok, well then, no more arguing. But I have an honest question:

Why did you create this debate in the first place? You knew no one would care except for me, right? Were you trying to provoke me?

2 points

Despite its current problems, I have great hope for America once it is under the right leadership and is able to move ahead a bit.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

You did not answer why you were not banned?

I don't bloody know. You're the one threatening me.

Tell me where I am trying to dictate how you live your life? I SPEAK OUT AGAINST LGBT activist groups forcing every State to change their marriage laws.

So you can protest for something you want, but the LGBT community is not allowed to?

Are you ok with adults marrying consenting children?

No, I am not. Children don't have the power of consent.

In this no fault anything goes list of LGBT groups, why no B, or N, or P?

Because we have these things called brains and know that none of these are socially acceptable. These are way different from having an attraction to the same sex because normally B, N and P individuals are mentally ill or their brains are wired differently. LGBT people can live stable lives where they harm no one.


It ends when you recognise that NONE of the three initials you came up with are socially acceptable, and they most likely never will be if they aren't now.

All these other sexual orientations have no place in our biology books.

This is utter rubbish, and I think where we most disagree. I was never given Sex Ed; my other gay peers weren't either. When those gay men died of AIDS, your beautiful president, Mr. Reagan, simply laughed it off and ignored it. To this day, even here in the UK, sex ed is not taught to LGBT individuals because they are ashamed of us. Are you ashamed of us? Do you want us all to die of AIDS? What if we made it a choice? Either heterosexual education or homosexual education? Therefore, people like you would not have to worry about your child turning into a gay zombie with AIDS.

You are confusing the freedom of everyone living as they choose, with Big Brother forcing everyone to embrace these sexual orientations. There in lies the reason why myself and others speak out against the indoctrination of our children to this LGBT activism.

I will no longer listen to this argument as it is blatantly hypocritical. See above.

We also have rights! Respect ours and we will respect yours.

And so your country has said for many years, by firing us and ruining our lives. I lived in America once, but I left because I was scared for my life. I'm still british, never was American, never will be.

1 point

So you're giving ME chances now? By spewing those bollocks that you're "oppressed"? That you're sick of the LGBT community "infiltrating" your good, Christian population? What if I told you I was sick of having people, white privileged males, dictating how everyone else lives their lives? By asserting that, as a Christian, you are oppressed, you inadvertently reinstitute the subordinate rank of minorities. What if I told you that you know absolutely NOTHING, not a drop about the LGBT community? furious with you, but I will continue to entertain your utterly ridiculous remarks anyway.

It is not me who is insecure, or confused, or unnatural. It is you! By not accepting my community into your way of life, it makes it much harder for you to get over the fact that we are normal people too. Believe me, I'm not out to harass Christians; I'm an atheist.

If you met me, would the first thing you notice be that I'm gay? I hope not. I, and most of us, are so much more than our labels. And yet kids who think they are gay still commit suicide and make bad choices because they have little education about WHO they are, and how they became that way.

As for drawing the line, I think that is a dangerous concept. Whether or not allowing a union between same sex couples will lead down a slippery slope to marrying a Lemming, America, and Britain to an extent, are free. If you limit liberty you deprive people of the chance to make something constructive out of the liberties they have been granted.

I would look over your words carefully before you screech such offensive language when it is evident you know very little about the LGBT agenda.

-1 points

You're having a go at me, aren't you? I thought we talked about this. You say you're not judging me choices and yet you compare who I love to dead people. How does my life affect you, and why do you talk so much about sex when even I don't bring it up?

You're a real piece of scum, talking like this. And I know you're doing it to make ME angry. I wonder how people like you can sleep at night.

I don't ever want to hear from you again. Don't message me, don't argue in my debates, and don't EVER provoke me like this again, do you hear? Just like you'd do to your gay son, I AM DISOWNING YOU.

2 points

Outlaw likes to make weird connections between things. I'll correct him for saying Road Island instead of Rhode Island and he'll accuse me of breaking the economy.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Lol, Road Island. Outlaw, it's Rhode island.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

I said nothing of the sort. I was correcting this terrible grammar. And actually, we Brits speak better English than you Americans🇬🇧.

1 point

It's THANKS not Thank's.

1 point

Men and women can share awards, which are not different for each gender. I'd be concerned if you knew so much about female reproductive organs that you'd be able to talk about it in depth.

1 point

It murders innocent brain cells who begin living at conception >=)

2 points

Biology teaches us that a man and woman are designed for sex! Not a man and man!

That puts gay men at a very big disadvantage...Don't you think they should start teaching about LGBT issues in Biology? It sounds like a very good idea, seeing that it's already been proven that they don't "choose that lifestyle."

They should put you in that Raven cage you described until you learn science and how we are designed. You can fly around and harass Christians who for some reason understand the science of Biology.

Hush, child. Would you ever even step foot in England? I doubt it, you doodle.

Stop spewing lies about Trump or his supporters. He has never said a thing about dismantling people's civil rights.

HA! Oh, dear, you really are a cave-dweller, aren't you? Trump HAS said and DONE things about dismantling civil rights. Did you know that his administration allowed Title IX to not protect LGBT workers from being fired from their jobs SIMPLY for being themselves?

And, on your National Day of Prayer, he and Penny Pence decided that they would allow health care workers to refuse service to those who disagreed with their religious beliefs.

We all have the right to believe science if we want to.

It's already proven that homosexuality is not a choice. So it sounds to me like someone who is screeching about hypocrisy all day (gasp!) is a HYPOCRITE!

Might I add that I am also gay? Therefore, I know more about how I live than you do, and you have no right to speak to people, anyone, like this. I remember being SO afraid of people like you. I had friends whose parents didn't let me into their houses because of my sexuality. I had kids who bullied me during my school years, and then people like you who stood up in front of me and told me I was choosing this life. Let me ask you something: Why would I choose to be someone who is persecuted? Of course, you won't understand because you've never really been through it. So shut up and go back to your hidey hole.

You also answered to none of the other arguments I posed, so that is called stupidity.

3 points

Did you take the science of Biology in your "all sex is normal" nation?

1. I'm bloody well aware that bodies are not meant to be compatible with the same sex, but it works. Therefore I have absolutey no idea what on Earth this has to do with biology.

2. I'm also bloody well aware that Biology is a science. You don't need to sound fancy.

3. It's called England, where the language you're speaking incorrectly came from. I'll bet you a hundred quid you didn't know that.

It would mean he has a much greater chance of suicide (not because people don't see homosexuality as normal).

First of bloody all, there is no correlation between homosexuality and suicide other than the fact that they are BULLIED TO THE POINT OF EXTREME DEPRESSION FROM PEOPLE WHO "DISAGREE" WITH THEM. AKA The people who "disagree respectfully with their values" support a fat gopher who is actively dismantling their civil rights. And you ask where you were being aggressive...

" He could still choose a normal life with a loving wife and children."

Sure, he could, but that would be unwise wouldn't it? It'd probably end up with him leaving his wife and children broken hearted.

It would mean I will never have grand kids.

Yes, and that would be a travesty. After all, you are the bloody Royal Family, aren't you? There's something called surrogacy. It's almost like immaculate conception. You should try it sometime.


In England we'd have you taken to the Tower of London and put up in the Raven Cage where you can eat blood biscuits all day and fly around and squawk and harass people, similar to what's going on right now.

It would mean he will probably be having sex with many different men who could possibly have Aids.

So I guess that's a proven fact, is it? And it's SOLELY a homosexual tendency? Look back at the "college" fraternity kids you probably went to school with. Thought they were studying that whole time?

I'm not trying to attack you, I'm trying to get a good grip on your argument because it's spewing in all directions and I don't quite follow.

My other question...Is this "Biology" argument really valid? I mean, Biology class says nothing about "unnatural" sexual orientations. In fact, I had a gay Biology instructor one year, and he was by far my favourite.

3 points

What you have asserted is deeply offensive and an irreversible indication of how American politics has become so polarised as to degrade a certain group of people for their own beliefs based on the fact that people like you have nothing else to grasp for.

Let me ask you something: Are you angry that the LGBT community exists, or are you expressing dissatisfaction in the fact that it is a great deal of votes for your so called Democrat Party?

Regardless, I am appalled at such aggression from a "Loving Christian" who "Respects and loves all people equally." Another question for you: If your son came up to you and told you he was gay, what would you do? I want you to answer this as I am genuinely curious.

Your gopher of a president has made it clear that LGBT individuals have no protection in Title IX, thousands of gay teens commit suicide every year and you still have the gall to stand up and call them out for trying to be themselves?

Thanks to you, I am utterly grateful I live in a more accepting country than your own.

-1 points

If you deny the Christian faith is under attack, you are wasting our time on a debate site. GET REAL!

And yet white supremacists in your country, who target Jews and other religions believe that WHAT RELIGION is superior?

Churches have been taken to court to force them to allow Gay Sunday school teachers. Thankfully they lost that case. This will change if they get enough Liberal activist Justices forcing Political correctness on everyone.

So this is more about political correctness than letting people be who they want? Why can't there be Gay Sunday School Teachers? They're human, after all, and they're trying to teach the GOOD parts of the Christian faith, unlike you.

Obama threatened States with reduced federal funding if they do not change ALL of their public school bathrooms to allow so called Transgender boys, who think they are girls, into our daughter's bathrooms.

So what? You really think a bunch of little harmless transgender girls are going to have a revolution?

The Democrat controlled House of Representatives just pushed a bill to FORCE schools to allow so called Transgender boys and men into Girl's sports.

Because people can change genders if they want. As easily as people can change religions...

I'm utterly shocked by what you are saying. Is it that big of a deal to let a person who wants to be another gender be who they are? What if I didn't let you be Christian? It's perplexing as to how YOU will be affected if there are gay Sunday School Teachers. It's not the LGBTQ agenda to take over these places. They just want to be accepted and be good Christians like you say you are, but how are they supposed to believe that Christians are good hearted and kind when it's people like you who are intolerant and stupid. You probably support conversion therapy, am I wrong?

I'm trying not to swear at you, but I am so angry by what you have just said. You say you're wasting your time with me, but then you give angry, cold-hearted remarks like "We shouldn't let LGBTQ individuals be pastors or priests because it's all part of the liberal agenda," and you know that you're wrong and these people just want what you want:TO BE CHRISTIAN AND BELIEVE IN FORGIVENESS AND LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER. They're probably better at it than you.

I suppose America has some truly fraudulent Christians.

0 points

No, people can be born like the Jonas Brothers or One Direction: From Jesus's giant mothership in space.

Also, there's this thing called surrogacy...

1 point

Here's your message translated:

Mother and father are fathers and mothers?

1 point

I love the way she is so...SHOOK. Yes, you can grow plants from the skulls of your enemies, but dirt also works.

1 point

Must admit, I do sob a bit much, perhaps because it's rather cloudy all the time.

You're confusing me. You said you hate that(what's that?) for me but then you say you don't give a fuck how I feel? How much more hypocritical can these people get?

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
2 points

What if a chap broke his back? He can't walk away then.

0 points

For those of us who are not post-modernist neo-Marxists

I'm not a post Modernist Neo-Marxist, but you are a proper Victorian, in the snobby Charles Dickens form of the word.

Gay couples raising kids will never be the norm

Obviously. But what does that change? Are interracial couples a "norm"? Are Jewish couples? How does any of that differ from same-sex couples?

This is not a social construct, it is biology

Is it really? You haven't told us about how gay couples perform photosynthesis, you have only restated what has been said by many unenlightened people millions of times. Tell us something new, please.

Now run along back to mommy's basement.

Well, you can only speak for yourself...

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
0 points

No, I'm trying to show you how fucking idiotic you sound when you try to criticise the most basic liberal ideals like equal rights for all. And yet you can stand up and say that Christians are under attack?

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Ah yes, don't get me started on those SEXUAL REVOLUTIONARIES!!

And yet you say you have no problem letting people be who they wanna be? Why can't I listen to Lady Gaga and wear a belly dancing outfit?? Why can't I get pregnant by genetically modifying my spleen?? You mind your straight business and I will continue listening to The Fame...

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Will the staff hurt one employee?

The root cause of racism is race racism !!!!!!!

Obert (kkk) byrd and come back with me! Go back with me!

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Kelly is a thief and a complainer?

Do you have any international alerts, such as calories?

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