
Shaash's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Shaash's arguments, looking across every debate.
shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Hey a Hindu :-)

But no, the trinity is part of the one supreme power (nature/god). Have you read the Gita?

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Prove how race, not environment, is a cause of aggressiveness

1 point

Listen, the point I'm trying to make is that race isn't the cause for people's success and innovations, their environment is. Sure, race plays a factor. You white people enslaved Africans so now they are poor. That doesn't mean their dumb. The Muslims that trump smashes? They weren't always terrorists. During the middle ages they were the leading source of knowledge. If the Muslims in black africa such as timbuktu were white, it would make no difference. They had the same average mental capacity and without them the lost knowledge of the classical Era would never have been recovered during the Renaissance.

Currently, white people are rich and privileged and have the resources to innovate. But want to know something interesting? That is changing. 20% of the attendees of ivy league colleges are Asian. If you look at any math, spelling, geography, computing, or pretty much any academic competition, asians will be an EXTREMELY over represented minority.

However, the commies in China and "socialists" in India want to keep everyone poor for their own gain. No civilization can advance if they are poor.

Check your privilege ;)

Btw i don't say that much because I'm not a sjw but I want to emphasize how much I was cringing while reading your response.

1 point

Me in 2036: I'm the president, and I approve this message.

1 point

I agree, only Yellow and Brown people are smart. You white people wouldn't exist if it wasn't for our gunpowder.

1 point

NO they would kill me. Trust me, I'm just as wary of Muslims as you are. I just think that not every Muslim is a terrorist, and most can be good people.

1 point

Oh lol I didn't even see that sentence :p

1 point

Well once I realized that colleges look for unique applicants so in my essay I wrote that I was a furry. Does that count?

1 point

Hindus reject all Greek gods. They reject all Norse gods. They reject all Egyptian gods. Etc. They are pretty much just as atheistic as everyone else.

Hindus don't reject any Gods. We believe that everyone has their own way of achieving eternal bliss and they may believe in different forms of Gods which do different things and have different qualities.

1 point

Hindus only have one God .

1 point

Don't ou think smart people would understand how things apply to real life?

1 point

Okay, so the correlation is there. Is there a causation? Liberals are better educated than conservatives/are more intelligent because...

1 point

I agree. I respect people who stand by their beliefs, no matter what their beliefs are.

Excuse my language, but I firmly believe that 99% of politicians are pussies. Some are extremely PC and don't address problems in fear of losing votes. Others talk big to appeal to passionate voters, without having a track record for acting on anything they say.

The Ramayana gave an example for a good leader. Rama was selfless. He didn't skip the draft. He led his troops. When the people accused him of nepotism, he didn't try to make excuses or cover it up. He instead banished his family! This may seem extreme, but us Hindus take leadership very seriously. Leaders can not have conflicts of interest.

This is not true in today's world. Bill Clinton can be a conscientious objector and the president. Bush can fulfill his military duties by being put in a safe base by his dad.

This is why I respect politicians like Modi and Sanders. Even though they are at the opposite ends of the political spectrum, they both practiced what they preach. Sanders marched alongside MLK 50 years ago. Modi understood poverty due to his own experiences with being extremely poor.

This is why Rubio ticked me off. He supports legislation that would have prevented his parents from entering the country.

1 point s.gif

There I think I found it, for our viewing pleasure. And of course it included Barbra Streisand :)

1 point

It's Eric Cartman saying some questionable things .

1 point

The nickname was coined by Mike Royko, the famed Chicago columnist, who in 1976 said that Mr. Brown appeared to be attracting “the moonbeam vote,” which in Chicago political parlance meant young, idealistic and nontraditional.

Oh, I assumed he was referring to the Muslim's because of the crescent (moon) symbol.

1 point

Tell us who !

0 points

He made the USA which was once the most feared and respected nation on the planet a standing joke among the rest of the world. Especially among those who are most hostile towards us.

Sounds more like Trump than Obama...

1 point

I like your profile picture. Shrek is love, shrek is life.

1 point

Yup. If people like Einstein and Gandhi went to Hell, and Fred Phelps didn't, I don't know whether or not I want to join this "club".

3 points

Wow. SaintNow has crossed a line. He autobanned me for being a Hindu...

He said even though I don't use vulgar language and don't break the rules, I am auto-banned because "I am going to Hell anyways". Please continue to post these debates so I can see them.

2 points

banning abortion would result in more abortions.

People say the same things about guns. I don't think either argument is valid because neither is backed up by facts. If you could provide facts, I would change my mind.


1 point

I'm flattered but I don't think I belong on that list. You and I may have similar views, but as far as deatng goes, I often lose. I can beat the easy targets but there are a few people who aren't on that list that can consistently beat me, including HighFalutin (even though I don't share his views).

Thanks again!

shaash(434) Clarified
2 points

Yeah and I called him out for it :/

It was 6 hours before it happened :(

2 points

Naw I think Dadman should be under SaintNow he doesn't even debate all he does is copy and debate bible verses

1 point

Banning Muslim travel to the United States would seriously upset and alienate our Muslim allies like Turkey and Saudi Arabia

TBH though, I get kind of annoyed when I hear Muslims say this. I was listening to NPR this morning and they were interviewing a Muslim spokesperson near Orlando. She said that we shouldn't ban Muslims because they will get mad and cause more problems for the USA (she didn't say it like that but that is the message that came through).

I guess that is true, but doesn't that sound like a threat? And shouldn't Muslims be saying something better than "keep us or you're asking for trouble", especially days after a terrorist attack?

Idk man, it just feels wrong. I talked to my Muslim friend about it and he had no opinion.

1 point

So? They are completely different. They have different beliefs and Roman Catholicism is considered more primitive

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Wow you would have been right until 2 AM yesterday


1 point

Cartman, this brings me great pain, but unfortunately you are wrong.

MOST Muslims don't do anything against Gays. But...

The biggest terror attack since 9/11 happened last night, and guess who were the victims?


1 point

I would love to hear you and Aintnow do a real in person audio debate!

Saintnow doesn't believe in audio, it's a construct of the devil himself

1 point

Ask them why. If they don't know the reason, ask a monk. There is a reason for it, a practical and important reason you must learn.

1 point

I have noticed superstitions too, especially back in the village. Don't travel on certain days, don't eat certain foods, etc.

These superstitions were not randomly created like the ones about saying "bless you" because people thought the devil was in you when you sneezed. I have faith in my ancestors, and I know they created these for reasons. They may or may not be practical today, but they had a valid use at one point.

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Well, some superstitions were originally meant to be symbolic. They lost their significance when parents started teaching their children them without giving them an explanation. A religion doesn't last without symbolism and tradition.

For example, that yarn could have a practical use. I also wear a sacred thread, but only because it helps me. You know how people tie knots on their fingers to remember things? In a way, it is like that. They want you to remember that what you did is bad so next time you do that thing, you will remember the consequences and will not do it.

I used to wear it on test days. If there was something I forget, I prayed and meditated on it and then tied the string to my wrist so I remembered it. It's like writing on your hands but it's a religious thing so it's not cheating ;)

1 point

Wow I feel cyerbullied you made a direct threat ! Do you have bleach ? NO I don't want to drink it I just want to bleach my hair because it makes me feel like my true gender, atheism!

Ban me you wont

1 point

"Mussolini? Sounds Mexican! He might be biased against me because of the anti-Mexican things I say"

That's what Donald Trump would say because he is too ignorant to know that Mussolini is actually a type of spaghetti

1 point

Hey I have 2 upvotes now! Wow people must be realizing that Donald Trump is a fascist conservative greedy capitalist like Hitler! If Hitler was a democratic-socialist, maybe the nazis wouldn't have done the hall of cost!

1 point

Mic drop .

1 point

Thank you! A couple months ago FromWithin was spewing hate about how Trump wasn't Christian and is going to destroy America as we know it. Now Trump is FromWithin's idol! ¿Que Paso?

1 point


But how can we change the culture? It's not up to us, it's up to the celebrities

1 point

Trump will kill more innocent people, whether directly by war or indirectly by destroying the economy, than late term abortions (10,000).

1 point

I mean I don't mind flame wars they are funny, but thanks! I'll look into it. Are you slapshot there too?

1 point

Wow thanks, I am really honored. Here's a GIFt

1 point

I did a couple "Ask a Biologist" threads, but they garnered know minimal interest.

Could you recommend some good biology forums with active members? I am interested in Biology and wish I pursued it further when I was a kid. You're very knowledgeable and I respect you for that. Too bad there aren't more scientists like you here.

1 point

This is why it is so important for Christians that they marry other Christians who share similar values.

I agree with every single thing you said, but I would just like to add that it is not only Christians that share similar values about divorce.

1% of Hindu marriages end in divorce. 42% of Christian marriages end in divorce. In fact, the divorce rate in America is 50%.

Why do we not divorce? We do not have partners to fulfill our sexual needs. We have partners who we care about and who we can have kids with to raise them so they can become successful and change the world for the better. If we argue, we find a solution. There is also an anti-divorce culture which forces spouses to compromise. Only in the most extreme cases such as abuse are marriages terminated. The government takes special care of the children of these families.

I believe the culture in America needs to change, and it needs to start with our role models being more responsible. Kids don't look up to Clinton or Trump. They look up to Kanye West or Taylor Swift.

The role models of the nation are to blame.

1 point

The wine is probably doing more good than ill. In a study of almost 50,000 women, those who drank moderately (one drink per day) gained less weight than women who abstained—and less than those who had two or more drinks per day.

Weight gain doesn't necessarily directly affect health. The strain on the liver that comes from drinking alcohol habitually outweighs the benefit few pounds that can be lost by drinking moderately.

Its not clear why, but study author Eric Rimm, associate professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, thinks that alcohol may help burn calories.

So it makes you hungrier. I don't see how that helps your health.

Plus, alcoholic beverages have no fat and typically have fewer calories than popular non-alcoholic beverages. A 5-ounce glass of red wine has 125 calories, for instance, but a Venti Cappuccino from Starbucks weighs in at 180.

So? It is not as filling as coffee. That doesn't mean it's good.

1 point

LOL I say he's 15 at most .

2 points

True. In fact, almost every country that has a Muslim majority has declared Islam the state religion. Christian countries rarely do that, as they believe in the separation of Church and State due to the enlightenment.

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