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 Islam (145)

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I wish to know more about islam.

I will ban anyone trying to convert, or any hate speech. Fair debate, and information is being asked for here
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All you need to know about Islam is graphically illustrated in the atrocities of 9/11, 7/7 London, Paris and Orlando. I could go on indefinitely but if you need further instruction on the faith which preaches and perpetrates death and destruction then you're a hopeless simpleton upon whom additional explanation would be a waste of time.

Jupiter(116) Clarified
2 points

does that mean to understand Christianity by the number of people the inquisition killed? which was more than 9/11.

So both are bad?

dadman(1703) Disputed Banned
3 points

people the inquisition killed .... that was not Christianity ...

that was Roman Catholicism (big diff) ...

NOTHING in the New Testament about hurting any one ...

TONS in the Quran about hurting EVERYONE

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
3 points

You're comparing what happened 100s of years ago to what Islam is/does today. There are no Christian theocracies, but there are many Islamic ruled countries who have no tolerance for others religion and way of life.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

If you wish to open a discussion on Christianity then do so under separate cover. The title of your thread is ''ISLAM''.

KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

The inquisition was a blasphemous political heretic that was nothing resembling the Christian faith.

Those were martyred lions, stoning, beheadings etc.

Islam has been violent since it's inception.

You have 2 persons of the foundation

1 died for His followers, the other was a brutal murder, rapist, and in general a a depraved horrible excuse for a human being, let alone a prophet of God!

1 point

wow, I never thought I would see you say something that shows common sense. Good for you.

I know! finally somebody with a brain on this site!

3 points

Islam is a monotheistic Religion in the Abrahamic tradition, and is considered one of the three major abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The Holy book of Islam is the Quran (Koran is the anglicized spelling), and was written in Arabic. Arabic is considered a holy language in a similar manner that Latin is to Roman Catholics and Hebrew is to Jews. A Quran is only considered a Quran when it is written in Arabic, and therefore English Translation are not the True Quran, merely translations. The importance of Arabic is illustrated in the fact that despite popular belief Allah is not the name of the God of Islam but rather is simply the word "God" as spelled in Arabic. Even when speaking in other languages the Arabic spelling, Allah, is preferred when speaking of God due to it's association with holiness.

The founder of Islam is Muhammad, regarded as a holy prophet, and while Islam recognizes all of the other Abrahamic prophets -- Abraham through Jesus (Jesus is considered a prophet, but not God or the son of God) -- Muhammad is revered as the Last prophet with the most complete word of God. Any who come after Muhammad are considered false prophets. Muhammad is credited with writing the Quran, because Muhammed was illiterate it is considered a miracle to have written the Quran (though more likely a scribe of Muhammad actually wrote it). Muhammed is often criticized for having had a 9 y/o wife (technically his betrothed).

Also revered is the Hadith which is a collection of sayings of Muhammad. Muhammed's life is taken to be an example of how one should live, and his saying are reflected upon just as were the sayings of Jesus to Christians. The difference between the hadiths and the Quran can be summarized thusly: The Hadiths were written about Muhammad, but the Quran was written by Muhammad (allegedly; See above). In that respect the Hadiths are similiar to the Gospels.

In Islam, Jews and Christians are called "People of the Book" recognized as older Abrahamic branches, and generally more highly regarded than pagans or atheists. As Christianity was born of a schism in Judaism, something similiar but different happened with Islam being born mostly out of Judaism. The primary difference is that Jesus was born a Jew and raised in a Jewish Society, whereas Muhammad was not -- I might say that Muhammed despite being raised in a polythiestic/pagan society identified more with the Abrahamic religions which he had no doubt encounter during his life. The Quran was drawn up almost directly from the Torah with some Christian influences. These stories about Adam and Eve, Jonah and the whale, Noah and the flood, and other well known Bible stories can also be found in the Quran. If Muhammad hadn't recognized the source of these stories I might say that they were plagiarized from the Old Testament/Torah. The Quran also assimilated some of the local Bedouin folklore into that theology.

That is about as good of a summary as I can give at the moment. Hopefully you found this informative. If anyone knowledgeable of Islam would like to make any corrections, I am open to them.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

The "Bible" was originally written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. Does that mean it is not legitimate in English, French, Italian or Spanish??

Bohemian(3858) Clarified
1 point

The Torah (Old Testament) was written in Hebrew with a few chapters -- Daniel and Ezra -- written in Aramaic. The new testament was written in Greek. I know for Roman Catholics almost everything is done in Latin, not as much anymore..

For Muslims Arabic is a bona fide holy language. That is, if the Quran isn't Arabic then it's not really the Quran, though that may perhaps be the more traditionalist view. In fact many translations will have the original Arabaic, juxtaposed to the translation. This view of the Holy Language may not necessarily extend to other religions. Christians by and large don't recognize any holy language in any similar manner except maybe roman Catholics or Greek Orthodox, perhaps. Whether orthodox Jews view Hebrew in a similar way, I cannot say.

KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

It's true that there is some Abraham in the blood of many Muslim countries. But they are not people of promise. The opposite is true, they are an instrument of judgement and vessels of dishonor

Read Gog from Magog Ezekiel 38 And 39

10 Moreover, the angel of the Lord said to her, “I will greatly multiply your descendants so that they will be too many to count.” 11 The angel of the Lord said to her further,

Gen 16 - Ishmael

“Behold, you are with child,

And you will bear a son;

And you shall call his name Ishmael,

Because the Lord has given heed to your affliction.

12 “He will be a wild donkey of a man,

His hand will be against everyone,

And everyone’s hand will be against him;

And he will live to the east of all his brothers.”

dadman(1703) Banned
2 points

Islam ... the SUBJUCATION of the world's will to Allah and to no-one else ... PERIOD.

ALL religion (even atheism) is to be for Allah .... either by will or by death so help them 'g'od ......... continue

Jupiter(116) Disputed
1 point

and Christianity is the subjugation* of the worlds will to Yahweh...........

2 points

The overriding message of Christianity is ''peace and goodwill to all men''. Islam comes unashamedly with sword in hand with the cry of, ''death to the infidel''. I rest my case.

dadman(1703) Disputed Banned
1 point

Christianity is the subjugation ... really ?? ... like where, Saudi Arabia ?? ... well nope

Jupiter(116) Disputed
1 point


Jihad is an Arabic word meaning "striving hard" or exerting yourself to the best of your power and ability. The Holy Quran frequently urges Muslims to strive hard, using the word jihad to mean striving

dadman(1703) Disputed Banned
1 point

Jihad is an Arabic word meaning "striving hard" ... yeah, we're all watching their "strive hard" ... pfft !

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

If you are ignorant enough to think atheism is a religion than you have no business even debating Theology.

And really no business even being allowed to debate on an open forum.

If ignorance were a bannable ingestion your ass woulda been outta here way back when Moses was still wearing short pants!



2 points

It's amazing how many people can't discuss a different religion without foaming at the mouth. Good for you with trying to learn something different. Keep in mind I am not a part of the Islamic culture, though it is a fascinating one steeped in tradition but I will attempt to share some information just through quick searches as I work.

Islam is one of the largest religions in the world, the followers of which are Muslims. While they (Muslims) recognize some Christian prophets like Jesus as a messenger of the same true God the last and greatest prophet to them is the Prophet Muhammad. When the Prophet Muhammad had to flea his homeland to escape persecution -due to his desire to spread word that there is only one true God in a world where most cultures still believed in multiple Gods- he later returned with an army and conquered Mecca under Islam's name.

There are Five Pillars of Islam. Faith, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage to Mecca (Prophet Muhammad's journey), and alms.

There are many similarities between Muslim, Judaism and Christianity in that they believe there is one God in the universe, but there is disagreement on who the Prophet is. All three believe in the afterlife.

That is only some information, my apologies if I got anything wrong, but truly, it like any religion, is steeped in culture and belief.

All religions have at one point in time been warped to suit the needs of those who follow God's will in name only so it's up to you to really look at the beliefs and follow what speaks to you should you choose to.

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

Let us not forget that one of the very first things the pederast Mohammed did upon fleeing was to raise an army. I do not recall if this was before I after he screwed and then married a 9 year-old girl.

So your Islam was steeped in pederasty and war from the gitgo.

Nice religion.

Do you want me to paste some of the surahs from the Koran which demand murder of infidels? Let me know, as there are dozens to choose from.

Peace my ass.


Jupiter(116) Clarified
1 point

hahahahah Yes you are very correct.

But the Christian bible said many a things. And we must remember, for those times. it was a normality for an elder to marry a very young girl.

I don't think any religion is peaceful. But Christianity has more control in the western world. And I see so much deflected into the Muslims, when really the Christians are horrid

You need Shrek in your life. Please accept Shrek, you'll feel a lot better.

1 point

As an atheist I can honestly attest that if I was forced at gunpoint to worship an entity and I was given a choice between Yahweh; Allah; or Shrek, that I would choose the big green dude in a Detroit second!


Jupiter(116) Clarified
0 points

SHREK IS LOVE SHREK IS LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then read the Quran. Its a piece of shit religion. .

1 point

no better than Christianity. Or any religion.

id rather have a muslims interpretation btw.

Islam is nothing more that a totalitarian philosophy wrapped in the cloak of religion. Coupled with Sharia Law, it is intolerant, bigoted, misogynist and limits freedom of speech/expression, freedom of/from religion and has no place in a modern society.

Jupiter(116) Clarified
1 point

but....Christianity does the same thing..................

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

There is no state sponsored Christian government like there is in Islam. There are no groups killing en masse, or is mandated to kill the infidel like Islam. There are no Christian groups/governments that issues fatwas on infidels. There is nothing to compare to Islam today.

It's simple. Either we destroy Islam or it will try to take over the world. Same simple decision as what to do with Hitler. It has no intention of stopping.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
3 points

Or we could deal with reality and prevent Islam from becoming increasingly radicalized.

But that would require us to be pragmatic.

1 point

You choose to be ignorant do you ? You as well as many others can read the Koran and inform themselves of this deadly religion !

Jupiter(116) Disputed
1 point

Ive seen statements from both the bible, and koran. Both have horrid things, both say you can have multiple wifes, both enjoy slavery, both saying you can take captives in war. Both talking on killing .

The satanic bible honestly is more peaceful. No rape, no murder, no stealing, drug and alcohol use isn't a sin but is frowned upon. They hate ignorance. (which is why people are ignorant to what they really are because they don't go further than the imagery.)

Tbh. Satanism asks for less violence. How sad.

1 point

You're correct about that.

Many many if not most if Laveyan Satanism is far more reasonable and also less violent than the Old Testament. Their Nine Satanic Sins also are more useful than the Ten Commandments.

This fact does not bode well for the worth of the Bible or Christianity in the modern world.

Our modern world us also more peaceful than Bible times.

Good to know we have evolved past those dark ages.

At least some of us!

1 point

Think about the Roman Catholic Church, the Crusades, everything Catholic. Think back to when Catholics actually followed dietary constraints. Now instead of white people, think other races. You've just stumbled upon Islam. They are so similar, it seems that the two groups of people are mirror images of each other.

1 point

That is the thing ive been saying.

The Islamic Zealots that have arisen is due to the Ending of power (sovereign power) of the catholic church. like a cycle

1 point

This is true, Catholics have their hands dipped in Christian blood the same as Muslims. The Catholic church has always persecuted real Christians, though today the political climate forces them to play a different game trying to use ecumenicalism to diminish real Christianity.

Jupiter(116) Disputed
1 point

how can catholics not be real Christians. if they were the first chrstians.

Even Peter himself was the first pope

1 point

This homo isn't trying to learn about Islam, he's only trying to trash the Bible and Christianity......a wonderful display of sodomite character, starting a discussion pretending to want to learn about Islam and then doing nothing but trash Christianity, crying because God says it is an abomination for a man to lie with a man as with a woman.

1 point

says the guy trashing islam.

And yes, I am bisexual. (kinda proving my point on chrstians being worse than muslims on that one)

Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

I check responses to my arguments and I see the faces of five fools who think they have the right to exist outside of Hell and I"m leaving them in the dust, I tried to tell them how they can be saved but they think they are better than God........idiots.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Fossils can form in a wide variety of ways. Some common methods include:

The body can leave an impression or mold showing its outer shape in the surrounding sand or mud. This can include footprints and the inside and outside of shells. With the right ingredients and conditions, the mold can harden quickly, like cement.

Petrification takes place when minerals replace the original material of the plant or animal. These petrified fossils must form quickly, before the body parts have time to decay. Petrified wood is a classic example.

Permineralization, or encased fossilization, occurs when dissolved minerals fill the pores and empty spaces in the plant or animal but don’t replace any of the original material. The chemicals then turn into crystals, keeping the organism safe and preserved. While it is possible for many different chemicals to do this, quartz is the most common. Most dinosaur bones are permineralized.

Fossils can form under all kinds of conditions all over the world. While water and dissolved minerals are usually needed to form the three types of fossils above, many processes—coalification, compression, freezing, desiccation (drying out), to name a few—do not require either.

Though there are numerous ways to make fossils, fossilization is somewhat rare today. Why is that?

God created the world to efficiently recycle organic matter. When something dies, scavengers, fungi (like mushrooms), and/or bacteria normally consume it. This process of decomposition leaves nothing behind to fossilize.

However, massive catastrophes like Noah’s Flood would produce the conditions necessary to quickly bury and protect creatures so that they can fossilize. It appears that God wanted to leave abundant evidence of His past judgment of mankind’s sin.

While scientists are still trying to sort out the complex details about fossilization, one fact is undisputed—it can be amazingly fast.

1 point

I wouldn't throw you off the top of a building.....I would throw you out of my house and off of my property, but that would only hurt your pride. Muslims would take you up to a high roof and give you a good heave ho.

1 point

"my point on chrstians being worse than muslims"


Christians don't believe you should be killed for leaving Christianity nor do they believe women are property. Nor do they have holy wars.

You should convert.

1 point

If you want to learn about Islam, walk into a mosque and tell them Allah made you a homo. Then they will teach you about Islam if they don't beat you to a pulp or kill you first.

1 point

yea. That wouldn't happen in a mosque. Ive spoken with muslims and they've been more accepting then most chrstians.

Number of active Muslims that condemn Christians on this site and push there god :0

Number of Christians: at least three.

Number of Christians persecute me for being gay: a few dozen

Number of muslims: 0

Number of Christians who've threatened me: dozens

Number of muslims:0


Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Well boo hoo for you. You wouldn't have to whine about any of it if you were not a pervert.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Why don't you go to Iran or Syria and see how long you live before you see what Muslims do with homosexuals? In fact, I'll buy your plane ticket.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You haven't been around much. We've had some real doozies of Islamists on here, they had to be banned by federal requirement because of their real threats and reall calls for violence against Christians, Jews, and butt buddy boys.

Here you go; this will do for starters. There are plenty of other sources out there, this is a good place to begin.

3 Things You Probably Don't Know About Islam
dadman(1703) Banned
0 points

I will ban anyone trying to blah blah blah ... oh cause me to lose sleep .. pfft !! lol

Jupiter(116) Disputed
1 point

this is an info post.

Not conversion. I don't really care if you lose sleep. I gave you info. use it if you wish. I don't care.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Fossils can form in a wide variety of ways. Some common methods include:

The body can leave an impression or mold showing its outer shape in the surrounding sand or mud. This can include footprints and the inside and outside of shells. With the right ingredients and conditions, the mold can harden quickly, like cement.

Petrification takes place when minerals replace the original material of the plant or animal. These petrified fossils must form quickly, before the body parts have time to decay. Petrified wood is a classic example.

Permineralization, or encased fossilization, occurs when dissolved minerals fill the pores and empty spaces in the plant or animal but don’t replace any of the original material. The chemicals then turn into crystals, keeping the organism safe and preserved. While it is possible for many different chemicals to do this, quartz is the most common. Most dinosaur bones are permineralized.

Fossils can form under all kinds of conditions all over the world. While water and dissolved minerals are usually needed to form the three types of fossils above, many processes—coalification, compression, freezing, desiccation (drying out), to name a few—do not require either.

Though there are numerous ways to make fossils, fossilization is somewhat rare today. Why is that?

God created the world to efficiently recycle organic matter. When something dies, scavengers, fungi (like mushrooms), and/or bacteria normally consume it. This process of decomposition leaves nothing behind to fossilize.

However, massive catastrophes like Noah’s Flood would produce the conditions necessary to quickly bury and protect creatures so that they can fossilize. It appears that God wanted to leave abundant evidence of His past judgment of mankind’s sin.

While scientists are still trying to sort out the complex details about fossilization, one fact is undisputed—it can be amazingly fast.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You created this post, it's not an info post, it's a post of a pervert who hates God, hates the Bible, and loves his stinking sin more than life even if it does take him into the Lake of Fire.

dadman(1703) Disputed Banned
0 points

I gave you info ... I have all the info I need thank you very much :)


Muhammad said Allah hates those who don’t accept Islam. (Qur’an 30:4, 3:32, 22:38’0)

Jesus said God loves everyone. (John 3:16)


Muhammad said “I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” (Muslim 1:33)

Jesus said “He who lives by the sword will die by the sword” (Matthew 26:52)


Muhammad stoned women for adultery. (Sahih Muslim 4206)

Jesus said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” (John 8:7)


Muhammad permitted stealing from unbelievers (Bukhan 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)

Jesus said “Thou shalt not steal” (Matthew 19:18)


Muhammad permitted lying (Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)

Jesus said “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” (Matthew 19:18)


Muhammad owned and traded slaves (Sahih Muslim 3901)

Jesus neither owned nor traded slaves.


Muhammad murdered those who insulted him. (Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)

Jesus preached forgiveness.


Muhammad said “If then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress ye likewise against him.” (Qur’an 2:194)

Jesus said “If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:39)


Muhammad said “Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one’s position in Paradise by a hundred fold.” (Muslim 4645)

Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9)


Muhammad married 13 wives and kept sex slaves. (Bukhari 5:268, Qur’an 33:50)

Jesus was celibate.


Muhammad had sex with a 9 year old child. (Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)

Jesus did not have sex with children.


Muhammad ordered the murder of women. (Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)

Jesus never harmed a woman.


Muhammad said “O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.” (Qur’an 3:110)

Jesus said “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.” (Matthew 5:5)


Muhammad ordered 65 military campaigns and raids in his last 10 years. (Ibn Ishaq)

Jesus ordered no military campaigns, nor offered any approval of war or violence.


Muhammad killed captives taken in battle. (Ibn Ishaq 451)

Jesus never took captives; never killed anyone.


Muhammad encouraged his men to rape enslaved women. (Abu Dawud 2150, Qur’an 4:24)

Jesus never encouraged rape; never enslaved women.


Muhammad was never tortured, but tortured others. (Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)

Jesus suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.


Muhammad said “And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah.” (Qur’an 8:39)

Jesus said “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)


Muhammad ordered a slave to build the very pulpit from which he preached Islam. (Bukhari 47:743)

Jesus washed his disciples feet. (John 13:5)


Muhammad demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship. (Qur’an 4:102)

Jesus chastised anyone attempting to defend him with force. (John 18:10-12)


Muhammad advocated crucifying others. (Qur’an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)

Jesus was crucified himself.


According to his followers, Muhammad had others give their lives for him. (Sahih Muslim 4413)

According to his followers, Jesus gave his life for others. (John 18:11 and elsewhere)