
Shaash's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Shaash's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, not a major punishment, but insurance should go up .

1 point

Nope. If you are a poor black you are screwed because of the history of racism in this country. You have no positive role models, the government wont help, the only way out will be drugs, and your life will be ruined.

There is a simple way to fix this. Force children to go to school, and make sure the schools are good enough for them to realize the value of education so they can get good jobs.

Black people are not genetically lazy, inferior, etc. They are just disadvantaged because of our history. We are closer than ever, and I believe maybe under this trump administration, schools will be improved in black neighborhoods and the next generation will finally emerge.

2 points

This is pathetic. That professor is an idiot. They are immigrant who came here illegally.

If he were telling people not to be disrespectful to them in their essays or not to call them derogatory terms, that would maybe be understandable considering it is his class. But this type of censoring is plain stupid.

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Okay I can see both sides of the argument. I think you guys are using the wrong word. It isn't "intelligence" you should be measuring, but self consciousness and ability to empathize.

Whales, dolphins, elephants, gorillas, and dogs all grieve when their family members die. Rats, on the other hand, either can't tell or don't give a damn. They are not affected; or at least it is not as obvious as when, say, an elephant mother loses her son.

Whales also grieve, so I am questioning your decision to eat a whale. I don't think it is a big deal because in many cultures they have a different need and tradition, but that whale might have had a family who is missing them.

I know it sounds like it is out of a disney movie but it is true; many animals, especially large mammals, feel empathy and grieve the deaths of their families. They love just like we do. That's why I think it is immoral to eat them.

However, I don't think there should be a crack down because it would be very hypocritical to attack another culture's traditions before looking at what is wrong with our own.

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

But he will be in a few months... If he wants to prevent conflicts of interest, wouldn't it be best to act now?

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Yes, there was an apparent conflict of interest with the Clinton Foundation. Is there not with Trump's businesses?

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

What about legal Brown immigrants? Or legal asian immigrants. They are the same to you as European immigrants right?

1 point

That moment when no one realizes that this post was supposed to be a meme...

2 points

Allow me to explain. The Founding Fathers made checks and balances to minimize the damage if we elected a tyrant. Over the course of our history, we elected a few really good presidents, and loosened up the checks on the executive branch, leaving the gate ajar for a tyrant with just the right know-how. Electing Donald Trump would be a wake-up call, and politicians who couldn’t give two shits about restraints on government power will suddenly scramble to figure out how to restore them.

A Trump presidency would be like a vaccine. A vaccine delivers a small dose of dead or disabled virus to the patient, so that the patient’s immune system knows how to counter the real deal. Some people have likened Trump to Hitler, but what they’re missing is that Trump is a weakened version of that virus that was Hitler. Hitler was brilliant, and Trump is fucking stupid. And I don’t think he’s playing dumb like Mrs. Clinton sometimes does. He’s genuinely idiotic. Trump is the harmless, disabled version of a tyrant that will boost our immunity to real tyrants.

In anticipation of a stupid president, Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) has introduced H. R. 6179, a bill that would take away the President’s ability to launch nuclear missiles without the approval of Congress, unless the US is attacked first. I think it goes without saying that this bill would be more likely to pass with a Trump presidency.

With a Trump presidency, we will be forced to have serious skepticism of executive orders. Congress didn’t like it when Obama abused his executive orders. Could you imagine what a shitstorm it would create if Trump acted the same way?

With a Trump presidency, Congress might reconsider the 1954 Bricker Amendment, which would have prohibited the President from signing international treaties that violate the Constitution, but failed by 1 vote.

With a Trump presidency, everyone, young and old, will be checking online daily about the latest happenings in our government. Grab a piece of paper and list all the things you know Obama has done or said in the last six months. Now do the same for Trump. Clearly, lunatics make us stay more up-to-date on current events, and if we had a lunatic president, people will be more involved in how they are governed than they have ever been.

With a Trump presidency, we might dramatically revisit the way we do democracy. The two candidates that came out on top this year are not there because people like them, but because the way our democracy is set up encourages voters to vote for their second least favorite candidate. Trump being in the White House might force us to replace our First-Past-the-Post voting system, in which whoever gets half-plus-one of the votes wins, with something like approval voting, where voters go down the list approving or disapproving of each candidate, and the candidate that the most people approve of wins, or STV, where voters rank the candidates in order of preference, where if your first choice doesn’t win, your second choice is counted, then your third choice, and so on, ensuring that your vote will matter no matter what.

Like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton would like to be a absolute monarch if possible, except she’s actually smart enough and Machiavellian enough to do so. Sure, she might know a thing or two about running a country, but she’s the one presidential candidate that has been able to set up a shell company of the DNC to pay mentally ill people to incite violence at Trump rallies, secretly obtain townhall questions in advance, work with her party’s National Convention to rig the primary against Sanders, and illegally dictate to PACs. Given she has the audacity to do all that, what other powers will she claim for herself?

With a Trump presidency, people will flock to mend to holes in the wall that protects the American people from the wishes of powerful individuals. Mrs. Clinton will only widen those holes so she can squeeze her policies through, which might be good policies; still, she leaves the gaps open for smarter versions of Trump to gain power in the future.

Electing a President is like playing Russian roulette. A lot is left up to chance. But if we elect Donald Trump, we will suddenly decide that it would be more prudent to play with foam bullets than lead ones.

Unless the United States ceases to have a President, we will inevitably get a horrible president somewhere down the line. By electing a “good” president, we’re delaying that inevitability by another four years. If we elect Donald Trump, it might be a rough four years, but it would give us the knowledge and experience to shield ourselves from future, worse incidents. So would you rather take a papercut now or a stab wound in 50 years?

2 points

I definitely agree with you. There are so many things wrong with the current system, and there is nothing that anyone is doing about it. How can a candidate get away with rigging elections in the primaries? How can someone become president without winning majority vote? Why is it so hard to vote? Why is there money in politics?

1 point

It is, but unfortunately the white supremacist I replied to doesn't agree

1 point

Yes, those are white men's creations. However, what mathematical and scientific principles gave them the means to invent those things? Africans, arabs, Chinese, and Indians.

If you can agree with the above statement then I will continue debating you. However if you don't you are being ignorant without an excuse and are a white supremacist

1 point

Okay, thanks for telling me before I waste anymore time.

I was thinking about how sad it must be to be him, and it made me happy. He has to suffer while the rest of the world rejoices the inevitable, a society in which members of all races can make meaningful contributions to the community and be valued based on their actions rather than things they can not control like skin color.

2 points

The culture of Africa, India, and China, was VERY different than the West. When the ego-filled Westerners came, they saw a different culture and decided theirs was more superior. Therefore, they enslaved the native people, and stole all of their wealth.

Then, once they had this wealth, the minority of super-rich people that had nothing to do but were not lazy asses became wonderful inventors and scientists. Muslims, Africans, Indians, and the Chinese also had their own brilliant thinkers, probably more than in the West, but that changed when the West used their ideology of conquest to rob all the other civilizations that believed in peace and focused on science instead of weaponry.

Then, the other civilizations had no money and were forced to focus on working to make money for their western rulers. They ran out of resources and time to study science. And now they are poor.

Knowing this history, how can you say the West has superior intellect? If you go to somewhere like India or Africa, you will notice many of the schoolchildren, even though they are surrounded by poverty, are dedicated to learning so they can grow up to be scientists, politicians, businessmen, doctors, etc.

However, I see kids in America that are just trying to find out ways to do drugs and have sex without getting caught by their parents. Not just black kids, many white kids as well.

They simply haven't the brains.

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Why is Bill Gates fit to be President? Running a company is a little different then running a country (@trumpthechump)

1 point

>.< Where in boston I can hook u up with a daycare .

1 point

HAHAHAHHAAHAHA I can't tell if you are trying to be a troll or are serious but either way this is hilarious if it was a youtube comment you would get brought to the top

1 point

Hmmm... He will probably buy a PTD (personal teleportation device) on his iphone 49+ and teleport to the nearest planet which has a wormhole in the vicinity so he can time travel back to the fateful election and run as an alt-right, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, bad-tempered, politically incorrect republican instead of a secretive, sketchy, loud, liar woman on the left.

Oh wait

1 point

So your Dharmic. Goodness has nothing to do with it, kind of...

1 point

We do the same. What part did we make up? By the way, I'm not trying to convert you or anything like Saintnow tries every time he posts. People of all religions can be dharmic and Hindu. I bet you already are. I just want to understand what your views of my religion are and debate them based on what I know.

1 point

I thought you were atheist. Isn't that making it up as you go along ?

1 point

Those sources are interpretations. Find me the vedic verse that says I will be born as a literal plant if I do bad, and I should do good karma so I don't end up a plant or animal or untouchable.

And before I get sidetracked, let me address your single argument by simply quoting a verse from the Bhagvad Gita which proves that in true Hinduism, you are not worrying about how much Dharma points you have, but that your actions are dharmic.

Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kada chana,

You have the right to perform your actions,but you are not entitled to the fruits of the actions.

Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani

Do not let the fruit be the purpose of your actions, and therefore you won’t be attached to not doing your duty.

But then a natural question comes up, "Won't this detachment from desired result kill the motivation of Karma?" That is where these myths about becoming a flower or a pig in your next life pop up. They are created to provide motivation. However, as you said, they make people selfish and get caught up in their results instead of in their actions.

That is not true Hinduism.

Now you may think that even though I'm saying all this stuff, it must be some offshoot of mainstream Hinduism. You are very wrong and a victim of ignorance. the textbooks that teach about Hinduism are written by a Western, British perspective. Our rituals and mythology are too complicated and symbolic for the Westerners, who used to think of us as savages, to understand. Therefore, they tried to simplify them and dismiss them as idol worship and believing in ghosts/spirits.

I am in close contact with the President of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (world hindu council) of America. He comes over every month to have a discussion with my friends. I was wondering about stuff like reincarnation which I had trouble believing. He, along with the late president of the worldwide VHP, taught me about real Hinduism. If you have any questions, I will try to answer them.

1 point

Well I can't speak for any other religion, but our example of Hinduism is wrong. Hinduism does not say in any book that "you will be punished for sinning, so don't sin" or "you will be rewarded for doing good, so do good". It simply says you shall sow what you reap and then lists 10 attributes of a person that makes them better.

Unlike Christianity, Hinduism never says to be selfless and unlike Islam, nowhere does it say to donate money to the poor. This is not because we are selfish, it is because we understand that if everyone looks out for themselves and their families and is independent, there will be less problems. We are not trying to please a God, we are trying to partake in actions that benefit us and make us happy.

Why shouldn't we steal and lie then? Well, there is nothing that says thou shall not steal in HInduism. However, it does stay that stealing and lying hurt you in the long run because you will have to carry the emotional weight of each lie and theft, which may seem to be intangible and nonexistent but will eventually ruin your life.

Also where does it say that Humans will become animals or be reborn as victims of the abuse they dealt out in their past life? I can explain this if you find an example.

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

To be honest, I don't even recall posting this and I forget what my intent was so just ignore it :) Downvote if you want

2 points

I think the author of this debate may have been talking about muslims. Then what would you say? The same thing? You're as bad as saintnow fromwithin and the other fundies

1 point

I think terrorists are just as dangerous as you. I, however, think that not all Muslims are terrorists, and the solution is not to bam them from India or the USA.

It isn't fair if you put yourself in their shoes. However, unfortunately, I have a darker reason to let Muslims in and keep the majority happy.

This reason also explains why I think we should not bomb non-terrorists to kill a few terrorists in the area.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but their books say things that could be taken to mean that terrorism is good.

Muslims ignore this or change the meaning, but if we kill or oppress them they will get angry and think that, just maybe, God is punishing them for not following the word of their book. Even if they dont think this themselves, it would make it easier for terrorists to brainwash them.

Then not only the USA or India would be in deep shit, but all of humanity.

That's why I think we should leAve the peaceful Muslims alone until we have a solution.

1 point

Your an idiot. Indians live in kashmir. They are both muslim and Hindus, but they are indian. If the Muslims want to go to Pakistan, let them, but the Hindus have no option. They can't be forced away from the land they've been living on for 10000 years!

We can't let terrorists stop kashmiris from being free.

1 point

Heyyy slapshot I'm coming to Detroit for mhacks 8 hosted by umich I'll see u there right? We'll debate in person. It'll be awkward af especially cuz u believe the NFL is genuine (jk)

Anyways, what part of Detroit should i avoid?

And concerning your debate, God is a funny topic.

1 point

Okay, I am going to spare you all a rant by highlighting a few key points:

-Chrome is the best browser, use it

-Chrome extensions are very simple to install, literally one click

-adblock blocks ads from all sites including youtube

-if a site blocks you because of adblock, just get the hide my adblock extension

you can do all of this in <2 minutes and you'll never get bothered by ads again.

1 point

But for now, don't you agree it's safer to do some unnecessary checking than none at all?

1 point

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am not stupid.

Those 10 ways that were mentioned used methods that did not prove a thing. Look at space images? I said before, I am not a conspiracy theorist, and I know those images are real. However, they are taken in the perspective of a human. Our brains are limited. We do not know the shape of the universe. If you look at my link, you will be able to see that the universe is in fact a two-dimensional disk and though the Earth seems to be 3-D to us, that is just an illusion.

1 point

If the universe is 2D then the Earth is a flat disk.

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

If the Europeans had drones and discovered the new world without travelling there, would you be here today?

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

So I did a Bing search and here's what I came up with:

1)Mash avocado in a large bowl. Stir tomato, green onions, lime juice, salsa, garlic, sour cream, vinegar, cayenne pepper, and cumin with the mashed avocado until evenly mixed; season with salt and black pepper.

2)Cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate until the flavors blend, about 30 minutes.

So, are you saying that liberals don't know how to make spicy guacamole? ;)

1 point

Why doesn't this exist? I can't think of any good reasons for it not to exist? I guess people just like to control other's lives more than their own.

1 point

You did not read the second half of my post .

1 point

Holy crap you heartless fool. You dangerous heartless fool. You say you are an evangelical Christian, but you talk like you are Satan himself. You want to make people die at age 60 to save the money of billionaires and corporations.

Why wait for their natural death? Wouldn't it be more efficient to shoot everyone poor at the flat age of 45? Is that why you want to keep your guns?

And what do you want to use the money for? Killing isis? Building a wall? Selling bibles? Converting people? Buying guns?

You're going to hell, God hates you.


Fromwithin, I didn't mean anything I said in this. I know the arguments were flimsy, that was on purpose. I want you to understand what everything you post seems like to people who disagree with you. Not only are your arguments unconvincing, the way you present them is quite hostile and makes people not even try to hear what you are trying to say.

Then, you hyperbolize and say "Democrats want (bad thing)". People get annoyed when someone who trashes them personally tells that person what they believe, which isn't true.

Listen, I respect you because you are very strong in your beliefs. It's people like you that keep a check on society and make sure we don't one day start mating with animals. However, there are some things that conservatives in the USA are too sensitive about and they negate some of the good conservative beliefs.

Yelling isn't the solution


Fuck off you said you were leaving this site

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Do you live in Oklahoma. ?

1 point

News reporter to 107 year old man: How are you achieving such a long life?

Old Man: I eat healthy, never smoke or drink, and exercise daily.

Reporter: But my grandfather did all that and he died at 70???

Old Man: He just didnt do it for long enough

1 point

Based on slapshots answer I think he more likely bing-ed it

1 point

Republicans just had 4 years of majority in the legislative branch and what have they done?

1 point

Now i feel really dumb for asking that question. -.-

1 point

This should have much more up votes lololol I died. !

1 point

I fucking love you. .

1 point

I've never understood the use it or lose it system. If a vestigial structure does not decrease an organism's biological fitness, why would it go away?

1 point

OP forgot Pakistan. Hillary loves Pakistan, calling them our friends in southeast Asia. WTF! What about the secular, non-communist India? How come she supports Pakistan, a country where there is extreme religious segregation and government funded terrorism.

The arabs are also pretty fucked up. They are conservative as a population and women weren't even allowed to drive until recently (and only in some areas). If you aren't muslim, they send out a religion police to see if you have non-muslim worship items. Then they burn down your house with you in it.

These stories come from experience and my ancestors.

But guess what? Arabia has oil and Pakistan is loved by China because it's moving towards communism. That is why we give money to them.

Pakistan isn't our ally. We don't ally with terrorists.

Donald Trump wouldn't be better though, he'd anger the oil land muslims and destroy the world's economy.

1 point

Okay, I see what you're saying. I agree with the example of the Jews you gave. But I think in this case it is different. The Jews were given compensating, and they resumed working normally. Some, I'm sure, had wonderful stories of how they worked hard and overcame all odds to achieve their goal.

However, the blacks were enslaved and after they were freed, they were kept segregated and there was racism towards them. No one wanted to help them. Today, they are raised in an environment in where murders and crimes are commonplace and the goal is to become a rapper.

It isn't their genes that make them violent. Its the culture they are raised in, which is a result of their socioeconomic status. Eugenics is fake.

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