
Socratic4's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Socratic4's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

In which case only the companies that don't do so will survive.

1 point

Money doesn't go to the pocket as if you don't reinvest it it becomes useless due to inflation depriving it of value.

there isn't any incentive for companies not to continue automating jobs If automating caused unemployment less people could buy what they're offering and their profits would decrease.

1 point

Again, the profits these people make come from the public paying them for commodities they accommodate the production of with the profits they make, taking their profits means they can't produce as much commodities as people want which will not only result in less of what everyone wants but them having less profits for you to take as they'll sell less of what everyone wants.

As for the automation paranoia, companies can't sustain their assets or exist without a stream of revenue which wouldn't exist if everyone is unemployed as people wouldn't be able to buy what they offer, meaning that automation can only exist while people have a source of income. Even if automation caused unemployment new businesses would develop as the only thing that is required in order to establish a business is people who are willing to work and buy, unemployed people fit both categories.

1 point

There is no structure, just interactions. outcomes of which depend on your behavior in them.

1 point

Certain women wont, certainly more women than men wont. Who's built for serving coffee?

2 points

Which males can do things which females can do and which females can do things which males can do? there're certainly traits that're prevalent at different capacities among the female and male populations and there're in fact things that only males/females can do.

1 point

A business does what it perceives to be most profitable, losing potential customers due to them not having the capital needed in order to be customers as they're unemployed and have no source of income isn't profitable, therefore if automation really led to mass unemployment there wouldn't be any automation.

Even if automation did lead to mass unemployment, the means by which businesses were established in the first place won't disappear, the only thing a business relies on are people that are willing to trade their work in return for a wage and buy its produce, unemployed people fit both categories and therefore new businesses will be established.

2 points

People should be free to give their money to whomever they want.

socratic4(147) Clarified
2 points

Don't look at me I'm not a Postmodernist m

2 points

Well, they do rely on their own form of logic. They claim that as reality is up to interpretation the only possible reason for inequality is oppression as there's no reason for someone to form a reality in which he is less successful than someone else.They attribute this philosophy to ideas as well (there is no reason for an idea to be more prominent than another other than oppression), thus cultural relativism. The thing is, this philosophy is an idea in and of itself and as such they can't claim that it is more true than objectivism because according to them the truth is subjective and in order to not be oppressors (according to themselves) they must attribute equal truthness to objectivism. They are wrong Even in the confines of their own deranged form of logic.

1 point

Nomenclature, should I be allowed to plant a fruit tree in my backyard?

1 point

Should I be allowed to plant a fruit tree in my backward?

1 point

A) I wrote general universal preferences, not unanimous universal preferences. Meaning I'm referring to what most people generally want, not what everyone wants.

B) I don't believe you're an elected representative of the modern left and in fact, Cultural Relativism as I described it, is promoted by the modern left as I'm a sociology student and what I wrote is exactly what I was taught.

D) My argument is against the acceptance of every cultural behavior, and in no way did you refute my argument. Do you believe we should accept every cultural behavior?

Did you notice that virtually all your counter arguments are premised on ignoring the actual content of the original argument and focusing on subtleties?

0 points

I'm not arguing that we should artificially diversify every community's genome as that would be contradictory to my argument. I'm arguing against artificially conforming a communities genome.

1 point

FDR's was a bad US president, his reinforcement of monopolies devoided the market of competition, that coupled with government sanctioned wages led to mass unemployment and extreme price hikes. All in all he is estimated to have prolonged the great depression by about 3 years.

1 point

Excluding the fact that high marginal tax rate effects only the top percent of income earners, Eisenhower's goal was to pay off the national debt, there was no government organized health insurance or housing under his terms as president and he has stated publicly that the governments goal should be to keep taxes as low as possible.

1 point

I'm arguing that the taxation that is currently required in order to fund all the social benefits the government provides is stagnating the economy to the extent that we would be better off without it. What is your counter argument?

1 point

If you're emotionally incapable of acknowledging you were wrong about something I'm ok with that, we can pretend as if you won the argument. Just don't pretend as if you managed to justify social democracy.

1 point

Do you have a source? because my findings are different.

Oh, and no, there isn't a 'too high'...and a 'too low', but I'll leave you to figure that out.

1 point

There is no "too high" the higher the tax rate the more stagnated the economy is.

If the article was regarding a substitute for the current medicare program a saving of $592 billion annually wouldn't be possible because the total amount of money that is currently spent on medicare in the US is only bout $590 billion. This article is obviously discussing ways to bring down the cost of the bill I mentioned.

1 point

We aren't even close to what?

The bill that is discussed in the article in the second link you sent me is Bernie Sander's "Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act" which currently hasn't passed congress, this medicare program is speculated to cost 1.4 trillion USD Annually. When the author discusses half a trillion dollars in savings he's speculating that the cost of this medicare program (that hasn't been enacted yet) could be reduced by said amount of money. I hope you understand that an increase of a trillion dollars in annual government spending isn't viable.

You linked me a 44 page PDF, I'm not going to read it. You can paste the parts where it states how free education isn't going to increase the national debt and nullify the economic stagnation funding it will cause, if you want.

1 point

Go on and expound on both. High tax rates cause economic stagnation, this is a fact.

1 point

If we increase the corporate tax rate the corporation will move to countries with lower corporate tax rate and we'd lose both the corporations to tax and the employment they bring.

1 point

A) The government isn't making enough tax revenue to substantiate all the existing and speculative social benefits you want, which leads it to take loans that it obviously can't cover, which will lead to a recession which will degrade our living standards into oblivion.

B) The economic stagnation that is caused by the extensive taxation that the government partakes in order to cover the existing social benefits is degrading our living standards to the extent that we would be better off without said social benefits and by extension taxation as we would be free to spend our money.

-1 points

never mind this, i don't know how to delete a reply.....................

1 point

Oh god the irony, nowhere have I stated that socialism or communism necessitates expanding the state, effectively making your argument a straw man. Other than that, as you seem to advocate communism, here is my argument against it:

As far as I understand communism is a societal state in which each member of society contributes the entirety of their labor to a common inventory which each member of society has equal access to. If that is the case can I take more than I contribute to the common inventory? If true that means someone else is left with less than he contributed in which case why would that person want to be part of a communist society? Can I only take as much as I contribute? if that is the case why be part of a communist society in the first place?

1 point

Do I seriously need to explain why high tax rates stagnate the economy? please educate yourself.

Oh and here's the definition of a straw man so you stop randomly accusing me of using one.

1 point

First of all it should go into paying off the national debt obviously, and after that it shouldn't exist, taxation should be reduced and kept to a minimum, so does government spending.

Again, you're ignoring the fact that:

A) The government isn't making enough tax revenue to substantiate all the existing and speculative social benefits you want, which leads it to take loans that it obviously can't cover, which will lead to a recession which will degrade our living standards into oblivion.

B) The economic stagnation that is caused by the extensive taxation that the government partakes in order to cover the existing social benefits is degrading our living standards to the extent that we would be better off without said social benefits and be extension taxation as we would be free to spend our money.

If we increase the corporate tax rate the corporation will move to countries with lower corporate tax rate and we'd lose both the corporations to tax and the employment they bring.

2 points

The taxation that is required in order to fund your failing safety net is stagnating the economy to the extent that people would be better off (living standards wise) without it. Not to mention that Your government doesn't even make enough tax revenue to pay for it, it relies on loans that it obviously can't pay, which will eventually lead to a recession. Oh, and Prove that people would've died without your safety net.

1 point

And to think you told me I'm ignorant of the reality of modern western economic systems. Countries rack up national debt in the way of the government spending more money than it collects by taxation, and on what does the government spend the most? welfare and social programs. Other than that you're operating on the assumption that living standards will decrease as a result of the government ceasing it's social programs, which isn't the case.

1 point

Yes indeed, each and every modern western society is, in fact, your blend of socialism and capitalism, and almost each and every modern western society is racking up national debt at an exponential rate, which is inevitably going to lead to a global recession.

2 points

Excluding the fact that you choose whether or not to invest in an insurance while in communism someone forcefully takes your stuff and puts it in the kitty, What determines whether you need something or not?

2 points

The argument you present here shows a level of ignorance of the reality of modern western economic systems that it's hard to know where to start.

Capitalism with very few regulation and laws that prevent cronyism is what works best. It fails hard when people give the government power over the market which Inevitably leads to corporations using the government as a pawn to tighten their grip over the market. - that's precisely the opposite of what really works, and it's what we're seeing right now.

See? I can do this too, so do you want to continue spewing your beliefs without backing them in any way shape or from? because it amounts to nothing.

4 points

quote a paragraph from my text and explain why it's wrong because as far as I understand your argument is a bunch of sophist BS

1 point

Your insinuation that my argument is a refutation of an argument you didn't make in order to ridicule an argument you did apparently make thus making my argument a straw man is a straw man in and of itself. My argument is unrelated to you or anything you've said, it's a claim that may or may not be true in fact.

So do the rich do posses some object that can be passed around and allows them to generate wealth?

1 point

Excluding the fact that you ignored my point and focused on marginal allegories i gave in order to explain my point, production isn't the creation of new material, it's the acquisition and/or rearrangement of material.

My point is that the rich don't posses some object that can be passed around and allows them to generate wealth, they simply invest in the production of goods, something that everyone can do.

1 point

Equality and equity are synonymous and what I meant is that gender equality makes no sense, not that equality in terms of rights makes no sense.

1 point

Only a fool believes his ideal reality is reality, what you see as truth will always be partially false.

2 points

There's nothing that indicates the absence of equality of opportunity

1 point

I think your conflating inequality with unfair treatment as there can't be racial equality as there are physical and mental differences between races. And why would I say freedom of religion makes no sense?

1 point

inequality isn't synonymous with unfair treatment, which I specified that I'm against.

1 point

Green-eyed people have green eyes and brown-eyed people have brown eyes

2 points


Yes, the people thought "being subjugated to the will of one man's right by bloodline and/or conquest to rule over their life and death, worked" in the sense of protection from foreign invaders that would not only subjugate them but kill them and steal their produce. Remember, democracy wasn't even a concept back then, it was slowly developed as oligarchy slowly died after decades of trial and error. If you asked a medieval peasant if he supports the king, he would most likely say he does as the king provides order and protection. Do you think anyone could forcefully rule over someone else for an elongated period of time? where does someone's prowess over someone else even come from? the king is one while the people are many. why do you think the British are so proud of their queen if oligarchy is solely a symbol of oppression?

other than that, i'd like to know how you highlight text if you don't mind informing me.

1 point


Yes, everything moves forward, but through slow pragmatism, people constantly try new things and what fails dies out while what works better stays. Virtually no positive progression ever came from a swift and forceful implementation of anything.

1 point


at who is your comment directed at? because I really don't understand your argument.

1 point

really? so you're saying that the people Antifa deems nazi's and the self proclaimed nazi's Antifa is attacking murdered Jews? and even if they did, we have a justice system.

1 point

Hitler was an animal lover, are you good with him? and why do you think it's ok to attack Nazis and white supremacists?

1 point


what are the means of production? factories? the raw materials that are required in order to create factories already exist in abundance all around you, your incapability of creating factories yourself doesn't mean people that were able to create factories owe you anything.

1 point


who defines what anything is worth? how can the seller overcharge? the buyer gets what he wants cheaper than the cost of what?

1 point

how does capitalism reward only the few? and you should read your comment again, you basically made an argument against capitalism being forcefully implemented and only rewarding a select few.

1 point


your entire argument is predicated on capitalism being forcefully implemented by a select few, can you prove it is so?

1 point

anecdotal evidence doesn't equate to anything, you may as well just say I'm wrong because you want me to be wrong

1 point

the problem is that a majority of women are gravitated around a minority of men, the manifestation of the problem doesn't rely on the reason they do so.

1 point

women may advocate indecisiveness and weakness among men as a result of envy, but women are biologically attracted to aggressive and strong men. the reason being that in ancient times when an enemy tribe descended upon another and killed all the men, women could either subjecte themselves to the conquering men or die in their hands, the women that didn't subjugate themselves died and didn't pass on their defiant genes while the women that did subjugate themselves survived and passed on their capitulating genes.

other than that, your argument doesn't contradict mine.

1 point

so why is there a need for the implementation of communism through a violent revolution? can't you just form communism with a bunch of people that respond better to collective progress? why force your ideology on people? especially as if you do, it means they respond better to personal hedonism which makes them unsuited for communism.

1 point

if You can withdraw only the total product of your own labour what's the point of a communist society? its basically everyone on their own.

other than that, theft is illegal in the west. Didn't you know?

1 point

saying "you're wrong" doesn't refute any argument in any way.

1 point

virtually for the entirety of humanities existence women were second class citizens, and during that time we experienced mostly growth. only as recently as women were alleviated from their responsibility birth rates have begun to plummet, which will result in the dying of the west... Frankly the opposite of what you think is true. but hey, you can keep your feeling of moral superiority and watch western civilization collapse.

other than that, you made a false dichotomy, its not either feminism or inequality before the law, personally, I think men and women should be equal before the law and only encouraged by society to fulfil traditional gender roles.

1 point

are you alleging that you wouldn't have to work in a communist society? if nobody works, how would you obtain the bare minimum?

the less you work the more other people need to work in order to supplement what constitutes the bare minimum that you need. so yes, the less you work the more you receive from others.

not to mention that the "bare minimum" is food and water both we can easily obtain ourselves and we did so for most of humanity's existence.

other than that, what constitutes "using your abilities"? and I don't understand, in your version of communism people receive from what?

1 point

why would number 3 want to be part of a communist society? and you understand that communism creates an environment that encourages people not to work? the less you work the more you receive from others. other than that, what is your definition of communism?

1 point

There's no selling in communism, everything is already owned by everyone and you can't sell people something that's already theirs. a valid analogy would be 3 people, 1 produces 50$ of value, 2 also produces 50$ of value and 3 produces 200$ of value. so 1 and 2 decide to forcefully confiscate 100$ of 3's produce and distribute it between themselves so everyone's equal. if 3 wanted to give 2 and 1 his produce there'd be no need to initiate communism through a violent revolution because he'd do so himself.

1 point

explain yourself, how would The overwhelming majority of people gain on paper under communism?

1 point

so why would the people that receive less than they contribute want to be part of a communist society?

1 point

what is the point of mentioning her race? if she was white would her behavior be less of a problem?

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