
Debate Info

Let's do it. Just ignore him.
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:33
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 Let's do it. (11)
 Just ignore him. (10)

Debate Creator

Bettyjoe(402) pic

A strategy on how to deal with and a plan to get back at - SaintNow.

Saintnow tries to get people to go to his debates so that he can ban them.  I say we boycot his debates and only engage him in other people's debates where he cannot ban anyone.  We can copy/duplicate his debates so that we can answer his stupid questionsany way we wish.  Once he enters anyone of our debates, we ban him.  If you have already been banned in one of his debates, make another account and continue pissing him off.

Or we can just ignore him.

Let's do it.

Side Score: 15

Just ignore him.

Side Score: 15
2 points

I have reactivated some of my old, puppet accounts and keep on pulling his chain. ;)

Side: Let's do it.
1 point

And after you say that Slapshot starts posting again very suspicious.

Side: Let's do it.
1 point

Look at when his account was created. Then look at when my account was created. Then look at my name and guess, who am I, really?

Side: Let's do it.
2 points

People have been doing this for a while already, and I appreciate it. I make my point in the OP, and when my debate is copied, the point is published twice as much as I worked for. I generally stay out of the copied debates and the juvenile delinquents who want to stomp my debates get bored with each other because they have nothing to talk about when I'm not there supporting the OP.

Ya'll enjoy!!


I hope this helps!!


Side: Let's do it.
2 points

Ahhh how cute you're mimicking your lover Slapshot now.

Side: Let's do it.
1 point

Are you saying that I am just wrestling with a pig? Oh...., wait...., you can't answer that, can you? You just got banned. Pitty. ;)

Side: Let's do it.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

That's because nothing you say is ever worthy of discussion.

Side: Just ignore him.

I vote to boycott his debates. His problem is not just that he's a rabid Zealot but his theology and biblical interpretation just plain sucks. This is what happens alot with Literalists. They don't get enough of practice at interpreting the allegory and metaphor that was the language in many of the stories. Especially in the Torah. So they miss the bigger and more profound picture. The forest for the trees.

And when I best Ain'tNow with my interpretations, he either attacks me and my church, or bans me. I would be more tolerant if his shaky theology but he drives people away from Christianity. Does far more harm than good to our cause of spreading the Word. Thus I would advocate a boycott of his debates. Which btw are not even debates but bully pulpit theological rants.

God Bless

Side: Let's do it.
2 points

I've been managing to get unbanned. You people are clearly just doing something wrong to get banned.

Side: Just ignore him.
1 point

Thanks, Pro. I'm pretty clear in what I want for the conversations. Some people just can't figure it out....focus on the OP, be careful about profanity, and you wont' get banned. I try to let things go from people who are commenting but not being do that sometimes, make an odd comment that's really harmless and I can see you are trying to be lighthearted in it.

Look at Slap Shot.......when I first came on, he was the most obnoxious and annoying atheist but he won my respect by being an honest man, and I let him get away with some cursing in my debates because he earned that right by battling with me and showing me some respect. Hindu's and Buddhists are more rock headed than atheists. At least atheists try to stay down to earth. When you argue with a jester who thinks he is an expression of the divine and can do no evil, that's a horse of a different color. Even though they are basically the same, atheists are generally more reasonable than Hindus who think they are god or part of god or whatever their opiated brain makes them feel like.

Side: Just ignore him.

I just ignore and move on, unless I feel like razzing him.


Side: Just ignore him.
1 point

I'll quickly tire of him and then just ignore him. But I plan to have a little fun first. ;)

Side: Just ignore him.
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Only fools copy other's debates! Are you a fool? Would you want people copying your debates because you were such an idiot to copy theirs?

Here's a novel idea. IGNORE HIM if you don't like how he runs his debates. He has every right to ban you as do you have every right to ban him. It's called freedom! Why would you waste your time in someone's debate if they don't want to deabte with you? GET SOME PRIDE!

Side: Let's do it.
2 points

You have to know this is already a losing crusade for you.

Side: Just ignore him.
1 point

Thank you for your support.

Side: Let's do it.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I, for once, agree with you.

I also think that if we could remove the words "fool" and "idiot" from your vocabulary we could save a lot of internet space.

Side: Let's do it.
1 point

That's essentially the practice of straw manning an argument, but with removing any chance for a defense.

That's not even debating, so what's the point, beside stroking your egos?

Side: Just ignore him.
1 point

Even Cartman can behave himself in my debates sometimes well enough to not get banned...until he head explodes and he really gets mad and disruptive and I have to ban him.....but I was surprised he did very well a couple times.

You do ok sometimes and I appreciate it. People go off and on from my auto ban list depending on how much they annoyed me with profanity and closed minded arguments which cause deafness resulting in obnoxiousness. I would much rather be ignored than to have people come to my debates just to make trouble and obscure focus on the OP which I hope to get people going in for constructive conversation. The multi-personality creator of this debate IS on my auto ban list and will probably stay there for a while.

Side: Just ignore him.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Cartman never had his head explode in your debates because you are too fucking dumb to make a point. Dumb mother fuckers like you are afraid of words that are "naughty".

Side: Let's do it.
1 point

You're making this harder than it needs to be. If you want to respond to him and he hasn't already banned you just say your part but make sure it's complete enough to stand on its own even if he bans you. Done. It's that simple.

And if indeed you were pre-banned by a debater then either ignore them or start your own debate on the subject so you can speak your mind.

This doesn't take an orchestrated plan. Just speak where you get the chance to and if you lose the chance to continue in the middle either walk away or start your own separate debate.

Personally I don't think his banning anyone convinces any other user on the site that he just won whatever the argument was. Don't worry. If he bans you mid debate I'll think no less of you nor consider you to be beaten.

Side: Just ignore him.
1 point

I usually completely disagree with him, but, I will defend his right to his rights, just like I would defend yours.

I wish he would refrain from name calling, deciding who will go to hell, etc., but if he insists on making enemies .... that is also his right.

Problem is, HE wont give US the right to disagree with him ... not very Christian ... or American ... of him.

Side: Just ignore him.