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 Being good vs Being bad (What is the better option for the oppressed) (53)

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Ignoramis(381) pic

Being good vs Being bad (What is the better option for the oppressed)

I've noticed that when you are bad, you get things even when no one wants you to get things.
I've noticed that when you are good, you only get things, when people want you to have them.

Thus, being bad is the logical option for those that are disliked and oppressed, right?
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I think good is good, but sometimes bad is better. Even Mae West thought so.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Your sin separates you from God, and as long as you love your sin you will remain separated from God and not experience knowing Him, and if you won't repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you'll be separated from God forever in Hell.

1 point

Since Jesus already died for my alleged sins, I am sin free and therefore, it's party time!

The benefits of being good far outweigh the benefits of being bad.

What happens to the bad person who is all about himself and scoring on that one night stand? Oh, he has fun for an evening but soon he might find out he has contracted some sexual disease, or finds out he's going to be a father.

That one night could effect his entire life whether it be child support, health problems, financial problems, court battles, etc.

The good person has the patience to wait for love before the sex. What a novel concept!

He probably will not have to pay child support while also supporting children from other women. He won't have to worry about sexually transmitted diseases. He will won't have the stress from all the problems he created with that one night stand. He won't have the guilt of the hard life his abandoned child is going through.

How about the woman who chooses to have that one night stand? Can you imagine the depression when she finds out she is pregnant? Can you imagine the guilt and shame if she should have an abortion? Can you imagine her explaining to her child why she had sex with such a loser who would walk out on his child. Can you imagine the hard life she will have raising a child without a father?

The benefits from being good are played out in all areas of life whether it be our jobs, our families, our future retirement, our security in life, etc.

Hard work and showing up for work each day keeps our jobs. Having good grades, having a good work record and resume make it easy to find other jobs should our current employer go out of business.

Being good provides so many benefits and stress free lives.

Being bad creates misery in life.

ProLogos(2794) Disputed
2 points

Your argument basically amounts to "Don't be bad unless you have the common knowledge to avoid negative consequences....

So as long as the oppressed know how to avoid the undesirable, the oppressed should be bad to be satisfied.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Do you actually believe people even think about avoiding negative consequences, when getting drunk and chasing after that one night hook up?

Our welfare roles are filled with people who could not care less about possible negative consequences.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

Your sin separates you from God, and as long as you love your sin you will remain separated from God and not experience knowing Him, and if you won't repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you'll be separated from God forever in Hell.

1 point

Be good when people or the system are being good to you and bad when they're not. And if you know being bad will cause a crackdown then pick and choose the right times and ways to be bad. Adapting to every situation is the only way for the oppressed to have a chance at avoiding death and suffering.

Basically pick and choose your battles.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

Your sin separates you from God, and as long as you love your sin you will remain separated from God and not experience knowing Him, and if you won't repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you'll be separated from God forever in Hell.

SatintLater(283) Disputed
1 point

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1 point

Have you actually read anyone else's arguments on this website?

SatintLater(283) Disputed
1 point

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AlofRI(3294) Clarified
0 points

WOW. You almost make as much sense as FromWithin and Saintnow (etc). I'd kind of like to know what you're smoking or drinking ...there are times when I could use it.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I actually read the post and I base my answers on that, not what anyone else thinks.

Edit: (Why can't createdebate place responses where they are intended! )

1 point

Your sin separates you from God, and as long as you love your sin you will remain separated from God and not experience knowing Him, and if you won't repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you'll be separated from God forever in Hell.

SatintLater(283) Disputed
1 point

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Getting what you want from life doesn't necessarily mean you have to be bad, or good for that matter. Providing the methods you employ to gain what you desire doesn't involve breaking any laws and stays within the bounds of accepted decency then a good or bad element does not enter the equation. If a nation is oppressed then this problem can be addressed and probably resolved by a popular uprising. If any deadly force is necessary for a subjugated people to free themselves from cruel tyranny then the means will justify the end. If someone wants material possessions and wealth then this can be achieved through entrepreneurial enterprise and hard work. So, life's desires can be obtained without having to resort to what is perceived as being ''bad''.

0 points

I've noticed that when you are good, people tend to want to give you things more often.

I've noticed that when you are bad, people tend to want to give you things less often.

Ignoramis(381) Disputed
1 point

What happened with wall street? Why are people who work at non-profits doing poorly?

I think people will give you more if they think you can give them more, thus, the concept of sales.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Heart attack, strokes, any psychologically related disorder with physiological links basically are far more prevalent and significantly shorten the lifespan AND quality of life of the wall street type of person.

0 points

There's a saying. "I'd rather be rich and guilty than poor and innocent."

The oppressed might be walked all over if they are "good", and behave. The "beautiful people" can get what they want , whenever. Sometimes the "oppressed" need to be "bad", to get ANYTHING!

0 points

Yeah, there are a lot of studies supporting what you just said. It is funny isn't it? I don't see why you'd get down voted.

However, I also believe some people are naturally treated better by others.

I've seen it. Perhaps, it is looks, perhaps, it is something else.

I know looks is part of it, but there is something else there, that I don't quite grasp.