
Debate Info

Christians Atheists
Debate Score:85
Total Votes:112
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 Christians (18)
 Atheists (23)

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Hellno(17724) pic

CD Smackdown #1: Who Trolls More, Christians or Atheists?

This is an Intangible-Free Debate.


Side Score: 40


Side Score: 45
1 point

I'm pretty sure Jc and Danny were Christians, and they're the biggest trolls this site ever had.

Side: Christians
4 points

True, true... and the "new guys"... give me a break. Three psycho, christian, anti-gay, whack-a-noddles all show up at the exact same time? LOL.

Side: Christians
1 point

They're probably Jc.

Side: Christians
1 point

Actually Danny wasn't a Christian.

Side: Christians
1 point

How do you know that? He was the biggest liar in CD history.

Side: Christians
1 point

Are you sure? He had fake atheist accounts, but I think he was a Christian.

Side: Christians
1 point

As of lately Christians.

It's like God has unleashed his Wrathful army upon us here on Createdebate, I swear those little Jesus trolls came out the woodwork almost as if it was a planned attack set forth by the Westboro baptist Church.

Side: Christians
2 points

Dude.... have you been watching a little too much MSNBC?

Side: Christians
1 point

Lol, just wait till around Christmas, toon into Fox News, we are going to hear from Bill O'Reilly again for the 5th year on how Christmas is under attack by the Atheist. "The War on Christmas V"

Side: Christians

Seriously look how many anti-gay Christian accounts have appeared here recently?

Side: Christians
5 points

Most of the 'Christian' Trolls are actually atheists.

Side: Atheists
3 points

Atheist have become pretty good at erecting christian strawmen so they can turn around and tear them down. Not that the christians need it, but it is disingenuous on atheists part. The sad thing is atheists are becoming as ideologically inflexible as christinas or any other religionist, and they don't see it.

Side: Atheists
God_(507) Clarified
1 point


Side: Christians

Atheists have more of a history in CD, but I've seen more Christian trolls lately.

Side: Atheists

Really many atheists pretend being a fanatic christian. It's getting old, stop it.

Side: Atheists
1 point

Girl... where you been?

Side: Atheists

Heey :D

I've been raising a kid, how you've been? :)

Side: Atheists
1 point

Proportionally, atheists

Side: Atheists